"GRACE to Forget?"

The "grace to forget" does not mean that our recall or remembrance of past disappointments, issues or hurts are completely erased from our hearts and minds!

It is simply a faith-recognition and acknowledgement that the only way to move forward is to stop looking backwards.

"Forgetting things which are behind, and pressing towards those things which are before us" is God's remedy for us monopolizing on everything that has happened up to the point that we "see" what He can only reveal once He has our undivided attention.

Those "attention-getters" are a refining mechanism in the walk of faith, and dramatically shifts us back into alignment and agreement with His heart, as our reframing and retraining becomes a priority in the learning curves and educational moments that make us powerful proponents of His purpose above our pursuits!

Our definitions of what is "meaningful and useful" for our lives then shifts to making the most of every moment! Properly stewarding your talent, time and treasure then triggers Him to release greater provisions and power to swiftly resolve the unforgettable times that eat away at us; without the constant reassessment of what was done right or wrong - into a transforming and transcendent perspective of pleasing God and pursuing His higher purpose instead!

There are some people, places and things that you'd like to remember, like that romantic encounter or that defining moment in your career path. But, even the accolades and accomplishments worth rehashing will soon become old news - so the "grace to forget" isn't just about the breakups, hang ups or mess ups; it's about expanding our capacity to receive in the here and now.

Your faith determines your vision, and your capacity to forget proves that you believe that God is true to His word and promises. Meeting the conditions for His blessings then evolves into a heightened awareness of His handiwork in circumstances that seem to have no real meaning or value to that which you're waiting to see manifest!

We'll never stop learning lessons and growing up, IF our made up minds to move on and be strong is the growing expectation in our hearts, and as the darkness and the storms begin to represent His unfolding plan - not our disappointing blunders and someone else's wicked affronts against us.

Finally, the greatest power available to us in light of a true biblical perspective of our enemies, is quickly resolved too - as we realize that God's Sovereignty and Providence are never altered by demonic attacks, verbal assaults, or during our wilderness wanderings that attest to our need to trust Him no matter how things may appear.

So, the "grace to forget" is a supernatural gift, and we'd all be foolish to camp out around "what was", because "what is and what will be" is attached to our reacquaintance with His Glorious Plan - as we see things with fresh eyes because we trust His goodness and understand His heart!

Now, pray for forgetfulness as I've defined it in this post based upon God's Word, it could very well be "the door" that leads to greater fulfillment if you just open your eyes!


Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)


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