"Preaching & Teaching: The Gospel of the Kingdom"
and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom" is all about "proclaiming the truth of
the life and ministry, saving and healing power, and the glorious resurrection
and ascension of Jesus Christ for eternal salvation, victorious living, and
heavenly bliss for all eternity"; to EVERYONE who will listen and receive "the ETERNAL
gift", packaged in the Gospel Message.
Most people
know what they’ve done wrong, what they’re doing wrong, and what they should be
doing; so what does long sermons about how horrible of a sinner we all are
really going to accomplish for the Kingdom of God?
Jesus knew
exactly who He was calling when He chose the twelve disciples. He did not indoctrinate any of them who chose
to follow Him – He simply asked questions and made statements that spoke to
their own heart searching and longing; then He developed relationships one day
at a time.
deliberately condemning gospel and a sin-bashing preacher is devoid of the true
and required understanding of the finished work of Christ at Calvary; and often
vacillates between great victory and agonizing defeat themselves, because the
message they preach is full of the mixture of law and grace.
The laws and principles of the kingdom need to be taught so that every disciple is prepared to live victoriously on earth in their unique calling and assignment; but ultimately for the responsibility they will fulfill throughout eternity. God’s economy is different, and our preparation for eternity with Him is crucial, because the rewards and opportunities have everything to do with the faith we’re developing now for the life to come.
Nothing more than leading immature believers
into further condemnation, or the sinner into a prison of shame, because they
know that their weak, frail, and prone to return back to their old ways or sin.
the Gospel of the Kingdom, is proclaiming the "kingdom ideals" and sharing the
good news from the Word of God, which automatically reveals “the standard”, in
the person of Jesus Christ. It brings
the saint and sinner into full awareness of the finished work, the grace of
God, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to equip them to live a victorious
life without staying in condemnation or being unable to live up to the perfect
standard of the law – Jesus did it for us!
Is our righteousness both now and throughout all
eternity (Jer. 33:16)
Fulfilled all righteousness (the law’s perfect
standard) on behalf of all mankind (Matt. 3:15)
Imputed His righteousness upon every believer
who has accepted Him as Savior and Lord (Isa. 61:10-11)
Provides righteousness
by faith to all who believe on His name “by faith alone” and “grace alone”,
but not of works so that no one may boast (Eph. 2:8-9; Phil. 3:8-9)
The laws and principles of the kingdom need to be taught so that every disciple is prepared to live victoriously on earth in their unique calling and assignment; but ultimately for the responsibility they will fulfill throughout eternity. God’s economy is different, and our preparation for eternity with Him is crucial, because the rewards and opportunities have everything to do with the faith we’re developing now for the life to come.
believers discover their place in God’s kingdom work, there will neither be
competition or jealousy brewing within hearts toward other people.
faith is NEVER a burden, when your faith is based upon and resting in - the
Word of God!
If you act upon the word, you have nothing to fear, nothing to manufacture, and nothing to stay awake about! You let the confidence of the sustaining power of the God’s word, which the universe and the entire world as we know it, rests upon – and the journey will be without any strain, stress or struggle!
If you act upon the word, you have nothing to fear, nothing to manufacture, and nothing to stay awake about! You let the confidence of the sustaining power of the God’s word, which the universe and the entire world as we know it, rests upon – and the journey will be without any strain, stress or struggle!
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