What you will read below, and what you will hear in the blog is STRONG MEAT, and it will place a demand on your faith! DO NOT READ THIS BLOG, if you are NOT ready to SAY YES completely to the Lord's will for your life! 

 Why? Because when TRUTH is spoken in an anointed or "appointed" season, STUFF starts to happen; and it is NOT always comfortable!

But, if you REALLY WANT the will of God to unfold without delay — EMBRACE THESE WORDS WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART; and watch God transform your life in a revolutionary way! 

 This is not an attempt to impress you with biblical knowledge or profound revelation.  BUT, an earnest plea from my heart to yours!  LET IT HAPPEN IN YOU; so it can happen FOR YOU! END OF DISCLAIMER. WS-3

All of you have a special place in my heart, and as we all "wait in expectancy" - looking unto Jesus for our direction and purpose to be fulfilled - Are we all waiting gracefully, and in faith?

Every person that we've had dialogue with concerning the possibilities of working together and building relationship (COVENANT) – has a specific and unique purpose that God intends to be fulfilled, especially in the lives of the mature and obedient. But, every person also has some significant work going on in their souls – to relinquish past pain, confront their brokenness and NOT own it, and begin to realize the purpose for God's choice in each of us; by letting it happen IN US, so that it will happen FOR US!

Every one of us has ISSUES waiting on God! Many get disillusioned and quit, because of the onslaught of demonic assaults and attacks that comes against our minds concerning God's promise to us! It's easy for us to SEE God blessing someone else, but is often quite difficult for us to remain hopeful that God will "get around" to doing it for us! The deception in this is – what God intends to do FOR US He does IN US! We actually release the miracles and provisions for our lives and destinies by losing our lives for His sake… (SELAH)

We've all in frustration and aggravation asked the Lord "why we are waiting?", and when we step back to see the results – we see patience and maturity of character developing through severe pruning and testing that just doesn't always seem fair! The greater warfare around waiting is – it often challenges our theology about "faith", and causes friction between our present reality and the future promise God has made to us.

If "faith" is NOW FAITH, according to Hebrews 11 – How does patiently waiting "jive" with now faith? Since we KNOW that faith is now, and healing is now – because of what Jesus accomplished at Calvary – Why is "the wait" a necessary part of the process? Haven't I been "good enough" or "obedient enough" to get God's promise manifested in my life, by now? What do I have to prove to God to get Him to FINALLY MOVE on my behalf, and change the circumstance I've been looking at for the past two, five or ten years?

Excellent question – Here's the answer…

Faith bridges the spiritual and natural realms! The "spiritual realm" is the eternal realities that are the foundation of every thing that is seen! The "natural or temporary realm" is the present realities that are subject to change, based upon the release of God's word through His deputized and authorized vessels that speak or make the investment in the spiritual dimension, which shortens the time of waiting and builds a spirit resolve in your heart that is unmovable and unshakable!

Our biggest problem is – we DO NOT wait GRACEFULLY! The person who is content where they are right now, does NOT ACCEPT the "status quo" or succumb to every new wind that blows – but presses toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus the Lord! I know that sounds real "spiritual", but sometimes the reason we wait and wait and wait - is because "what" we're waiting for means more to us than God Himself! It's actually an idol of our own making, and "the way" that we sulk and pout are a testament of the immaturity and selfishness that is really in our hearts - that we may not always know is there!

What "faith" does NOT represent is a continuous and prolonged "effort" to sow enough good seed to get God to move, which is actually a form of works that will NOT yield the harvest we're expecting. The faith we're speaking of develops godliness with contentment, which brings the "gain" or increase we've been expecting without the unnecessary blood, sweat and tears that comes from laboring in your own strength, but disguising it as the "necessary works" to bring your harvest to pass. Don't deceive yourself – God needs your faithfulness and obedience, not your random acts and misguided sacrifices.

Being "content" means we are NOT COVETOUS, but inwardly sufficient in Christ, while resting in eternal hope that will NOT disappoint us!

The charge for each of us is to continue to INTENSELY ANTICIPATE and EARNESTLY EXPECT God to do just what He said – even when there is no earthly reason to believe anything is or will ever happen! When David learned to encourage himself in the Lord, he was "passing a test" that qualified him to first steward the lives of (600) "defeated, in debt and in despair men and their families" – while he was running for his own life! You've been asking God, "why He's always using you to encourage someone else, and you need encouragement yourself – BUT THIS IS THE TRUE CALL OF MATURITY IN THE SPIRIT!

You "press through" the demonic forces that would talk you out of your large and wealthy place by suppressing your expectations, and reminding you of the repetitive disappointments and failures you've experienced from the past! Expectation is NOT ONLY the breeding ground of miracles, it is the FINAL STEP to manifestation! This is why when the enemy is really attacking you he TRIES TO GET YOU TO SHUT UP! As long as you keep speaking God's word, and placing demands on His promises EVERY DAY, no matter if there are blue or gray skies – YOU ARE ENTERING into the rest and peace of God, where NO STRUGGLE is necessary to SEE HIS HANDIWORK unfold!

What we all have to do is INTERNALIZE God's promises to the degree that they SHUT OUT every nagging voice and lying spirit that is working to seduce and deceive you into believing God could ever lie or fail to fulfill His promises!

Proverbs 23:18 says, there is an end ( to every battle, struggle and disappointment) and YOUR EXPECTATION shall NOT be cut off! Now – if we have the "wrong expectation" God will intervene, when we actually (in our hearts) want what He wants for us! But, the many disappointments and negative occurrences we've all faced were NOT MEANT to frustrate our expectancy in Him, but teach us to relinquish our control completely to Him and rest in His power, wisdom and goodness for fulfilling His will without fail!

You obviously know how easy it is to be disappointed, and that's because we need to learn to manage our own expectations – while keeping them in check and balanced! The enemy's job is to remind us of our failures and disappointments, but when you actually think about what "dis-appointments" are – you learn to REJOICE over what God did NOT permit you to do! "Dis" refers to without, and "appointment" refers to a meeting place or timeframe for something to occur!

DISAPPOINTMENT is nothing more than our misplaced expectation in a person, place or thing that reveals the heart's devotion and commitment!


Losing our lives occurs the moment we resign all results of our faith and obedience to God! It's NOT about winning or losing in the human sense of things, but it's all about the victory and the glory that comes to God as a result of abandoning and submitting every aspect of our lives to His sovereign care!

When people mistreat, use or abuse us – not only is vengeance the Lord's, but the recompense and reward for trusting Him when you appear to be at a disadvantage is FINALLY "marked off" in your heart as the necessary loss for the surpassing glory and knowledge gained through total surrender to His will and His ways!

We are NOT completely trusting God until all of our reasoning and analysis of the situation, and how we will be victorious in it is UNCLEAR! When worldliness is really a part of our makeup and spiritual frame, we struggle with resigning both spiritual and natural issues to Him!

The deceitfulness of the heart imprisons and prolongs unnecessary wavering until our true allegiance to God's ways, purposes and acts is properly revered.

When we do NOT concede to the enemy's lies, accusations and violent assaults against our minds and emotions by standing our ground in God's word – we release the Host of Heaven to demand repayment and restoration based upon God's original intent! We do NOT have to scream, yell or revile the enemy with insults, which is NOT NECESSARY! Our consistent praise and focused prayers through confessions from His word bring forth the promises and provisions just like He said!

NOW – I know that just like the ministry of Jesus in John the sixth chapter, after He spoke to the disciples of them "eating his flesh and drinking his blood" that MANY forsook or discontinued from following him because of the "hard sayings" he spoke…We don't expect anything less! The Lord is NOT GOING TO ALLOW YOU to half-heartedly carry out His will for your life, and IF He's called you to walk with us in this journey of faith, He's also NOT going to permit ANY COMPROMISE among us – we either eat the WHOLE OF HIS FLESH (His Word and Spirit) or we serve our other gods!

As for ME and MY HOUSE, we will serve the Lord!

God's promise to you – even IF He happens to use someone as "the resource" in a given season, is TOTALLY contingent upon WHAT HAPPENS IN YOU!

What makes us different from the world is – the world's system wants you to "prosper" at the expense of your own soul! True "kingdom citizens" want YOU to prosper and to be in health, AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS!

Pray about what you hear God saying to you, and walk accordingly! If YOU ARE CALLED to stand with us (Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.) then EXPRESS IT through your agreement in response to these words!



In His Service,

Apostle Walter L. Smith III

Sent from WS-3's iPhone


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