Sent from WS-3's iPhone
"And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing]." (Revelation 12:11 AMP)
I have NEVER lived more conscious of my own mortality, as I have in this season - and, I assign it to several distinct circumstances and situations that have occurred in my life..
#1 - The loss of every major influence and pillar amongst my family and my closest friend/mentor, during the past ten years.
#2 - My lay-off from my last corporate job over two-and-a-half years ago, having to totally depend upon The Lord - day-by-day.
#3 - Turning "40", and having a sense of even a greater degree of purpose and focus - in really making a difference for eternity.
#4 - "Walking alone" and learning the importance of keeping my trust "in The Lord", and allowing HIM to lead me in joining or building a community of believers and support, that I can give, grow and learn from.
Here recently - especially in the past three years, I haven't felt that I was going to "graduate to heaven" (in death), as much as I've felt the nearness of CHRIST's Return; or a greater dimension of HIS Purpose being lived out in and through my life..
I have been "eternalized", from the standpoint of making HIS Priorities and Purpose - my own priority and focus, while "daily dying" to what I now see and understand to be the "captivating compromises" that vie for our affections and attention ("cares of this life"); which we could categorically call a part of the "American Dream"..
Huh? "Well, what do you mean? GOD wants us "blessed", and HE doesn't mind us having nice things, etc..!"
NO, HE DOES NOT..BUT, "nice things seem to have us"! (Rev.3:14-20)
I AGREE that "to be a blessing - you must be blessed", and I'm definitely NOT attempting to intrude into the "financial area too much - Boo...". Lol
Because, I KNOW the moment that I "cross that line" in conversation with many Christians - the sharp comments and challenges to much of the "erroneous prosperity doctrine" that "we've believed - that I'm speaking directly too, will bring the "mini-theologian" out of some people (lol); and you'll give one justification after another, for why "bigger barns" are the will of God for you...?!?"
"Lawd have mercy!" Lol
As I write this devotion, I can't tell you of the countless encounters I've had with "believers", whose spiritual depth and acquaintance with God's ways - is as impotent and weak as their witness for Christ; so, they assign the suffering and seemingly "closed heavens" over another believer, to some "sin"; instead of "seeing God", who is "proving that HIS grace and integrity in the life of every follower that is completely reliant upon CHRIST" - can stand in full assurance, that GOD will not forsake or deny, HIS own!
GOD TRUSTS YOU, when HE will allow "you to be the canvas - for HIS Will & HIS Ways!" The "overcoming testimony" is actually born out of this kind of usefulness to CHRIST!
Some of our "ideas" about what will bring glory to God, is REALLY all about what will bring glory to us..And, if you're sincerely desirous of being mightily used by The Lord, you'll recognize that experiencing "the height, the depth, the width, and the length of the LOVE that surpasses knowledge" - is actually an invitation to walk in and through dark places, without fear, without the "smell of smoke", and without being drowned by the floods of darkness and despair that should destroy you..But, strengthen your witness for CHRIST, instead!
DECIDE TODAY to be an "unedited version" for CHRIST through your "overcoming testimony"!
What does that mean?
Don't allow the Christian culture's definition of "victory in CHRIST", be represented by an untrue picture of "faith that gets everything it decrees or asks for" (NOT!); or by a "made-up presentation" for church folks that shares the "half-told testimony" that "leaves out the real deliverance and drama" that God has brought you through!
I'm declaring that "the REAL CHURCH is standing up", and we will once and for all OVERTHROW the works of darkness that hold many believers hostage, because our REAL TESTIMONIES are hidden to preserve our reputations; leaving the enemy the advantage over God's people, and dramatically limiting the ability for GOD to use our voices to bring glory to HIS name - no matter what we have to go through, without guilt, regret or shame! WS-3
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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