In the middle of me handling some ministry business at one of my Starbuck's offices (LOL!) in walks "Pamela Anderson", who I had an opportunity to speak with for a brief moment...
I have NEVER been "star-struck" over celebrities, although I do have a few FAVS that I would gladly hang out with; if opportunity ever presented itself.. HOLLA, if you hear me! Lol!
BUT, in light of my prayerful posture and Intercessory ministry for people who are affected by the "adult industry", this brief time was by no COINCIDENCE!
I'm BELIEVING GOD to do some "crazy things" in the coming days, and my ministry to celebrity-types will continue to grow - as Christ's End-Time Agenda remains my focus and pursuit; God willing!
PRAY for Pam, and everyone else that you may know (for whatever reason you've become acquainted with them; LOL!) because MANY of them are "Saul's of Tarsus" that are coming out by being KNOCKED off their beast - and we have to be there to rescue them for HIM!
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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