“Rebel, With A Cause!”

I think there has been more war and more bloodshed over the philosophical disagreements and resistance to traditions, than we could probably account for through reviewing all the chronicles of history and our own family heritages!

For one, I know that we're all aware of the common family battles on television that have existed for generation after generation, and no one really remembers "why" they're fighting.  Recently, on a re-run of the old Andy Griffith show on TV Land, the Winfield and McCoy families were in one of those ridiculous disputes; but the son of the Winfield's - and the daughter of the McCoy's "fell in love".  Their youthful love prevailed above the pedantic arguments of their predecessors and parents, and eventually changed the direction of their future generations; at least that is how I would have ended the story..

Well, I realize that I have fallen prey to the same misaligned thinking, by creating more trouble for myself than necessary.  Oftentimes, many of my wrong decisions have created opportunities for disappointment, for debt, for dis-ease, and for despair, because the traditions of the fathers "looked more like prison bars and feet stocks", too me than anything else that I have ever encountered! (Lol)

Don't get me wrong... Even Jesus said, "the traditions of men make the commandments of God of no affect".  But, oftentimes, we've seen ministries birthed out of a rebellion towards the "status quo", and what was really needed required a commitment to prayer and patience in waiting for God to change the situation in His own timing.

Yet, God has not called any of us to blindly subject ourselves to "a prison of religious bondage" -- for His name's sake; UNLESS “the prison” facilitates His will in our lives, which leads to an eternal impact on someone else's; which is called “purpose”!

One of my favorite scriptures is found in Malachi 4:4- 6, which basically states that "in the Spirit of Elijah", "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers."

Now, in light of that scripture, let's deal with this "prodigal story" a step at a time; because it is really a lot deeper than you may think.  If this is the premise for “defining father-son relationships”, then the church has a lot of work to do, and the onus or responsibility, is on both individuals to resist the temptation: 1) to reject one another, and 2) to stay in our separate worlds — because "I can make it without you attitude", seems so prevalent and rampant throughout the church today..

You know what else —  I've finally realized that we've all been spreading the fame of the prodigal son a little too much, and have really dishonored the "prodigal's father", who truly exemplifies God the Father in his reaction to his son's departure and subsequent “in anticipation” of his son’s return because of the father’s heart to forgive and represent the Heart of Father God.

First, let's all stop acting like the natural processes of life, which includes some form of "adolescent rebellion" during the cycles of human development, is “the end of the world”.  Let's also stop acting as if none of us have ever just "wanted our stuff" - RIGHT NOW; and, have also never “thrown our own temper tantrums in the floor”, when we didn't get what we wanted — when we wanted it!

If the "developmental transitions" in the Spirit were any different from our natural ones -- and they are not, we would have "excuse" for not understanding the development of believers.  But, because we have the Holy Spirit, understanding their similarities is the key to effective spiritual discipleship and leadership development — carried on the shoulders of the fathers; so we maximize our impact on developing "true disciples" through leveraging our own sanctified experiences by demonstrating Christ's compassion, and then truly connecting with those dealing with similar struggles or realities in their “God ordained process”!

Like Jesus, "who grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man"; He-Himself, felt the need to do His Father's business – BEFORE IT WAS TIME!  So, a father's reaction to his son or daughter's seemingly rebellious actions or attitude, is REALLY just -- "Parenting 101", and mission critical to providing a heart and frame for "fathering" the hurting, the wounded, the confused, the rebellious, the orphaned, and the ornery children — JUST LIKE YOU and ME!

 Let's take a look at the story through the lens and language of the "street-wise" brotha', who sees things this way…(Lol)  A "Key & Peele" moment..(Lol)

NOW (with a hilariously high-piched, "mack-daddy voice")....

SO, we all know "the prodigal": "Prematurely left the crib"; "Spent up his cheese (cash) on chicks and booze"; "Squandered away all his dividends (money) – which led to homelessness and digging in pig slop"; "He awakens from his stupor"; "Decides to head back to the crib"; "And, finally prays his heart out - that his pops won't kick him to the curb, and reject him for dishonoring him and forsaking the family"..."You FEEEEL me?"

What's amazing about all those facts, is that we've heard preachers so eloquently preach about the prodigal, and EVERYONE I've ever heard preach it - is sympathetic, compassionate and teary-eyed about the prodigal, but "pops gets no props"!

Well, today we're going to honor Him (the prodigal's father), and reveal some truths that are going to send the church into the greatest wave of healing this world has ever seen. AND, It all starts with the fathers.

I don't know what has happened recently with "adults", but they seem to have no tolerance anymore for "children being children".  It's like "they're such a nuisance - to their agenda and busy life" that the children have practically raised themselves, with TV, sex, video games, gangs, pop culture, and anything that releases tension and frustration, like tattoos, piercing and cutting.


But, sad to say, this is symptomatic of the present state of affairs in many churches, where "sheep can be replaced", and "anyone can be my pastor". The sad commentary is, "both hearts are broken", but no one is giving any spiritual leeway or a space for grace, "for actual reunions to take place"! Hmm...

Well, let's just see what "the prodigal's father" did...

With most of this dynamic passage revolving around the prodigal's rebellion, which so clearly and eloquently helps us all to see the power of Christ's redeeming and remitting works in all of our lives. We often fail to see "the three things" the father did, which made coming home much easier!

First, the father prayed. 'Well, Reverend, I don't see that anywhere in the text' – "I know, but it's undeniable, if you consider the situation more closely." I'm sure as the father did not know the exact duration of time the prodigal would be gone, many times he was led to pray. And, being that this wasn't the first time he looked into the distance for his son to return home, his obedience in prayer became the catalyst for his son's release to come home, without encountering spiritual resistance, fear, public flogging, or black-balling.

Oops – didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings with my earlier comment - but many of the so-called "spiritual fathers" of our day, have literally spoken word curses over their children for doing what they actually did and much worse; but THEMSELVES always expecting mercy, pardon and forgiveness from others AND GOD -- for themselves! And, don't get sanctimonious either. You may not have asked for your inheritance and left home, but your filthy heart and begrudging attitude, while you seemingly obeyed your father, was ALSO dishonoring to your father; even to a greater degree, because you ONLY obeyed to GET SOMETHING, not simply because you LOVED YOUR PARENTS!

I don't know how many people in Christendom I've encountered, who have NOT been wounded by the men and women of God in prominent leadership positions today.  And, most often "in the name of ministry", the lives of these hurting children of faith, are in absolute chaos; because no one will embrace the truth of their separation – "mutual disagreement and stubbornness!"

So, the father prayed, and spiritually released his son "to wage a good warfare", to overcome the forces that indeed intended to destroy him.

Secondly, the father’s heart changed his son’s attitude about life, and Thirdlythe father received his son’s generation without judgment.  When "the prodigal returned", he not only clothed him with a precious garment, ring of honor, and threw a feast for his son; but he maintained a place in his heart to embrace the uniqueness of his son's generation – their passions, their pursuits, and their perspective on life, which often is seen as juvenile and naïve.

But obviously, this is a necessary part of that son or daughter's journey - in discovering their identity in Christ — knowing that they are accepted in the beloved; and secure in Christ - by experiencing the Heavenly Father's patience and compassion.

By seeking Him in troubled times, and coming to know that His wisdom and understanding is deeper than the valley-wide, knowing that His will and purpose for our lives is stronger than the love of a mother for her child; even greater than we could ever imagine.

You know, we all have some growing up to do.  I just hope it comes before the enemy is given access "to smite the earth with a curse". You may say..."Brother, you're too late – it's already happened." Well, to a certain degree, the enemy has done pretty well dividing and conquering father and son relationships -- everywhere he may detect them!  But, he does not have the "upper hand" completely; because this rebel's heart has turned, Hallelujah!

"Find Other Parents or Children, Why Don't You!"

"Yes, honey - mow the lawn, feed your brothers and sisters, pay the bills, and stop whining about needing to be hugged and nurtured. I don't have time! I'm saving the world - for God!

No, this is actually an illness called "slave-to-ambitionitis" – where the symptoms increase, as you near - "T.V. cameras", "important people" and "spiritual fan clubs"!  Your heart has grown cold to a generation of broken and rebellious spiritual children who have the greatest passion for Christ and His Kingdom, than any generation before it, but their NOT going to worship YOU, "Bishop So-and-so!"

It is seen through all the societal ills and demonic vices that have been given entrance, because of this "me generation" of spiritual leaders, who don't have time to do what God called them to do?!? "They're paving the way for us!" Yeah, right! Every workaholic, ego-tripping public success and private failure, has said the same thing in their rejection of their God-given assignment to leave the "99" for the "1".

"What Should We Do About The Rebels?"  And, how do we "forge new paths and learn from the historical landmarks" without continuing to produce a culture of rebellion and division in the Church?

I can hear a few of you thinking—this is all about "submission to authority", isn't it?


No, it actually is NOT! This is about properly "realigning yourself, with the heart of God", for seeing His glory manifest in our midst!  But, it does not negate the need for submission to authority!

"Proper submission" is the precursor to seeing and experiencing His glory revealed in the earth.

The critical nature of realignment suggests that leaders must put away their vain visions and profit motives, and "reach for the higher purposes of God" - instead of competing ideas or arguments!

Well, you might be thinking, without the successor's forging a new path, we may have never had the revolution in American literature, like with the lost generation of the early 1900's."

I also hear someone saying, "It is so naïve to believe that any real progress will occur, without oftentimes "a violent opposition to the status quo, to injustice, to inhumane treatment, or to oppressive authorities that work to imprison and restrict us..."  I AGREE..

Yes, even the scripture says, "the violent take it by force".  BUT, our realignment, spiritually speaking, is a commitment and dedication "to God's agenda, and not our own"!

I imagine, with all the voices and opinions of people, who commonly resist conformity to anything which disagrees with their particular philosophy of life—there are many things given birth to in our generation and lifetime, which God never ordained!

What we have called "progress", is actually a further deviation from His intent, and has warped and wound-up this present generation to "be different", without being "spiritually relevant".

But, "our identities" have been lost in the idea of change, with no divine purpose in mind—causing an even greater gulf between "the Father's will, and our perverted agendas"!

True "disunity", is not about the lack of "common agreement with one another"—it represents the inconsistency of our pursuit for His heart and the representation of His character - in thought, word and deed.

This is the essence of "being conformed to His will", and finally being consecrated to the 'same end' – as the Godhead "mirrors it"; even in the unique and distinct persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; "these three agree as one", and never have conflict or indecision due to misaligned pursuits or self-seeking agendas.

We do not have to repeat this generation's mistakes!

Instead of "seeking power" we can "empower others"...

Instead of "pursuing things", we can "pursue God's purpose"...

Instead of "selling our souls", we can "lose our lives for His sake!"

Realign yourself today! YOU, don't have to be lost or rebellious!!  WS-3


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