Indeed, SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY is a significant subject matter, especially in light of the "end times", and the present state of Christendom -- worldwide.

If I were to "drill down" to the (3) important principles of scripture that encompasses the subject, I would include the following passages and principles:

#1 - JESUS CHRIST is truly "The Supreme Head" of ALL principality and power, in every dimensional aspect of God's Creation, including the seen and unseen realms!

1 Corinthians 15:12-28 New King James Version (NKJV)

12 Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. 14 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. 15 Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. 16 For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. 17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! 18 Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 20 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since by man camedeath, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 27 For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. 28 Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.

#2 - The Body of Christ is "fully authorized" under the Inexhaustible Headship of JESUS CHRIST, to boldly occupy till HE comes, with humble regard and recognition of the governing authority which God has set in place -- without a blind submission or allegiance to the kingdoms of men.

1 John 2:20-27 New King James Version (NKJV)

20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. 21 I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 24 Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life. 26 These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. 27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will[b] abide in Him.

#3 - JESUS CHRIST "is" the perfect representation of "true" spiritual authority and devotional integrity to the apostolic order of the Kingdom of God, and its through HIS committed "servant leadership" and "radical alignment" to The Father's Will that we can see the way we're also called to lead.

John 13:1,3-5 New King James Version (NKJV)

Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.

JESUS CHRIST is truly "The Supreme Head" of ALL principality and power, in every dimensional aspect of God's Creation, including the seen and unseen realms!

JESUS CHRIST "is" GOD's SON, but what "child" do you know - who both loves and respects their parents or guardians, would try to have - the "last word"? 

My sister and I knew better, and when my father - ESPECIALLY, "laid down the law", NOBODY (with good sense), SAID A THING!

YES, you're right, and Christ has SATISFIED the judgment for ALL of humanity's sins, IF "they are, in Christ", CORRECT?  Or...IF they have ACCEPTED and RECEIVED - "THE", "Perfect Substitutionary Sacrifice" (who is - YESHUA HAMASHIACH!)...RIGHT?

"SHO, I'm right!  You CAN'T "claim benefits", where there is NO actual "true conversion" and "faith-appropriation" of Christ's Finished Work...And, Christ is working "on The Father's behalf", until ALL THINGS are placed under HIS Feet!


JESUS' - Redemptive Role, now that The Father's "perfect judgment" has been satisfied at Calvary, is too protect the SAINT's, and the AINT's - UNTIL every method of reaching and influencing "the unbelievers", has been utterly exhausted; because HE wants "no one to perish"! And, the Body of Christ must cooperate with HIS overarching agenda too see the presence and power of God FLOW, as HE wills and intends it to be; but it ALL starts with understanding and properly walking in "spiritual authority"!


Now, we can't question HIS love or HIS goodness, because it's "undeniably seen" - BY ALL!..Even the unbelieving and stubborn sinners, who KNOW that GOD IS GOOD...

FIRST, let's SEE, if you are TRULY serving in Christ's Kingdom, or NOT...?


Well, let me FIRST identify some things that DEFINITELY characterizes "the kingdom's of men":
1. Men's kingdoms are always based upon temporal, not eternal principles and laws.
2. Men's kingdoms are fundamentally, self-serving and not purpose-driven.
3. Men's kingdoms are more concerned with the appearance of things, than the substance of things.
4. Men's kingdoms have limiting and restrictive biases, hindrances and are primarily "political" in nature.
5. Men's kingdoms are humanistically-driven and their foundations are flawed.
6. Men's kingdoms promote self-actualization, self-dependence, and selfish-ambition.
7. Men's kingdoms are severely battle-worn, militaristically-motivated, and pridefully-orchestrated - to make "their way" priority above God's Way.

With THAT all being said, one of the FIRST things that I've noticed about "the kingdoms of men", from my own experience as a "front-line soldier in God's Army" is - that they constantly require - "DEFENDING"!

As the "false apostolic order" is being EXPOSED and ROUTED-OUT all over the world, there will be a "scrambling discomfort" arresting those so-called "spiritual" leaders, who are NOT "truly anchored" in The Vine (who is CHRIST), as the changing focus of the now - "educated - spiritual consumers", will NO LONGER support "their man-centered causes"; which actually has been proven - FALSE; because only "the leader" tends to increase or prosper, while the people continue to WAIT!?!


"Until all things are placed underneath HIS feet", according to 1 Corinthians 15:24, YESHUA neither required - "his disciple's defending" or needed ANY - "dependent personalities" to hold HIM up, support HIS ministry, or to politicize or propagandize HIS work; because ONLY "the perverted influences" of carnal or fleshly-motivated men, tends to need that kind of "crutch"...Whew!

YESHUA, also didn't adopt any "militant posture" against the most diabolical, twisted and religious ideas of the Scribes, Pharisees or Sadducees, during ANY of the times HE walked-out God's Word to HIM - in HIS public ministry!


One of my favorite passages in the entire New Testament, is found in the Book of Acts 5:22-42, where the well-known passage says, "And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God." (Acts 5:38, 39 NKJV)


God's Kingdom is "perfectly consecrated" and "unwaveringly united" - towards the "same end"!

Man's Kingdoms is "awkwardly competing" and "imperfectly uniform", so their attempts to agree - miserably fail, UNTIL God finally allows their efforts to culminate at the Battle of Armageddon...

The descriptions that I've just described above, perfectly reveals why both "the tension" and "the transcendent realities" of God's Ways (or Kingdom) and Man's Ways (or kingdom's), and their operations "on earth", highlights how to properly discern "true - spiritual authority" from "false - spiritual authority", which is derived and exercised amongst both "the religiously-inclined" and "the realm of the indifferently-indisposed"; who tend to be more concerned with "the things of men", rather than "the things of God"...

The Body of Christ is "fully authorized" under the Inexhaustible Headship of JESUS CHRIST, to boldly occupy till HE comes, with humble regard and recognition of the governing authority which God has set in place -- without a blind submission or allegiance to the kingdoms of men.


You also can't read any other passages in the New Testament, and NOT see that "spiritual authority" is FIRST - inextricably connected to our justification, identification and glorification "in Christ" alone, as we "mutually-submit" to one another; by honoring the "unique gift and grace" that is operating in the lives of "every Christian", while consistently acknowledging the "functional dynamic" that exists in every "community of believers". I.e. - Elders, Deacons, Five-Fold functions, etc, where leaders emerge - while remaining accountable on multiple levels! (I.e. - Board of Directors, local Eldership, ministry supporters, Municipal and Governing Agencies, and TO GOD, of course!)

This is very important to grasp, from the standpoint of both our formally "organized" fellowships, to the many other segments of the "general Christian community" (which is "much larger"), that places little regard or emphasis upon "organizational lines" and "legal structures"; which is the main reason for why we're so desperately struggling as the Body of Christ, concerning how to foster "the unity of the faith" and "the uniformity of the fight" that keeps us united - NOT divided, as a real community of believers!


"Mutual Submission" is the foundation of a "thriving - Christian community", NOT - "Spiritual Authority"; which has greater significance in our "external influence" in the "spirit world", than in our "internal influence" amongst God's people!

It's application - then, has different "context", based upon the biblical dynamics established in scripture for us, and subsequently, this has led to the overarching necessity for the creation of "civil laws", "church discipline & polity", and all the other related "governance issues" of society, our communities, as well as our individual families.

For "we", HIS "Body", functioning as a symbiotic-unit and unified-front - in the earth, must be "ONE", despite the complexity and diversity of our "universal makeup" and our distinctions that really become "better positioned" and "supernaturally prospered", by recognizing that we are "one - in HIM"; "with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:2-6 NKJV)

Later on, in the same chapter in Ephesians, the introduction to what are often referred to as "Five-Fold Functions" or "Ascension Gifts", strategically introduces the importance of our "communal impact", through our maturity or "perfection" - as HIS Body; in light of the "collective leveraging" and harvesting "of the inheritance in the saints", and the "intentional" - appreciation and valuing of the Body as a "whole"... NOT some "clergy vs laity" - religious order that too many of "us" succumb to!


YES, and I call this, "Shared Leadership", which is the TRUE - biblical application of "spiritual authority", from a "communal context" in the New Testament, as a "community of believers"; which is both the "original intent" and "ultimate expectation" of Almighty God and Jesus Christ, for "the better promises and blessings we're to experience, in our New Covenant Reality".

The proper application of "spiritual authority" - then, takes the emphasis off of "charismatic personality" and "spiritual supremacy", and places it (our focus) upon being "surrendered humanity" - while looking to "Christ's-providentiality" that constantly cultivates and nurtures God-dependence "in us", over self-dependence in every area of lives; and brings everyone in HIS Body "into" and "under" - HIS Inexhaustible Headship...


"Spiritual Authority" (conceptually and theologically) is FIRST all about - SERVANT LEADERSHIP, which is evidenced as "the Fruit of Holy Spirit" being seen in every way (all nine manifestations), through the power of "the Spirit-governed believer", in light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ's influence in and over our entire - spirit, soul and body!

"We", born-again humanity, are encouraged to be "Spirit-directed", by Holy Spirit's - guidance and governance in our lives as "abiding disciples" that maintain a "devoted fellowship" and "dependent follower-ship", in every area - ON PURPOSE; by obeying the principles and priorities from God's Word for our lives, at all times - and in all things!


The REAL PROBLEM in the church today, is REALLY - where we tend (as leaders) to place the EMPHASIS...on ourselves, instead of CHRIST and HIS "finished work"!

By doing this, we've placed our TRUST in and upon "human personality", and NOT - "HIS Person", as the ONLY PRIORITY...


From this "foundational premise" of focusing on a truly Christo-centric devotion, "occupying till HE comes", represents this "radical shift from self-appointed and self-ruling believers and leaders" - that have either "a fragmented or infrequent devotion" with Christ, or a "hit-and-miss apathy and lethargy" towards Christ; which grossly limits the supernatural empowerment of Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.


Every day, Christians MUST DECIDE between - "the Tree of Life" (Christ's Finished Work) or "the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Mankind's Futile Efforts)...

Because of the unyielded and un-surrendered places in many of our lives, to a "FALSE-KNOWING" through championing our own personal experiences - "above" and "before" God's Word, leads to the slow deterioration and drifting that begins leading to all kinds of "copy-cat ministry" and "personal preferences"; which perversely short-circuits Holy Spirit's leading - that will eventually and ultimately, "shut out" and "shut off" the voice and wisdom of Almighty God...

"False knowing" (Sarx, in the Greek) also represents "the confidence mankind places in their own logical and rational centers of thought", as the "primary basis" - for both discerning and following God's voice! This is obviously "error", and ends up keeping us from maturing in our walk with Christ, and obstruct "the Koinonia" (bonded-fellowship and communion) we're to share with one another!


It should "be like", everyone is SO FOCUSED upon "Christ being formed in them", that we have no time for hand-holding or compromising, because our EYES are "on HIM", and HIM alone!

The "greater responsibility" or "stricter judgment" that this represents, of both "nominal believers" and "spiritual leadership" in Christ's Church, has numerous implications, including:
- The primary responsibility of every "functionary vessel" in Christ's Church, should be solely based upon their established - "availability, dependence and willingness", and should also be determined by the extent or ability of Holy Spirit, to exhaustively or comprehensively "use the individual". Those who are "led by the Spirit, are SONS"...
- The "life discipline" and "character development" of the believer, may or may not have an "initial limitation" or "obvious restriction", upon the degree of their accomplishment and success, because "the gifts and callings are without repentance".  But, the believer's character will eventually be highlighted and spotlighted (which is "the hidden man of the heart"), that may or may not be discerned by those that either "positively benefit" or are "negatively impacted", from the gift and grace (or life of the person) during the different seasons that occur...
- "Exercising our authority", as leaders in Christ's Church - then, is really a matter of "by reason of exercise and use", as "graduated development" happens in the continuum of each person - "growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ", which means - being able to rightly discern between "good" and "evil"; while faithfully leading and bleeding - at times, by allowing "Christ - in us" to live life through us, so that "the treasure in the earthen vessel" is "a vessel of honor - that is meet and fit, for The Master's use"!
- "Spiritual Authority" has: "earthly implications", "eternal ramifications", and "Supernatural application", in order for the proper - "Authentication" (to prove that something is real, true or genuine), "Evocation" (the act of calling out or forth), and "Imbrication" (An overlapping of edges, like that of tiles or shingles; like the intricacy of structure) is honored and understood in the church, as a whole; based upon the sphere of "God-given authority" and "God-ordained leadership" - in a given community of believers.

JESUS CHRIST "is" the perfect representation of "true" spiritual authority and devotional integrity to the apostolic order of the Kingdom of God, and its through HIS committed "servant leadership" and "radical alignment" to The Father's Will that we can see the way we're also called to lead. 


"Dominion", from a Biblical context, was NEVER about "lording over people", or demanding and manipulating submission from others, through "superior" - ability, knowledge or strength. True "servant leaders", are humble and honoring of others, without ever "acting haughty" and "being high-minded"!

So, are you saying "the order and operating protocols" in Christ's Church - is about "majority consensus", and that all spiritual leaders "exercising authority", is some kind of error? Absolutely, NOT!

I'm saying that, GOD's ORIGINAL INTENT was all about "HIS Sovereignty" coupled with our "personal responsibility", which ONLY required "HIS Glory" - to govern all men!

THAT's what Holy Spirit longs to do with every believer; instead of us "falsely" and "fatally" relying upon people, and not God alone - as we "follow them that follow Christ"! When THEY, stop following HIM - YOU, stop following THEM!



It's an "intense issue" in the "whole world", NOT just the church, and the reason why is - because of "the hearts of men", which I've termed - "The Kingdom Contention"!

"Kingdom Contention" is NOT about the "false idea" of "Satan constantly battling against God", or the classic - "good against evil", or "Star-War's Trilogy" arguments! (Lol!)

"The Kingdom Contention" is the intense battle of the diabolical, strategic and demonic warfare, with "violent struggles" within the hearts and minds all of humanity, for knowing: our "true identity", "divine purpose", and "ordained function in life" - that works to help "establish the eternal decision", which focuses on us all - "fully claiming and possessing" our our destined place and rightful inheritance, in Christ.


YES, the perception and worldview of the masses, is absolutely critical in the formation of beliefs, behaviors, habits, decisions, disciplines, and philosophies - about every facet or aspect of life.  BUT, it ALL STARTS - "in your heart"!

As the curious world wrestles with the concepts of "good and evil", especially as hedonism, humanism, and sensationalism are the pervasive and dominant influences in society today; both "the imagined" and "the perceived" - cosmic struggle between "angels and demons", "God and Satan", and "the sacred versus the secular", will increasingly become more and more prevalent; as the societal mountains or centers of influence, where the "institutional powers" and "remnant elite" often "occupy", in absolute ignorance of "the real battle going on within their own conscience", and right around them.

Because "Satan" is under "God's Creative Order" and "Ultimate Authority", he is neither "equal in power" or even "a battle-worthy opponent" - against God-Almighty. But, the human-beings that reject the Perfect Sacrifice and Perfect Substitute of Jesus Christ, who completely paid the "sin-debt" for the sins of the entire world (of every generation), will live life (exist) in utter defeat – chasing the wrong things, sitting on the throne of their own hearts; and living well beneath HIS "perfect will" concerning them; without "making Jesus, Lord & Savior of their lives".

"Satan's Scheme" for this "global contention in the hearts of humanity" is a result of the "fallen state of man"! His ultimate goal is "to kill, to steal, and to destroy", as many human beings as possible, before his pending judgment to the Lake of Fire in the pit of Hell; where he and his entire demonic host or empire, are assigned throughout eternity!

It's ALL ABOUT this "wrestling match" now, that's going on in the hearts of people, who by virtue of their decision to confess and commit to either surrender and to serve Christ or themselves (which is the same as "serving Satan"), becomes the "difference maker" between "heaven and hell", "victory or defeat", and "law-based living" or "grace-filled living"!


The "spirit-world" that we've been called to live in as believers, is still "currently" under the influence of "the god of this world", but because of what Jesus Christ accomplished, Satan's power has been dramatically limited to: "the unbelieving masses", "the undisciplined saints", and "the unrepentant children" - who allow themselves to be dominated or ruled-over by the forces of darkness; through their own negligence, ignorance or disobedience to God's Word and the leading of Holy Spirit...

The APEX of this "dark influence" in the human heart - that intentionally rejects Christ and HIS Perfect Sacrifice for us - is pride, rebellion and selfishness; which is really what "Anti-Christ" represents in the Bible!

"Anti-Christ" is a FALSE - "spiritual authority" and "satanic delusion", of pseudo-religious underpinnings, whose aim is to act cross-wise or contrary to God's ultimate plan, for the partnership between "Heaven" and "the earth"...

"GOD'S Goodness" is to be shown throughout all eternity, as we speedily reach, "the Climax of the Ages" in these "last days"!


The dark agenda associated with "false religion", "comprised spiritual authority", and "allegiance to a religious system or personality" - is "the spirit of Antichrist".

It's DANGEROUS, because "God is NOT in it"!

Listen to the Apostle John's admonition: "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." (1 John 2:18-19)

The reference to "Antichrist" here, is very important to understand. The prefix "anti", can mean "the opposite of", OR - "instead of."

"The Antichrist", is the "opposite -Jesus"; AND, he is the "instead - of Jesus", as well!


Most people have focused upon the idea of the "opposite Jesus", when the term "Anti-Christ" is ever used. But, this has only made them think that the Antichrist "will appear as a supremely - evil person".

They think, that as much as Jesus went around "doing good", Antichrist will ONLY go around "doing bad"!

They think, as much as Jesus' character and personality was "loving and forgiving", that the Antichrist's character and personality, will be "ugly and repulsive"; but, according to the scriptures - that is NOT true, and he will be "evil" in the heart, for sure; but NOT always through his "external expressions" or "public representations"...

As much as Jesus spoke "only truth", the Antichrist will speak "only lies" - ALONG WITH "mixed or veiled wisdom - sprinkled by truth"; but it won't "appear" as such in the end!

The Antichrist will instead, definitely be more of an "instead - of Jesus." He will "look wonderful", "be charming", and "quite successful", but DON'T "judge a book by its cover!"  He will also be the "ultimate winner", and appear as an "angel of light", but FLIP-OUT at the "appointed time"..

Doesn't that SOUND LIKE, the "religious spirits" that you've had to contend with, more and more lately?

Some, have wondered - if this Antichrist, will be an "individual" or a "political system". This is really a small distinction, because it will in a sense - be both a person and a political system!

To a large extent, a man does represent and personify, an entire government or system through his life...

Like, when we think of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, the figures of Hitler - as an individual, and Nazi-Germany as a state, are virtually the same!

This Antichrist will have surrounding him, the kind of "personality cult" that we are becoming more conditioned to accept today! Not only in America, do we "practice a sick worship of celebrities", but around the world, nations of hundreds of millions of people have been induced - to worship a person- like Lenin, Stalin, or Mao.

This shows us just how strong a personality cult can be, when the heads of government and "remnant elite", gets behind it wholeheartedly.

All these developments should make us understand that the Antichrist is "ready to be revealed", when the moment is right - according to Scripture!


"By which we know that it is the last hour", indicates that the Apostle John expected that the presence of many "antichrists" - of many people, who offer a "false substitute - christ" - is evidence of the lateness in the hour before Jesus' coming.  The Apostle John writes that this was true in his day; and, we could say it is even truer in this very hour!

"The word 'antichrist' occurs in the Bible only in the letters of John, and that only "five times in four verses" (1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3; 2 John 7); but though the word is infrequent; "the idea of antichrist" is frequent and is an important one to fully understand!


This Antichrist goes by many titles:
- The little horn in Daniel 7:8
- The king of fierce countenance in Daniel 8:23
- The Prince that shall come in Daniel 9:26
- The willful king in Daniel 11:36-45
- The one who comes in his own name in John 5:43
- The son of perdition, the man of sin, and the lawless one in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, and 2:8

Essentially, the Antichrist is a "world dictator", who leads humanity in what seems to be "a golden age", until he shows his true colors- and the judgment of God is poured out on him and his empire; immediately before the return of Jesus!

We should take notice, because the world stage is set for a political and economic "superman" to arise, which will be a political leader that leads and organizes a world-dominating confederation of nations.

Many "national leaders" speak of a "New World Order", but no one has been able to completely "define it", much less "lead it". Yet this leader is coming!


In 1 John 2:20-23, "Identifying the spirit of antichrist" is clearly outlined for us all...

"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

"You have an anointing", is the Apostle John referring to a "common anointing", belonging to "all believers"! This is an anointing that makes discernment possible, for those who seek it in the Lord (and WE know all things)!

When the New Testament speaks of "anointing", it speaks of it as the "common property of all believers".

This is true, even though all believers may not be walking in "the anointing" that God has given to them. The New Testament does not speak of a "special" anointing given to particular individuals.

Among some Christians today (Pentecostals and Charismatics, primarily), there is a rather "magical or superstitious approach", to this idea of anointing. In their mind, "the anointing" is like a virus or a germ that can be spread by casual contact, or "infect" a whole group. (Lol!) 

Usually, these folks think that when one "catches" - "the anointing", you can tell - because they begin acting strangely! (Lol!) BUT, this isn't the Bible's idea of - "anointing".

"Anointing" has the context of "being filled with", and "blessed by - Holy Spirit" - for a specific purpose, "as the Spirit wills".

This is something that is "the common property of all Christians" - NOT just "Five-Fold Functionaries"; but something we can and should become more submitted and responsive to, as "mature Christians"...

As "oil" was used among the Asiatic's for the inauguration of persons in important offices, and this oil was acknowledged to be an emblem of "the gifts and graces of Holy Spirit", without which the duties of those offices or "functions" could not be discharged; so it is put here - for the Spirit Himself, who presided in the Church; and from which - all gifts and graces flow/-ed/-ing!

This idea of "anointing" - literally means, "to be blessed with oil", and was the reason behind one of the punishments given to the Apostle John, during his persecution at the Isle of Patmos.

The Roman Emperor - Domitian, cast John in a boiling vat of oil, as if to say, "You have an anointing? "Well, here's your anointing - John!"; and he was emerged into the vat of boiling oil - yet unharmed, because he was "anointed indeed" to bring us - THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST; the "ultimate epitome" of "TRUE" - SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY!

"And you know all things", because of the anointing of Holy Spirit - given to all believers, which causes us ALL to fully possess the resources for "knowing the truth".

This is NOT to say that teachers are unnecessary, because one of the resources for "knowing the truth", is obviously through "the reminders" given by good "Bible Teachers", like the Apostle John, ME (Lol!), and MANY OTHERS...

In verse 20, John used a different word for "know", than he had used before. Previously John used the word meaning - "knowledge by experience"; but, here he used the word meaning - "knowledge by intuition"!


We should "know" some things - intuitively, "by the anointing of Holy Spirit", and NOT need men to tell us a thing!

LEADERS who are drawing YOU, to have any form of allegiance or dependence upon "them", and NOT Christ - ONLY, are under the "false apostolic order"; which is tied to a "religious system", NOT a "sincere" devotion to JESUS CHRIST"!

"Spiritual Authority" in the "end times", DEMANDS - "that you have to grow and to know" - for yourself, but for many "faithful adherents" and "blind followers", to a given denomination or man-centered "church order", political system or charismatic personality; it may just be TOO LATE!


God 's Message: "Because of the three great sins of Moab —make that four—I'm not putting up with her any longer. She violated the corpse of Edom's king, burning it to cinders. For that, I'm burning down Moab, burning down the forts of Kerioth. Moab will die in the shouting, go out in the blare of war trumpets. I'll remove the king from the center and kill all his princes with him." God 's Decree. God 's Message: "Because of the three great sins of Judah —make that four—I'm not putting up with them any longer. They rejected God 's revelation, refused to keep my commands. But they swallowed the same old lies that got their ancestors onto dead-end roads. For that, I'm burning down Judah, burning down all the forts of Jerusalem." God 's Message: "Because of the three great sins of Israel —make that four—I'm not putting up with them any longer. They buy and sell upstanding people. People for them are only things —ways of making money. They'd sell a poor man for a pair of shoes. They'd sell their own grandmother! They grind the penniless into the dirt, shove the luckless into the ditch. Everyone and his brother sleeps with the 'sacred whore'— a sacrilege against my Holy Name. Stuff they've extorted from the poor is piled up at the shrine of their god, While they sit around drinking wine they've conned from their victims. "In contrast, I was always on your side. I destroyed the Amorites who confronted you, Amorites with the stature of great cedars, tough as thick oaks. I destroyed them from the top branches down. I destroyed them from the roots up. And yes, I'm the One who delivered you from Egypt, led you safely through the wilderness for forty years And then handed you the country of the Amorites like a piece of cake on a platter. I raised up some of your young men to be prophets, set aside your best youth for training in holiness. Isn't this so, Israel?" God 's Decree. "But you made the youth-in-training break training, and you told the young prophets, 'Don't prophesy!' You're too much for me. I'm hard-pressed—to the breaking point. I'm like a wagon piled high and overloaded, creaking and groaning. "When I go into action, what will you do? There's no place to run no matter how fast you run. The strength of the strong won't count. Fighters won't make it. Skilled archers won't make it. Fast runners won't make it. Chariot drivers won't make it. Even the bravest of all your warriors Won't make it. He'll run off for dear life, stripped naked." God 's Decree. (Amos 2:1-15 MSG)

Indeed, the JUDGMENTS OF GOD in Amos chapter two, are very pointed and relevantly profound for, where WE ARE - as the Body of Christ; so let's deal with them one-by-one, at the end of this blog excerpt to finish driving my point across..

I hear somebody saying, "This passage is from the Old Testament, Pastor Walter! How could it be relevant to the Body of Christ in our New Testament Reality?" 

Well, the "Minor Prophet - Amos" (according to Theologians, on the basis of the "length" of his writings; NOT the substance of them..) is ONCE AGAIN dropping some MAJOR KNOWLEDGE and insight into the WAYS OF GOD! And, the JUDGMENTS OF GOD, that the Prophet Amos references in verses one, four and six, are very pointed in the passage, so let's deal with them one-by-one...


Because they burned the bones of the king of Edom to lime, judgment was pronounced. Moab was a southern neighbor to Judah, and the last of the six judgments Amos pronounces against the Gentile nations, were in this section. God promises judgment against Moab, because of their cruelty to Edom and her king. We could say that Moab "sinned against the past, by desecrating the remains of an Edomite hero"!

This is EXACTLY why God told me to PUBLICLY "right things" with Papa Jakes! (Read the blog below). Without REPENTANCE, we make the BLOOD OF CHRIST of NO EFFECT!


"For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment", God says..

It hurts to see "the same judgment formula applied", against Judah - "the people of God", as was applied against the previous six Gentile nations of Moab. It shows that Judah - piled "sin upon sin upon sin", just like the other nations.

We find it easy and comfortable, to expose and rebuke the sins of those who "aren't the followers of God". AND, That is what Amos did, with the first six pronouncements of judgment.

BUT, just as Amos went on to look at sin "among God's people", we should do the same. WE MUST JUDGE OURSELVES, RIGHTEOUSLY and FREQUENTLY!

Because Judah's sin was that they despised and disobeyed the law of the LORD, this seemingly "higher accountability" - than, God required of the six Gentile nations previously mentioned in Amos, communicates why the Body must "go on to MATURITY"!

God blessed His people with His SON, as well as HIS law and HIS commandments, but He expected them to honor and obey His word!

"Their own lies" AND "their own denials" (of facing their sin), which they TOLD TO THEMSELVES, led them astray, and since God's Word brings us truth - when we despise and disobey God's "holy writ" and "corrective voices"; we naturally embrace and begin to follow lies. (READ 2 Chronicles 18)

You can NOT "reject the truth", without "grabbing hold of a lie", simultaneously!

AND, Because Judah sinned like the other nations, they were judged as the other nations, with fire against them and their palaces (Amos 1:4, 1:7, 1:10, 1:12, 1:14, 2:2).

As an important aside, "the repeated use of fire - to express judgment", is continued in the New Testament. (Hebrews 12)

Without a doubt, Amos meant "material fire", coming against - "material walls", "worldly economies" and "material palaces"; but, the Bible also uses "fire" in a spiritual and refining way, "to describe the purifying work of God, in the believer"!

The Bible says that God will "test the works of each believer - with fire", to burn away what is unworthy, or NOT - "of HIM" (1 Corinthians 3:13-15).

The Bible also says that believers "will be tested by fire" (1 Peter 1:6-7). When we think of God's "purifying fire", we should think the way Peter expressed it in, 1 Peter 4:17 - that says, "For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God."

We should "invite God" to burn down whatever "walls" or "palaces" - we build against Him, so HIS work can continue "in us" and "through us", without hindrance or delay!


"For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment", and The Lord told Israel that the pattern continues, just as Israel has "piled sin upon sin upon sin", following what the previous seven nations, had done.

Because, they sell the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals", Amos had to speak to the injustice of the rich against the poor; and how the rich took cruel advantage, against the poor!

"A man and his father go in to the same girl", so Amos had to also "confront the sexual immorality and perversion of his day", and the godly standards that once were accepted, seem now to be sternly disregarded - and by CHRISTIANS, surprisingly!

This probably speaks of "father and son - using the same ritual and idolatrous prostitute".  Meaning, that they were licentious - to the uttermost abomination,"for in their idol feasts, where young women prostituted themselves publicly in honor of Astarte", and the father and the son in turn, entered into impure connections with the same female!

This has both "natural" and "spiritual" connotations for TODAY, and I believe it's actually highlighting the "high places" that MANY of our "spiritual leaders" have ignored, in this generation!

Amos also saw the idolatry of his day, and how people worshipped idols, even as they cruelly oppressed the poor. Exodus 22:26-27 commanded, "If you ever take your neighbor's garment as a pledge, you shall return it to him before the sun goes down. For that is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin. What will he sleep in? And it will be that when he cries to Me, I will hear, for I am gracious."

I BELIEVE that this old prophecy of Amos - shows that God has heard the cry of the oppressed in Israel (The Body of Christ - of TODAY), and will bring judgment against the LEADERS of Israel (the Church), if we do NOT, clean-up our OWN MESS!


The whole scenario, is "most diabolical" and "almost impossible" to believe...

"Amos pictures a man - committing sexual immorality, with a temple prostitute, AND then the same girl "gets with" his son, which he visited the day before, then - "keeping warm with a garment extorted from the poor", they finally "toast his success"; with wine bought with money - DISHONESTLY GAINED, from God's people!

ENOUGH SAID!!  Whew...LORD: Have MERCY, upon us...
Watch & Pray - Always! WS-3



“Keeping One Another Accountable!”


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