"PERCEPTION: CAN BE - the Biggest Robber of Dreams, Progress & Divine Destiny..."

"PERCEPTION: CAN BE - the Biggest Robber of Dreams, Progress & Divine Destiny"...

Spiritual Disclaimer: If THIS is the first or only blog that you read of mine, please don't assume that I put "all my conversations with people" - ON BLAST! (Lol!) BUT, I do take every experience and exchange to heart, and "eat the meat, and spit out the bones", so the effectiveness and impact of my ministry "unto The Lord" is honest, transparent and "appropriate". I don't list "names", or give any detail that would be demeaning or offensive to them, unless I have their permission. I LOVE PEOPLE, and my mission of: "People Development, People Empowerment, and Eternal Bridge-Building", is and will always "be" - my priority and focus for as long as I'm living...END OF DISCLAIMER.

In my years of life and ministry, I've seen nothing more important than the topic I'm blogging about today...

I BELIEVE that "perception" CAN BE - the biggest robber of dreams, progress and divine destiny, above almost anything else, because the "conscious state of our minds" - is the determining factor for "where our lives are headed", both now and in the future!

MY OWN "perception" has greatly limited and unfairly pigeonholed me, during so many years of my life, when "working through my own brokenness, weaknesses, and fears", felt like an insurmountable obstacle; BUT GOD "changed my mind", "is healing my heart", and "making ME a vessel of honor", because I REFUSE to let a "wounded perception" keep me IN BONDAGE!

During two separate conversations on yesterday (LOL! - I "start stuff" - EVERY DAY, even New Year's Day!), I exchanged about "PERCEPTION" and "INTENTION" - and, both are quite significant concepts; in light of Jesus' commandment, "to LOVE, one another"!

SOMETIMES, that (the COMMANDMENT OF LOVE) "feels" more like a YOKE OF BONDAGE, than a YOKE OF MATURITY, but, we are ALL in the same developmental continuum of "being MADE into HIS LIKENESS"!

SO - IF we plan to keep breathing, growing, and living, understanding the BIG difference between these two philosophically-deep and psychologically-challenging concepts - is critical, to BEING a LOVING & THRIVING - "community of believers"; as "true representatives" of the Kingdom of LIGHT!

In the first conversation, these words were shared with me: (Edited for this BLOG)

"You know what I'm finding in life - is, many of us just need to come to the ends of ourselves. It's all about the Lord, not us - or what people do...  People will be people, we just have to keep praying & stay humble ....."

Then, the following scripture was quoted from 2 Timothy 3:2-5:  "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."

MY REPLY was this:

"That's so true, but that's the "problem statement", NOT the "solution statement"! Lol! YES (you're right), "coming to the end of ourselves, is absolutely necessary", but that does NOT happen in a vacuum or without confrontational interactions within "the fellowship of suffering" (The Body of Christ).  The Bible says, "a brother is MADE FOR the day of adversity" (or trouble), and that just doesn't mean when we're "mourning or rejoicing"... It's actually talking about the tension and stress that "iron sharpening iron" - really represents! If we STOP "worshipping our feelings" (perceptions), and start focusing on both hearing and seeing HIM, through the brokenness of our other brothers and sisters in Christ, we will become powerfully effective - in helping one another! As we do this together (intimacy, maturity and unity), we help to "complete The Lord's sufferings" - and lead the Body to the "perfection" that Ephesians 4:11-15 communicates is a part of HIS "end-time" agenda..WS-3

In the second conversation, the background of the dialogue was about - "the orientation of relationships" (specifically, in business), and here is my response to some statements that are why - "familiarity breeds contempt":

"Building relationships" is NOT about figuring "when" or "what" liberties can be taken, and they certainly DO NOT become any easier, because the foundation or orientation has been completed (in  our minds), so to speak. We will be CONSTANTLY growing and learning about one another, as long as The Lord - and "we", maintain this covenant arrangement.  BUT, the error in what you perceive of my dealings with anyone else is this...I don't accept your opinion or anyone else's, when it comes to the way I'm going to interact with other people. 

"Knowing people - by the Spirit", is really an "ongoing" spiritual exercise that is rooted in staying humble, listening to Holy Spirit, and always being willing to "learn of HIM" - through every exchange we have with EACH OTHER; because we are TRULY being "made into HIS likeness, every single day!  What you've just described, is what I call "being familiar", and that IS and can only be based upon the "limited interactions" that people may have..."

And, I continued...(LOL! - "YES, I'm longwinded - FOR JESUS!!!): 

"PERCEPTION is a "sensory-based" feeling, that is a definite part of our overall SHAPE (Spiritual Gifts. Heart. Abilities. Personality. Experience), but it is NOT to be followed or trusted, because it's ALWAYS WRONG! The misjudgments that "perception" fuels, is rooted in our brokenness, weakness and developmental limitations!

INTENTION is a "spiritually-based heart (spirit) knowing, that is NOT about "expression" - that still many times "fails" to enable us to communicate effectively - but what we believe - "beyond words", at the core of our being. 

In 1 Corinthians 2, Paul says "the only way to know a man's spirit" is, how exactly? WE CANNOT! Only the "spirit of the man - KNOWS"... In other words, THE ACCUSER uses "believers to attacks other believers" ALL THE TIME, because we ASSIGN MEANING based upon "our perception" of what we think that people mean or are saying; INSTEAD of "showing love" - by "getting understanding", NOT "passing judgment"!

Our goal, through "building understanding" and developing "healthy interaction", is to "hear HIM" - THROUGH THEM!  If THAT remains the focus, all the frustrations, feelings and suspicions, which is actually a large part of the parading flesh of accusation and belittling that I call - "false discernment" and a "wounded perception", won't be able to create such strife, division and confusion amongst GOD'S PEOPLE; if we possess GOD'S MIND about ONE ANOTHER! WS-3

In the link below, I provide a "good example" of what I consider "unproductive attacking", "over-analyzing", and "bad-mouthing", something I believe is a powerful conceptual model, for "people empowerment" - called "SHAPE"; which is an acrostic developed by Pastor Rick Warren that actually is a BALANCED APPROACH (my opinion) to working with ALL people, who possess the "ONE" - spiritual gift - "Holy Spirit" (if their believers).  And, through developing our "intimate relationship" with Christ, bring many "MANIFESTATIONS of the Spirit", through our lives - to the world as "HE wills" it; by the "grace" of Almighty God!   

WHY do I think this person's commentary is infused with "unnecessary criticism" and "sharp judgment"? Because, UNTIL we understand the reason GOD HAS ALLOWED the different "fields" and "professions" to - evolve, speculate and theorize, we attack, belittle and judge one another for embracing or questioning concepts "in light of the scripture"; but NOT in place of the scripture!  

Because of HIS "redemptive agenda", which means HE determines to "use their own philosophical rantings, unbelief, or sincere and intelligent questions" - to REACH THEM for Jesus Christ; AND, it IS "our job" - "to speak truth in love", and PRAY FOR THEM! 

I do NOT agree with many of the theories espoused by "Carl Jung" - and others in the field of psychology.  But, "there is truth" in A LOT of the information that they espouse as "science", through the various bodies of knowledge that are taught in our educational institutions.

Is "it" (certain secular bodies of knowledge) opposing to "biblical views"? YES, in many instances! But, that doesn't negate the purpose for GOD - allowing that contemplation and heart searching to occur, so that NO ONE will perish. 

"RICK WARREN", "TD JAKES", or "WALTER L. SMITH III" - do NOT speak "inerrant, infallible or perfectly correct truths"! NOTHING THAT WE SHARE is "law", in the sense that it should NOT be challenged or questioned...BUT, in the "proper context", and in the "right spirit"; IF it's a "believer" - adding their commentary!  END OF RANTING! (Lol!) 

SEE LINK:  PRAY for this blogger. They are very gifted.

If you'd like to do a FULL STUDY on my views of "perception", GO TO my blog (http://AskPastorWalter-WS3.blogspot.com) and type in the key word "perception" in the Search box, on the top left corner of the blog. 

I have at least (7) additional blogs that "powerfully unpacks" this very important topic.


Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
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(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office


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{Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.}



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