"Without Repentance.."
Begin forwarded message:
From: Randy Walter <shilohministries@comcast.net>
Date: October 30, 2014 at 10:23:00 AM CDT
Subject: Without Repentance
Dear Shiloh Friends:We have been reading Ezekiel during our devotions. This morning we came to chapter 22, where the Lord said in verse 30, "I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."Then He told me I've been praying incorrectly for our nation:"The hearts of men have to change before the government will. Praying for the government to change and lead you into morality is making government your god."Praying against calamity without first praying for repentance is making convenience your god."Praying for the church without first praying for repentance is making religion your god."Until the hearts of men change, nothing else will. All men need to grieve over the things that grieve Me."Understand grieving as more than an emotion. It is an action. In ancient times, mourners were hired at funerals because they were so demonstrative. They made grieving an action and not just a feeling."If you are grieved at the things that grieve Me, find your level of anointing in the call I have given you, and take action."Love and blessings,Randy WalterSalisbury Revival Prayer NetworkShiloh Ministries209 West St., Berlin, MD 21811410-641-3953
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