""Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'"
(Matthew 25:37-40 NKJV)
If you look at the state of Christendom from an objective point of view (according to God's Word), and in light of Christ's mandate to the Church - the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, the Great Community, and the Great Exchange are as significant now (to God's remnant), as they were prior to Christ's ascension back to the right hand of The Father!
What is the "Spiritual Mandate" associated with Christ commissioning to the Church?
#1. The Great Commission - GO!
- Because many churches no longer walk in authority or have dominion (righteous influence and reach) into the heart of our communities through strategic prayer and evangelistic outreach, Satan is able to maintain a dominating influence in the hearts of the masses. The next "great revival won't be in our church-buildings, but in our families, homes and surrounding communities that sing the praises of the impact and influence of the "engaged church" (which is real, relevant and relational) upon their lives; whether their active "church goers" or not.
The Great Commandment - LOVE!
- The "one commandment" to obey (in our New Testament reality) is LOVE, and we're sorely lacking in our love for one another, as we permit "the accuser" to use us to create dissidence and division amongst ourselves?!? And, until we have a genuine love that challenges the world to truly see us as "HIS disciples", we'll partially impact the world that defines love as a tolerant approval of whatever we want - whenever we want it! While our hatefulness and judgment towards one another - shouldn't even exist, accountability, correction and church discipline is just as much "God's love"; as forgiveness, prayerfulness, and watchfulness is!
The Great Exchange - RECONCILE!
- We're called to reach beyond every societal line of difference or distinction, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. God delivered "you", so you'd become a "deliverer" - to go right back into the "gutters from wince you've come"; victoriously without fear!
The Great Community - BUILD! (The Kingdom of God)
-The corporate "shield of faith" has "gaps", because of disunity, denominationalism, and spiritual deadness (unwilling to leave the "four walls mentality") that rarely seeks the greater good of the community of faith; but singularly focused on their particular church, ministry and membership!
Jesus provides the basis for what "true prophetic engagement" should look like, and if we are failing to act in accordance with God's Word, as a "counter-cultural force" - full of light, love and truth; we're NOT truly fulfilling the mandate of Jesus Christ at all!
In the graphic attached to this post, one of the blatant injustices associated with the "prison industrial complex", is the "slave labor" of millions of prisoners, to further the ends (profiting) of large corporations; who are misusing "the incarcerated", by paying a severely reduced wage - while profiting billions of dollars every year!
It's a ruinous cycle, because RECIDIVISM has everything to do with those constantly battle as their reentering society, without the full means to care for themselves or their families; so they end up back in their old environments; where the negative incidences, repetitious crimes, and bad decisions are much more prevalent.
IF these corporations were REQUIRED to pay the prisoners are least "minimum wage", MANY of those reentering society would be able to reestablish themselves - much easier, as their paroled or released back into communities all over this country.
The CONCERTED EFFORT and VOICE of the "universal church" concerning THIS ISSUE and "any others", would lead to dramatic change, improvement and transformation; and, WE (the church) would NOT be guilty of "neglecting the least of these"; because we're either afraid of confrontation, have already conformed ourselves, or we've been confounded; due to our "diminished authority", because of our own negligence, ignorance or disobedience to Almighty God! WS-3
Walter L Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises
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