#Keeping Pastors..
LifeWay Research's Ed Stetzer says, "Having clear documents, offering a sabbatical rest, and having people help with weighty counseling cases," are key things churches can do to help pastors stay in the pastorate. LifeWay surveyed 734 former senior pastors who left the pastorate before retirement age in 4 denominations and found 48% said the search team didn't accurately describe the church before their arrival. Their churches were unlikely to have a list of counselors for referrals (27%), clear documentation of the church's expectations of its pastor (22%), a sabbatical plan for the pastor (12%), a lay counsel-ing ministry (9%), or a support group for the pastor's family (8%). 48% say their church had none of these. 56% clashed over changes they proposed, and 54% experienced a significant personal attack, yet 48% say their training didn't prepare them to handle the people side of ministry. Though 63% spent more than a decade as a senior pastor, they eventually moved on, 52% to another ministry role other than senior pastor, but 29% to non-ministry work. 40% left the pastorate because of a change in calling. They also cite church conflict (25%), burnout (19%), personal finances (12%), and family issues (12%). (CT Gleanings 1/12/16)
I am anointed to HELP, and if you know of a church or ministry leader IN NEED of practical guidance and support, PLEASE SHARE MY INFO.
Mobile Office is 213-293-6249. WS-3
Walter L Smith III (WS-3)
Founder, Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.
(424)333-4047 (Mobile Office)
*Member - Rochester Chamber of Commerce
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