THIS MORNING, I'm hearing the voices of Christians "CALLED to the entertainment industry", who feel they've accomplished very little -- in regards to their dream, "to make their notable mark for CHRIST"; in a world full of narcissists, opportunists and non-conformists in the Hollywood community!

The PROBLEM is: You're comparing your "sanctified" activity and your accomplishments, with someone whose a "nominal believer", and would truly NEVER make their devotion to CHRIST the primary focus of their craft; but YOU HAVE!

MANY "say they will" if GOD promises to bless them, but through their own known compromises and callous attitudes towards GOD's consecration requirement and overarching expectation for them -- "to ultimately represent HIM", they drift further and further away from the foundation of truth and balance that is supposed to mark the true followers of CHRIST!

I REMEMBER when The Lord spoke to me about "the call" HE had placed upon my life to the world of ENTERTAINMENT...

THE CALL:  To Arts & Entertainment

"What is this unbridled passion to connect with people; this interest in all forms of communications; and, this consuming love for a touching musical performance or dramatic presentation all about anyway?

 What is this CALL that I've been wrestling with my entire life, seeing flashes of vast crowds, sold-out performances, and a God-ordained influence and persuasion over masses of people that absolutely captures their attention, while making them laugh at life and at themselves?

 Well - it's simple!  IT IS the world of ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT! 

 My calling from the beginning...it just took me time to finally realize it, and muster the courage to launch out into this landscape of dreamers and non-conformists, who've wandered their way into the most powerful medium and field of interest -- that bridges the diversity of professions and trades more than any other field in the world.

From make-up artists to production trucks; from advertisers to actors; it's the fuel of every born entertainer, and the life-breath of those who are called by God to shape nations!  

WOW- I'm now able to release myself into the area of my primary passion, and experience the fulfillment of seeing lives transformed by a message encapsulated in a story that can change the world forever, because I'm NOW convinced to be ALL ABOUT "God's purpose"!

 LOOK OUT, world...Here We Come!"  WS-3

P.S. - Don't you dare be DISCOURAGED by the changing industry landscape that has traditionally demonized, marginalized and ostracized CHRISTIANS, who believe they don't need to compromise to be "successful"!

ALSO, pray and then find other "called Christians" that possess the grace or strength to NOT buy-in to the corruptible influences and "dark" opportunities that seem to be the only doors open!

INSTEAD, get GOD's MIND on what your reputation and your representation is supposed to mean FOR HIM, and then "be" the creative force HE's called you to be; whose uncompromising and unflinching in your pursuit to absolutely PLEASE GOD!! 


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