I've noticed that Christians sadly project a "woe-is-me" and "have-pity-on-me" disposition to other members of the Body of Christ and to the world -- when their really "suffering", but the origin of all of our suffering is all too often due to self-imposed and self-defeating "irresponsibility". 

YES, we do suffer as a result of "living godly", and now more than ever before, PERSECUTION is rampant and on the rise in the United States and in other countries all over the world. BUT, wouldn't we "appear more normal and approachable", if we didn't act SUPER HUMAN, in the middle of our pain and fiery trials? Wouldn't our "growing love" and "deepening trust" in CHRIST -- in the middle of our storm, be even more impactful, if we simply "walked it out" without "talking too much" -- or "seeking after pity", instead of "going deeper, so we can rise higher" in our relationship with The King?!?

So, WHY do we "seek pity" or "special attention" and consideration from others, when we're "suffering"?

Maybe we're seeking someone...anyone, to bear witness to our "human experience"; or possibly we're just desiring to appear "spiritual" to others, because we're somewhat intimidated by their walk and relationship with God; and just want to prove that we're really "authentically following" too?!?

So, we either "pridefully hide" or "ignorantly parade" around with our wounds -- sharing the details of every nuance of our suffering -- like an "honor badge of righteousness", instead of "owning it" first by genuinely seeking to both "discern it" and "understand "it"; while repenting of exactly what has us in utter defeat and despair; because we're generally out of alignment with GOD and with HIS Holy Word!

Let's be REAL now...Either we simply don't obey the Word of God, or we're so preoccupied with our "personal desires" to the point that we ignore or reject the wisdom found in "the uphill climb" or "the discouraging circumstances" -- that should DISSUADE US from our "carnal pursuits", which we are NOT supposed to use our faith to move or "get out" of..

LET "the fire" cleanse, refine and do its work, IN US!

YES, "many ARE the afflictions of the righteous"...BUT, there's another saying, ALSO: "MANY are the bruises of the HARD-HEADED"!!  Attributing or "crediting things" to GOD -- that HE never authored or told you to do, is TOTALLY IMMATURE, and the basis for "cycling again" in the "catered fires" and around the "rugged mountains" that were NOT "God's first choice for training you".  But, INSTEAD became the "wilderness landscape" in which "you've conditioned your life to follow', just because "you're resistant to the inner working and cleansing" of HIS HOLY WORD!

"Pastor Walter..How do we get SO FAR OFF from "proper alignment" in our hearts and minds towards The Lord?"

Well, there are several reasons why we drift from "proper alignment", but what I believe is primarily the culprit is: "Coveting someone else's passion, and walking in someone else's lane that GOD never called you to!"  YOUR HEART is "divided"!  YOUR MIND is "deceived"!  And, YOUR LIFE is "undisciplined", so the enemy has a great advantage over you!

LET's go deeper now, into the Word of God for ANSWERS..

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
  • In our New Testament Reality, "suffering" is experienced for two reasons: 1) We still live in the "cursed cosmos" that is totally "under the curse", till the work of Christ is completed according to 1 Corinthians 15. Though true "Christ followers" are "redeemed from the curse", we still encounter the affects and must withstand the prevailing conditions that can make us "subject" -- once again to sin's dominance and prevalence in our lives; if we allow our hearts and minds to believe or follow the enemy's voice, ways and lies. 2) Because of the degree of our agreement and alignment with God's Word, and our subsequent cooperation and enforcement of our authority in Christ, we either live "subject" or "victorious" over ALL the power of the enemy, and "the curse" that is pervasive every where God's Word is dishonored or treated with contempt.

1 Peter 5:10, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."
  • Because "grace" in our New Testament Reality, is strengthened through the adherence and obedience of our hearts to the "knowledge of God", ALL SUFFERING (through "omission", "commission" or unconscious compliance) is "working together for our good"; even when we suffer temporary setbacks, destiny-related obstacles, or demonic attacks, through the demonic accusations, afflictions, and attitudes of indifference that may surface in the hearts of every enemy -- sadly, under the influence of everything but God's Word.

Romans 8:18, "present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
  • The idea of "present sufferings" should bring a proper context to the perspective that most people have "who've suffered long" or who are mentally battling and struggling over the presence of "contrary realities" in their life, and have magnified their circumstances above their God; while, unintentionally subjecting themselves to strongholds and strangleholds that keep them defeated and devastated in their own hearts. The "glory to be revealed" is what gets unpacked, as we embrace the mystery of our suffering, with absolutely NO QUESTION of whether GOD will remain faithful and true through it all!

Psalm 34:19, "The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all."
  • Contrary to the idea that "perfect obedience" and "holiness" determines our "spiritual fate", which most "self-righteous Christians" view as a "merited reward, for perfect performance"; our "righteousness apart from works", is a definitive part of our "benefits package" and our "inheritance in Christ"!  Therefore, "trouble in the world", is actually a byproduct of an "uncompromising posture and perseverance in the application of God's Word"; but, NOT because we've "perfectly obeyed or performed", which we sometimes erroneously believe too often, for "how" God bases HIS loving response or HIS sobering silence towards us.  The PROMISE to be "delivered from them all", could NOT be based upon "anything, but HIS FAITHFULNESS", so we can REST in the reality that "our sins are remitted", "our destiny's are secure", and "our authority is never diminished" -- when, if, and as we "keep God first" and obey HIS inerrant and infallible word.

2 Corinthians 4:17, "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
  • No matter "how spiritual" we become, SUFFERING is EITHER going to "punk you out" (anarchist and escapist, AGAINST the Kingdom of God) or "pump you up" (allegiance and advancement, TOWARDS the Kingdom of God) and there is NO IN-BETWEEN!  What is "light and momentary" for YOU may NOT be for me, so the issue in "seeing the eternal weight of HIS Glory", is always "our CAPACITY"; and whether we will make room for everything HE wants to do-- too SEE "the glory revealed" for us, in us and through us!

Romans 8:35, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?"
  • The "kind of suffering" we experience (individually and corporately) is basically determined by the "kind of instrument" we are to the Kingdom of God; and that is unique to every person that cooperates and participates with Holy Spirit's dynamic work "in us" for Christ's sake.  The "giants in the land" are dethroned by the saints progressively positioning themselves -- by the grace of Almighty God, in and through the Spirit's comprehensive work in the earth; and through humbling ourselves to pray and to seek HIS face, we win. The fiery trials and difficulties we face, are the testing (proving) ground for the advancement of kingdom exploits and accomplishment; and then, "how we suffer" only matters when we intentionally wield the Sword of the Spirit and properly understand the application of the "keys of the kingdom" through our lives.

1 Peter 4:1, "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin."
  • We MUST lay hold of the "proper attitude" -- "in the armor of God", to "let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus", and that's ALL ABOUT recognizing that "suffering, clears-out the punks and perpetrators", so that the work of God "falls on the true sons and daughters"; baptized by the fires of worldly rejection and suffering, to ultimately position ourselves to reap where Christ has already sown and overcome! "To be done with sin", is how "the hard-headed becomes soft hearted", through the instruction and understanding gained by a thorough whooping that's unique to our struggles and our purpose in Christ.  As the Inexhaustible Headship of Christ is actualized and realized in the life of every true disciple, the suffering of HIS Body "completes HIS sufferings", and further establishes a powerful release of HIS Power and HIS Presence that gives us "the advantage" in all things; as unto The Lord.

1 Peter 3:14, "But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened."
  • The attacks of the enemy are "meat for our making", and when the "winning attitude" possesses us, we transmit "it", and in turn declare to other believers --and to the watching world, that we're NOT intimidated by the humiliation associated with "following HIM"; while many times, HE continues to "break our hearts, for the things that break HIS heart", until we are unmoved or frightened by any of our "external circumstances" -- that truly don't deserve any our meditation or devotion, as a distraction of our hearts away from HIS heart.

Galatians 6:2, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ."
  • The BIble says, "HIS burden -- is light, and HIS yoke -- is easy", so "fulfilling the Law of Christ" is all about "carrying whatever our "spiritual capacity" naturally can hold or lift -- in HIS Name" (as HIS representative) without interfering or intruding into things that are clearly NOT in our lane (or area of grace). 
  • Sadly, the Holy Spirit is also having to let some of us "fall, flat on our faces", because we don't realize that "seasons require operational adjustments", and we tend to take a "set of instructions" meant for one part of the journey, to mean we maintain "that particular path or course" -- "ALL of our journey"; and we end up in error, "resurrecting old words" (stale bread), to maintain comfortability or convenience, when the Spirit is demanding a necessary change or difficult transition that we absolutely require in our lives.

Philippians 1:29, "For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him."
  • If the church taught that "suffering for Christ" was the HIGHEST HONOR associated with our "pledges of allegiance" and "labor of love" for the Kingdom of God, we would ALL be further along in the graduated appreciation and thankfulness "process", through "HIS suffering" for US ALL!  
  • Believing that our suffering for HIM is NOT "a waste of time" or "a maze for HIS amusement" -- as "HE watches us flail in the winds of agony, defeat and pain", is critical to us building a foundation of TRUST that outlives and outlasts EVERY STORM. AND, instead of being disappointed with our gripes, concerns or questions, HE attentively watches with "anticipatory involvement" that our "faith will NOT fail", as HIS Word and HIS "untarnished reputation" acts as a constant reminder that HE can be trusted -- and should be "the source" of our strength and our focus; no matter "what" we suffer "in HIS name".

Romans 5:3-4, "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
  • Our developmental continuum "in Christ", is an amazing introduction to the very heart and mind of God, and the only focus we must maintain -- is one to "please and honor GOD, "only"! When we PLEASE ourselves", and refuse to acknowledge HIS intimate work in every aspect of our lives, we are short-circuiting the process; and in turn, leanness invades the hidden man of the heart that diminishes what is ONLY POSSIBLE through "total surrender to GOD"! 
  • When a proper perspective is gained by the suffering we both experience and observe, we are able to appropriately pray and shift the burden or care, so that what we "see" we don't become; but overcome, because we "believe" that GOD is faithful no matter what may come our way. The diabolical nature of satanic assignments and attacks against GOD's people and the world -- in its most vulnerable state, is common and reoccurring, because through the unjust suffering and the disadvantage of the at-risk, the poor or the underprivileged -- power grabs and political positioning gains ground; through the misinformation, misunderstanding and mismanagement that is rarely confronted by the Body of Christ in the midst of pursuing ongoing prophetic engagement and Intercessory prayer.

Isaiah 53:4, "Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted."
  • Because there is no question that JESUS paid it all, and all to HIM we owe, the revelation of The Father's wrath being fully exercised and realized at Calvary, changes every excuse or reason that we may ever give for NOT being willing to "suffer ourselves" -- for the cause of HIS Kingdom; without wrath or doubting, as we walk triumphantly and victoriously in the midst of our pain.
  • Also, we should be encouraged to KNOW that GOD always keeps HIS promises, and will never neglect to fulfill or to honor HIS Word!  Afflictions have a multiplying effect, because the shell of our existence and identity is greatly strengthened, as we fully embrace HIS Sovereign Will and walk to delight in HIS Ways!

Isaiah 53:3, "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.  Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem."
  • Because HE was despised and rejected, we can have complete confidence that GOD supernaturally holds all HIS Children in high esteem; no matter what our lot is in life. The dilemma we all find in appropriating HIS "finished work" is, to reject the knowledge we have, there is NO GRACE to "keep us"!  In other words, our respect or reverence for HIS "perfect sacrifice", should be equal to the sacrifice itself; but instead, we halfheartedly serve and follow HIS leadership, because we do not properly judge or esteem HIS work on the inside of us! 

Philippians 3:10, "I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death."
  • Our conformity and our cooperation in the midst of actively participating in HIS sufferings, is the open door to supernatural enlargement, fulfillment and rewards; through partaking in the power of HIS resurrection and HIS Word!
  • When we become like HIM in his death, we release resurrection life and power on the inside of us, and we struggle to maintain our stand, while breaking the back of poverty and sin.

Matthew 10:38, "Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me."
  • The rubber meets the road when we no longer begrudge our consecration requirement in Christ, and we start to fully embrace the peculiar path of every blood-bought disciple that consistently moves crosswise or counter to the culture; while strategically building our experiential and educational process in faith -- one situation and one circumstance at a time!
  • The generic plea to "whosoever", is NOT an assault on our intentionality or on the character of any believer, but out of HIS desperation to raise up other invoices like me or you. 

Matthew 10:39, "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
  • When we abandon ourselves to pursue the will of GOD above all else, we isolate ourselves from the world's way of "being" and "seeing", and we obligate our Lord and Savior to infuse our entire being with the message and the Ministry that changes our  generation; and bridges the great gulf between "superficial Christianity", and faith in the Living God who knows and sees!
  • "Finding it" means we discover that what was important to us "diminishes in value", as the incorruptible and intangible principles of GOD's Word are raised with great value and esteem in our hearts. The ONE reality that often hits us hardest -- as the sacrifices of joy initially feels like "heavy burdens and cares", is we gain "life" beyond our ability to conceive it; and then we begin to realize our GOD-potential later on, because we learn to entrust ourselves into HIS care -- no matter HOW "it looks", and no matter HOW "we feel"!

Deuteronomy 8:3, "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
  • To "live on bread alone" means that we esteem HIS Word, HIS Spirit, and HIS Presence ABOVE every earthly substitute, sensual pleasure, and corruptible influence. It means that we recognize that our heritage and lineage "in Christ" has left historical markers and important reminders of the critical nature of trusting The Lord and walking with HIM; even if our earthly families never once called upon HIS name and lived for HIM! 
  • Our "spiritual inheritance" is supernaturally beneficial and eternally rewarding -- beyond our ability to celebrate it or perceive it, because of the communal benefits and inheritance that comes by virtue of partaking of one another's grace, and then radically and totally depending upon The Lord in every circumstance and situation of life.

Matthew 27:28-29, "They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said."
  • When the world "mocks our KING", and rejects the FULLNESS, FREEDOM and FAVOR that is a direct benefit of serving and walking with Jesus Christ, it does so in the face of its "perceived advantage", like it did in dishonoring The King of Glory with an "earthly symbol" of power and authority that "pales in comparison", to the true honor and heavenly kingdom that "is" HIS inheritance and HIS reward with The Father for all of eternity.
  • And so, we are also supernaturally STRIPPED of any false "earthly identity" and unhealthy "worldly affections", as a part of "The Great Exchange" -- through the born-again experience and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in receiving HIS life and HIS leadership to fully come alive in us! The world will "say" things about us that are "true", but meant to mock our earthly posture of "being sheep for the slaughter"; yet we're "ruling and reigning" in our supernatural position in which we're "seated in heavenly places, with Christ Jesus"!

1 Corinthians 13:3, "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."
  • The "new nature" in Christ is a "giving and unselfish nature", and it is founded upon Agape love, which is GOD's Spirit and essence in thought, word and deed lived out -- in and through the life of a genuine Christian. Jesus said, "they will KNOW that you're a 'Christ follower', by your love"; but is THIS the focus of your and my witness to the watching world?  
  • LISTEN: I am a "soldier" and a warrior in the Army of The Lord! I'm WILLING to take a loss, die to myself, and to wage a war or intense battle against all the power of the enemy -- victoriously and triumphantly; but I STILL have to make sure that my HEART doesn't become adrift, because of any earthly or worldly "gain" I might attain that steals my affection and my allegiance for my King and my God!
  • The ability to be charitable or philanthropic, does NOT necessarily "make you  a devoted Christian"; but, it DOES reveal the heart's proclivities and contemplations, without definitively revealing every matter of the heart. "Giving to the poor" is recognizing a "felt need" of their lives, but doesn't mean you correctly perceive them "as GOD does", without YOU first "having HIS heart" and HIS mind -- about everyone, "created in HIS image, and made after HIS likeness". In order for Christians to differentiate and distinguish themselves "from the world" in regards to our giving, "the way we give" and "the wonder we maintain of The GIVER" of ALL life, must always remain congruent!

Job 1:20-21, "At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."
  • In the Book of Job, we have a view of the "perfect storm", as it pertains to human suffering and pain. Job's response to the unrelenting barrage of satanic warfare and assaults -- against both his character and his faith in God, brings home the common dilemma all sincere followers of Christ must have, before we can TRUTHFULLY SAY; "though HE slay me, YET will I trust HIM"!  When we realize that we can truly celebrate "our LOSS, as GAIN", then we can be "seated in heavenly places", without a vacillating or double-minded response to uncomfortable circumstances.
  • "Naked have I come, and naked shall I return", is fully embracing the reality of sufferings-ability to "only diminish what needs to die" in us; NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS!  With this eternal realization filling our hearts and minds, we lessen the grip that satan's able to maintain within our hearts, when we become indifferent and unmoved by "things" meant to steal our hearts away, from the fearless confidence and biblical conformity to the will and purpose of God that ONLY true followers will have in The Lord.

None of US should be "ashamed of suffering" in HIS name! Sharing our testimonies and witnessing to those in a similar set of circumstances, is what we're supposed to do...But, we MUST allow "HE that has begun a good work in us" -- to "fully" COMPLETE IT, "until the day of Jesus Christ".

As yours and my "consecration requirement" becomes less and less of a "burden that we bear", we will begin "to rejoice in our sufferings" for HIS namesake! Then, we will pledge allegiance to HIS will; we will purpose to follow HIM through the valleys and the shadows of death; and we will position ourselves to serve HIS agenda and NOT our own; if our trust and dependence upon HIM never dies!


1 PETER 2:4-8 (NASB)
 4 And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For this is contained in Scripture:  "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER stone, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED."  7 This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone,"8 and, "A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed.


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