"A Godly Woman" is Heaven's Greatest Gift to humanity, and as she develops and matures into the earth's finest treasure, her incalculable worth as a — wife, mother, friend, sister, lover, and advocate of strong families, becomes an invaluable and priceless contribution to the entire world! 

In our society today, many women with intergenerational representation in the marketplace, in churches, diverse communities, and in throughout the globe, faintly grasp the eternal importance of God's original intent for ALL WOMEN!

As we are all well aware — slavery, prostitution, human trafficking, domestic above, hyper-feminism, socioeconomic inequities, etc, are the cause for GREAT PAIN to women; but, a "godly man" can help to resolve the blight and the brokenness they face from every walk of life..

I am NOT an advocate of the traditional mindsets of a woman's contribution to the world -necessarily. But, everyone's not graced to be a "career woman", "super model", or "media personality".

These contributions all have value.  But, no where near the incomparable value of God's heart for HIS DAUGHTERS (women) as revealed in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. 

In today's popular culture, there appears to be too many tween girls, teen girls and young women that seem satisfied by simply "being manipulative with girl power" through the use of their bodies and sex.

Through the influence of a godly woman, INTELLIGENCE, INNOCENCE and INTUITION take priority over men's lustful fascinations with a woman's voluptuousness and beauty; using it to objectify them, to demoralize them, or to "pimp them out" for their own monetary gain...

Whether it's being a source of emasculating or bad-mouthing men to communicate "equality" between the sexes. Or, whether it's intentionally demeaning and demoralizing "manhood", and it's positive cultural representations in society — now, man-bashing is what they  do! 

"YOUNG WOMEN" your value is not in your outward appearance — alone, which may attract a "range of interest" that does not communicate your "true worth". 

Your IDENTITY is not in what they say about "the rump" or "the rack", which makes you image conscious, but broken!

It is ALL ABOUT what God created YOU to be for the family, the community, the nation, and the world that HE NEEDS you carry your influence into and to BE a "godly woman"! 

Decide today! 

The world is waiting for YOU!  WS-3 w/Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM

P.S. — It's EASY to write this kind of blog, when the REAL LIFE EXAMPLE exists in our home Yahayra Smith


Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. (PIHIM)/ The Center For Kingdom Advancement (TCFKA)
1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #7052
Rochester, MN 55901-7770
Website: www.PIHIM.org
Blog: www.AskPastorWalter.com
Email:  info@PIHIM.org

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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