“Your Obedience is Critical For His Glory to Be Revealed”
Almost three years ago now, the Father spoke to my heart about shifting in the way that I was communicating through the various platforms that I'm communicating on..
Today, as I've been praying for my wife and my children, while fellowshipping with the Lord, it's become even clearer to me "why" the use of my voice has been tempered and adjusted the past few years — so that His Glory can be revealed; absent of anyone thinking it was "me" apart from "Him"!?!
What do you mean?
"Personality-driven ministries" spend the majority of their time highlighting and spotlighting "the person" that God may or may not be using, instead of focusing and pointing to the ONLY PERSON that actually matters in the scheme of deliverance, salvation and transformation that is "born" of His Spirit alone!
If you pay attention to most of the antics and emotionalism that placates as "power" in too many of our American churches in the West, it's always assigned to glorifying some gesture or display of the "vessel" that enamors people more to "the flesh" of the personality, and NOT to "the Spirit"!
They may recognize it's "God using you", but that's a part of the problem with previous moves and movements.."People" want the signs and wonders to be "assigned to them more than Him", and it ultimately stifles His Glory from truly being revealed; without human manipulation or ego-centric posturing!
NOW, in this season, I'm watching the weightiness of His Person and His Power being "revealed" in ways that keeps me "hidden behind the Cross, so that He might be clearly seen"; and I'm excited to "decrease so that He might increase" — by simply prayerfully yielding to the way that He chooses to supernaturally dominate and demonstrate His Power; just because I radically depend upon Him and "believe"...EVEN IF there's no "direct reflection" on ME being used AT ALL!
THIS is "how" we SHAPE NATIONS and CHANGE GENERATIONS, by "being a witness", by "prayerfully agreeing and interceding", and by "properly representing His Love and His Heart" according to His Will!
STOP TALKING SO MUCH, and AGREE WITH HIM for your family, your community and our nation by choosing to "let" HIS GLORY BE REVEALED! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
Corporate Line: (424) 333-4047
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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