“Father-Son Relationships in the Church?”
I've noticed that the unhealthy dispositions of father-son relationships in the church stems from a predominant biblical illiteracy and denominational-bent, along with cultural traditions that we hold as sacred - which have no real basis in scripture. Amongst the African-American representation in Christ's Body is an interesting cultural history, with high regard for the "community spokesman" (church leader) on a range of important issues and subject matter that was the primary vehicle for rallying support and providing esteem for the leaders that fostered the Civil Right's Movement; and fought for human right's issues that helped more than just people of color.
Today, our leadership has a much more complex environment for doing ministry, but patterning ourselves after traditional models and mindsets is not beneficial or impactful to the communities of color that are struggling and dying, in many major metropolitan cities.
Christ "is" the only Archetype that we should pattern ourselves after! Submission to godly leadership, while being a source of prayer coverage and accountability, is the task - but real leadership development is not about copying or coercing allegiance from a son or daughter to follow! PRAY that these important relationships become more healthy in the Body of Christ, and especially that the baton gets properly passed in the African-American community! WS-3
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