EVERYONE wants God to be good to them - even those who don't really serve HIM!

Every year, no matter what seeds we've sown, there always seems to be something quite exciting about the New Year...at least in our "youthful thinking"!

Somewhere there's an unwritten code and expectation of us all, about this time of the year!  

For instance:

- This is normally seen as the "perfect time" to get a tax write-off, even if you're not genuinely charitable any other time of the year.
- This is the time that people "clean out" their Rolodexes of relationships, to evaluate who is "adding to their lives", etc..the problem with that is relationships were never meant to be transactional; so maybe focusing on "how to be a better person" would automatically be the only stewardship required, as it pertains to building and maintaining your "healthy" relationships..

I think we mysteriously expect our own willful missteps, past history of disobedience, and lack of discipline in our daily lives - concerning our health or life goals, to just be magically erased by God and others; including the fair-weather commitments we make to God so that HE'll "bless us"; while our "unchanged hearts" and "unrenewed minds" are really the culprits that hold us hostage to the past that we'd love to supernaturally disappear!

For the past three transitions from one year to the next, God has been encouraging me about understanding that "the continuum of our lives" is as important, as the different seasons that "come and go".

If we "build with the future in mind", without neglecting to enjoy living in the present, we won't be so reckless about the different events in our lives;  including being a spendthrift during the holiday season, but having to manage the enormous debt incurred for years later - just to say or to feel that you had a great holiday?

God will forgive...

God does love us unconditionally...

God wants us to enjoy our lives...

We don't ever deserve or earn God's Blessings, but we do have a responsibility to cooperate with HIS will, and obey HIS word, as it is revealed in the continuum of our lives!

This year, choose to build upon what development and progress occurred from previous years...

Don't treat your life as a mere event, with no thought of the legacy and impact every decision you make will have on both the short and long-term, for years to come!

That's why "getting smashed" for New Years may not be in your best interest, if you're already battling with your health; if you always end up destroying your relationships, because of your sharp tongue that comes with being drunk; or you inconveniently endanger the lives of others by drinking and driving, without thought that anything could happen and just might - so don't even consider it!

"Wow, Pastor.. What are you, the kill-joy of partying on New Year's Eve?..

No, I'm not!  Enjoy yourself, but be responsible for your actions!

And, remember this....when the events are over, you still have to face the life you magically left behind, for a few moments or hours, because unless your "time of departure" has come - TOMORROW will come! 

Will the harvest from your choices "in the moment" be worth it? SELAH. WS-3

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 

Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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