“So he answered me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel (President Trump): ‘Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of Armies.” (Zechariah 4:6 CSB)
YES..MANY OF US would like to get physical, and to fight this battle the old fashioned way..BUT, GOD HAS A PLAN!!
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I KNOW that everyone that's a part of this MAGA Movement, may or may NOT be "committed Christians" of any/every denomination or background; and I REALLY don't want to offend anyone else's FAITH TRADITION through this message in prayer..
BUT, there's no doubt in my mind that at this juncture — we really need to PRIORITIZE SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION; because the days before us could go in a million different directions; so WE NEED TO PRAY!
Without us completely SHIFTING THE HEAVY BURDENS and OVERWHELMING CARES on every side, from being IMPROPERLY SHOULDERED in our dependence upon "human strength or ability" ALONE! We have to take control of the narrative, and refuse to TAKE THE BAIT that will further divide this nation beyond repairing!
INSTEAD, we can intentionally choose to rely upon and completely surrender the UNCONTROLLABLE THINGS and AREAS OF DISAGREEMENT; to the INEXHAUSTIBLE POWER and PRESENCE of EL ELYON" (GOD, MOST HIGH) in every step and in every decision moving forward!
LORD: WE KNOW that the seriousness and the intensity of the EXISTENTIAL CRISIS, the IMMINENT DANGERS, and the UNAVOIDABLE CONFLICTS surrounding "this most important Presidential election of our life times" — is NOT a "walk in the tulips" or a "stroll in the park"..
The CONSISTENT TRAPS, the PERVASIVE THREATS, and the UNRELENTING JUDGMENTS of the other side, have been as intense and overwhelming as a RAGING FOREST FIRE — and the NECESSITY to "Fight..Fight..Fight", is both REAL and REQUISITE for us all at this point.
BUT, we can't do it alone (in our HUMAN STRENGTH or LIMITED and FINITE POWER) no matter how resourceful or powerful we are; WE NEED "ABBA FATHER" to reveal to us "the Power of HIS MIGHT", in every step that we take together; to THOUGHTFULLY and WISELY move forward..
>> THIS PRAYER OF PROTECTION (YouTube Video Below) is "straight from GOD's HOLY WORD"!
In order to OVERTHROW and to OVERCOME "the forces of confusion, of darkness, and of evil and wicked intent" — because we know that our HUMAN STRENGTH is NOT ENOUGH, we SURRENDER THIS FIGHT to the "only" POWER and PRESENCE that can lead us "to win", "to heal", and "to recover this entire country"; no matter what OUR DIFFERENCES maybe, without us having or needing to require the SHEDDING OF BLOOD against one another in our land.
WE BELIEVE that the only way is through "total reliance" and "total dependence" upon ALMIGHTY GOD, that will NEVER BETRAY US or LET US DOWN.
AND, as we use these "spiritual" tools to "SILENCE THE ENEMY and THE AVENGER" (including the lies, the rhetoric, and the confusion) by choosing to "HUMBLE OURSELVES UNDER THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD" — WE KNOW that it is YOU ALONE that will "lead us to triumph in Christ"; and lead us "to do more than just win".
WE NEED YOU GOD "to heal our land", and "to remove the STRIFE, the DIVISION and the CONFUSION" from swallowing us up. AND, as a consequence of devouring and attacking each other — because we know that OUR FIGHT is NOT just "against FLESH and BLOOD" ("the Left", the Democrats, or "political opposition") — We're committed to confronting the ANCIENT FORCES and the DARK POWERS in faith, by God's grace alone. SO, please lead us to prevail and to triumph in the BEST INTEREST OF ALL, as we STAY ON OUR KNEES in prayer for one another!
Athough PRESIDENT TRUMP is both tough and resilient — right alongside millions of us MAGA solders and patriots, that are READY TO FIGHT!
THE KEY to us all KEEPING THE PEACE, is by NOT allowing ourselves to forget to recognize that the OPPOSITION AT WORK — intends to completely destroy this country; by us angrily magnifying and aggressively seeking the NEGATIVE ASPECTS that are at work all around us; instead of leaving the FINAL JUDGMENT and DETERMINATION of this election, on ALMIGHTY GOD!
EVERY ISSUE we must face has GLOBAL IMPLICATIONS, and if we let our anger BREW and BOIL OVER that could CAUSE UNTOLD WARS, and exacerbate the potential of "unexpected volatility and baiting one another"; that leads to IMPENDING DANGERS and even the potential of NUCLEAR WAR..
IT's OBVIOUS that we're all fighting against the high ranking order of the SATANIC FORCES of DOOM and DARKNESS, AND, it's ONLY through CHRIST's NAME, WORD, and BLOOD that we can overcome!
AND, to overthrow these evil and wicked "dark powers", we NEED TO REMEMBER that we're not all that different — when we don't raise our OPINIONS to sacred or uncompromising; by understanding that our willingness to work through our issues, will affect the NEXT GENERATION!
IF WE DECIDE to choose to work together, and SUPERNATURALLY BREAK every STRONGHOLD in this country, by FORGIVING, by HEALING, and by COMPROMISING for the generations too come; for this BELOVED — "Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave"!
NOW, WE CHOOSE to "let go" and to "forgive our other BROTHERS and SISTERS" — often times with ALL of our different intentions and radical opinions..
AND, by looking unto JESUS — "to curb the tides that could overwhelm us", WITHOUT COMPLETELY SURRENDERING TO HIM and gracefully working with each other, we can ultimately forego the ACTUALITY of EXPERIENCING the threatening possibilities of ULTOLD DEATHS; or another CIVIL WAR!
GOD FORBID! SELAH..💯✝️🙏🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: (https://www.christianity.com/wiki/prayer/prayers-for-protection-pray-for-safety.html)
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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