" Redemptive Judgment " is something that doctrinely I believe is in line with the New Testament - Covenant Reality every Christian should enjoy, because of Christ's Perfect-Substitutionary Sacrifice on behalf of the entire world; which graciously redeems, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies everyone - Jew and Gentile, that open their hearts to receive Him as their Savior and Lord! What seems to create so much controversy concerning the subject of "judgment", is that there are important questions posed by both believers and unbelievers alike, which requires an intelligent and thoughtful response from church leaders, like: Who is the "author" or causative agent of judgment in our world today? Why do we experience or suffer any ill-affects from judgment as Christians, if Christ paid for the sins of the world already? What should we do to either avert or "stay" the prevalent judgments we see going on in our world? What is the message th...