"Redemptive Judgment?"

"Redemptive Judgment" is something that doctrinely I believe is in line with the New Testament - Covenant Reality every Christian should enjoy, because of Christ's Perfect-Substitutionary Sacrifice on behalf of the entire world; which graciously redeems, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies everyone - Jew and Gentile, that open their hearts to receive Him as their Savior and Lord!

What seems to create so much controversy concerning the subject of "judgment", is that there are important questions posed by both believers and unbelievers alike, which requires an intelligent and thoughtful response from church leaders, like:
  • Who is the "author" or causative agent of judgment in our world today?
  • Why do we experience or suffer any ill-affects from judgment as Christians, if Christ paid for the sins of the world already?
  •  What should we do to either avert or "stay" the prevalent judgments we see going on in our world?
  • What is the message that the Church should be communicating during times like these?
Well, who is the "author" or causative agent of judgment in our world today?

In the Gospel of John 10:10, the Bible says "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus Christ) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

SATAN is the author of confusion and destruction in our world today! 

But, Satan happens to use:
  1. The negligence, ignorance and disobedience of the complacent and disunified Church in abdicating our responsibility to intercede and intervene on behalf of our families, communities, nations, and world; by contending or standing in the gap through strategic prayer; by prophetically engaging our culture in every societal mountain without compromising or becoming subject to its corruption, delusion and deception; and by providing the "redemptive hope" through the Gospel Message, which includes intentional acts of service and charity to those who are tragically impacted by Satan's destructive devices.
  2. The "blinded minds" of unbelieving mankind, according to 1 Corinthians 4:4, that perpetuate Satan's dark and diabolical agenda, by succumbing to his influence in their beliefs and behaviors that contradict or stand in direct opposition to God's Word.
  3. The proliferation of arguments, ideologies and philosophies of men denying the truth of Scripture, is what I call "The Demonic Seduction" that attempts to pervert the worship of God's creation; by infecting and polluting the hearts and minds of anyone from believing in the Providential and Sovereign Work of God in the affairs of men. Sadly, instead - mankind begins to worship "the created thing" through autocratic self-dependency, and neglects the God-dependence that Christ ordains for each of us, by totally relying upon the Holy Spirit completely.
Why do we experience or suffer any ill-affects from judgment as Christians, if Christ paid for the sins of the world already?

In Romans 8:19, the "For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]."

The Church has a major role, through the Holy Spirit's efficacious and strategic mandate in the life of every believer, to act as "ambassadorial representatives" in the earth, or "citizens of the Kingdom of God" - who champion Christ's agenda during the cllimax of the ages and the consummation of all things.

We are NOT to impose or "take over" society. But, too simply occupy and to be "salt and light" until the final fulfillment of all things "becoming subject to Him", as prophetically proclaimed and recorded in the Book of Revelation.

Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have already overcome the world." (John 16:33)  We don't escape, but can be "safe", if we hearken to His voice and follow His leadership as He directs us throughout our lifetime in the walk of faith.

What should we do to either avert or stay the prevalent judgments we see going on in our world?

In the critical role of "occupying" comes the heavier requirement to cooperate with His unfolding agenda, and according to the Book of Hebrews 1:1-2, the Bible says, "God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds."

In my opinion, the great dilemma in the Church today is the "competing voices" that either seek to gain a reputation for themselves by promoting "continuing revelation" and adding to the Scriptures, or by maligning the voice of their "spiritual" brother or sister through verbal assaults against desenting views or interpretations that disagree with theirs, in a hateful spirit or attitude.

Besides, our frequent "church fights" and denominational splits, there also happens to be no end to the excessive blog responses and disagreeing outcrys of believers and unbelievers against certain "known" voices in Christendom, that seem to speak carelessly or unmercifully about the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that have struck; with an attitude of indifference towards the plight of the unbeliever - who have neither accepted Christ before their lives tragically ended, or never encountered a "manifesting son" to reach them when the crises have occured.

What is the message that the Church should be communicating during times like these?

In the Old Testament Book of Amos 3:7, in the Amplified Bible (AMP) version, the Word of the Lord to Amos declares, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets."

In the biblical commentary on Amos 3:7, God has always warned the world of coming judgments in order that it may not bring them upon itself. He warned Noah of the coming flood (Gen. 6:13ff.); Abraham and Lot of the future destruction of Sodom (Gen. 18:17; 19:14); Joseph of the seven-year famine (Gen. 41:30); Moses of the ten plagues on Egypt (Exod. 7:1ff.); Jonah of the destruction of Nineveh (Jonah 1:2; 3:4); Amos of the downfall of Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah, and Israel (Amos 1 and 2). 

Various prophets were told in detail about the final events in connection with the captivities of the chosen people - Israel, and in every case the warnings were startlingly executed. As an example, Jonah announced the destruction of Nineveh, but judgment was postponed following repentance. When later generations of Ninevites backslid and reverted to extreme wickedness, the warning of Nahum was carried out completely against them. 

Even Christ's coming was foretold throughout the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi. Equally plain and inevitable of fulfillment are the warnings of Jesus and the prophets concerning the future - that each day comes nearer to every nation on the earth.

So, warnings from the apostolic and prophetic voices of our time should provoke us to move in harmony with Christ by:
  • Carefully judging by the Spirit what we hear noised about in the Christian community.
  • Correcting our attitudes of "skating past" urgent prophetic declarations, which provide warning of impending danger or threats of disaster.
  • Not mispeaking or communicating our opinions without taking the Scripture into proper context.
  • Remembering that the treatment of Israel by the nations of the earth does have immediate and future affects upon its well being and prosperity.
Finally, we should remember that it is "the absence of light" that enables darkness to have a prevailing influence in our world today!

Take YOUR POST, and determine to occupy as "salt and light" in your field and amongst your family!

Since our "faith is not futile" (1 Corinthians 15:14), and Christ did die for the entire world, let God, be God!

Choose NOT to set yourself as an accuser against ANYONE in the Body of Christ!

Choose NOT to publicly attack someone's opinion, no matter how wrong it is if you're unwilling to both pray and reach out to them - speaking truth in love, so that if their soul salvation is in jeopardy, we are a "vessel of honor" that God can use to reach them!

On that note, I was motivated to write this blog after hearing Pastor Che Ahn's message on this very subject. (See Link) http://www.xpmedia.com/rYC3t8c8BH5k

My only point of interjection, is not a criticism of his heart, but a missing element in His message, which I see many times as contributing to the idea that "warnings" should be lumped into the category of "doom and gloom". I do NOT account this to him as a judgment of his post, just "completing his sentence" or adding to the commentary to fill in the gaps.

Christ, is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, as the Chief Intercessor and Refiner of His Church! I believe the "grace card" has been played far too long in many "Christian" circles, and the backlash that is permitted in part or in whole - will be credited to the foolhardy impotence of the complacent Church.

In "Prophetic Watchcare" and amongst legitimate "Watchman" of our day and time, by virtue of the grace associated with the specific mantle they carry, the understanding of their stationary or spherical influence and insight enables them to see what many leaders are completely blind and resistant to seeing.

What's the point?

FOOLS RUSH IN to speak without seeking the Lord first!

My prayer TODAY is that the Body of Christ will wake up, wisen up, and press in to God!

THANK GOD for the Blessed Hope nestled in the reality of "Redemptive Judgment" - we all need it!  WS-3


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