
"The Power of Partnership with God & Man!"

There's Power in Partnership! From the beginning of "time" as we've all come to know and understand it from the Word of God, the Father has shown His intent for bringing the apex of creation (mankind) into partnership with Him in the joint-stewardship of the earth, through releasing the supernatural endowment of His Spirit upon mankind. Without digressing into the "fall of man", or the subsequent covenants God made with His chosen representatives during the progressive dispensations throughout human history - His original intent and His plan for mankind during the climax of the ages and the consummation of all things in the Person of Jesus Christ, for both dynamic partnership and mutual cooperation with us; has neither been altered or changed. The heart of God burns with zealous passion for the explosive synergy, purpose and provision harmoniously colliding through our ordained partnerships with Him and our thoughtful partnerships with one another.   ...


Anytime obedience can be altered by people's idiosyncratic responses and opinions, we are NOT properly developed in our apostolic identity in Christ! The limitations of cultural and "personal preferences" on our full apostolic identity, is both fatal and futile. If you are God's servant, don't make attacks and persecution about YOU, it's all about Him. Embracing the process that apostilicity demands, will develop the Spirit and Word of Reconciliation that never short-circuits the extent the redemptive work at Calvary will accomplish in transforming us more into His likeness. You don't have to respond to in demeaning or hateful ways towards critics - because it's proof of His hand at work through you and upon you! The abuse of "grace" is willfully pushing past the natural-earthly limitations we're governed by, to "prove" that spiritual power and authority exists - but at the neglect of the required balance and wisdom t...

"God's Faithfulness is NEVER in question!"

God's Faithfulness is not determined by our acknowledgement or confidence in the integrity of His word and character - in always doing exactly what He has promised from the scriptures. I've noticed through the years, that when believers experience the reality of "being abased" and "being abound", and everything in between - without our minds properly renewed, we think God is nitpicking about the things we "like" to do; and is correcting us for being greedy, when His leadership in our lives is not petty-investigative work about insignificant things. As the Lord matures His people, He is fostering balance in your life, so that where you have misplaced priorities and fleshly thinking, He pinpoints it in the fire! Jesus is our "Perfect Example" of what it means to be balanced without ever having a need! Because, He was "moved with compassion" by being completely yielded to the Father's heart, HE NEVER: a) allowed self-...

"God's Perfect Design?"

Perceptions are ideas which transmit images or word pictures that become thoughts. Once the thought is put into action, with continued conscious or unconscious behavior, a belief system is established, which eventually becomes a lifestyle choice! Being “led by the Spirit” then pertains to an active-conscious agreement with God that shields the individual from contrary action, which is evident through works of the flesh. The flesh = carnal nature without God! See Galatians 5:16-26 (Below) “16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, s...

"Leadership Vacuums": The Threat & The Opportunity

Today, 99% of our world's biggest threats and crises exists due to the pervasive " leadership vacuums " that have become so prevalent in every field and societal-center of influence. Although, we've curiously asked ourselves 'why', all too often we've ambitiously pursued "greatness" - without first embracing the fundamental process that shapes us into becoming great and effective leaders worth following. " Judging ourselves " before rushing to assume these important roles and assignments, then becomes most critical in the self-check and heart-purification that will generally expose "the masquerade" that often parades itself as "leadership"; but is simply "followership with a title" and "a tickling-ear message" that incites others to blindly follow, without being proven, perfected, or polished by His loving hands and presence. But, sadly, we've quickly laid blame or made many tired excuses...


I'm praying for some people in my life right now, who I know have very little leeway for negotiating with God through their blatant disobedience and fairweather followership , as if their doing God a favor by following Him! This delusional arrogance is satanic and destructive, and will reveal itself first through unrepentant obstinance - followed by self-righteous justifications and deflections . The enemy knows that our influence may be the only life-line to keep their soul from hell-fire, but we're only responsible for obeying what He's told us to do! We are in some extremely dangerous times , spiritually speaking, and some of the diabolical influences we've entertained for too many years, will now be permitted to dominate our lives without us completely surrendering to Christ! If they have the attitude, "not me", but are living in a place of compromise to truth, PRAY !  HELL is REAL!   WS-3

"Some Lessons "REQUIRE" a Good Spanking!"

Family : We must LEARN not to prematurely commit to anyone or anything between the obligatory commitments or promises we make out of pressure to "change our season", or based upon the sensual wisdom that misleads our hearts - because we don't explicitly trust in God ! The repeated cycles that we've all traversed is tied to our own words that are "stout against us", which keeps us duly "bound" to alliances and relationships with corruptible influences that we faintly discern are wrong for us. How come we can't see it for what it is? Our "blindness" is our correction , and until we get tired of the rollercoaster ride of defeat and disappointment - we will stay tied to "fruit dying on the vine" . Shift NOW before it's too late! WS-3