



For almost three years now, I've diligently sought a career opportunity in the public or private sector, encountering some very unusual happenings and occurrences (to say the least), while I've faithfully and patiently walked this journey of faith; going wherever God said to go, and doing whatever God said to do! What we "call faith", is NOT really faith at all in many cases, if we're unwilling to deal with: the "tight spots", the "feelings of abandonment", the injustice of giving much - but receiving little (by HIS design), and "looking foolish" for trusting and walking with HIM; during the times that you feel forsaken; although "others", without the same level of desire to follow or serve HIM, seem to prosper!?! I have attempted to forfeit this "crazy call of God" upon my life SO MANY TIMES, and as I awaken today - anticipating "daily bread" and HIS Goodness to be revealed - I am NOT ashamed "to wa...


WALKING SOFTLY, AND CARRY A "LITTLE STICK": Through the years of my intense and joyful study of eschatology, I have learned that most Christians "do NOT have a developed or systematized, end-time chronology." When you read the Book of Daniel, you can see the obvious intimacy, profundity and apocalyptic genius that GOD allowed this dynamic prophet and statesman to both receive and communicate, which has provided one of the clearest chronological timelines for end-time happenings and human history; from the standpoint of the kingdoms of men versus the kingdom of God... There are some Christians, who focus or "major" on this particular area of Christianity (eschatological events) for theological, psychological, or denominational reasons; and (bless their hearts), they become mean-spirited, narrow in their interpretations, and "bound by their own denominational traditions"! These Christians seem to become obsessed with "how it will all end"...


PRAY 4 ME & PLEASE GIVE @ Sent from WS-3's iPhone




#FAVOR-4-LIFE... "For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5 AMP) The "dark times" that GOD allows, induces the heart cries and decries against God - that we may NEVER verbalize aloud, and they actually represent the "internal rebellion" and "spiritual resistance" that we're often unawares of, until we experience HIS anger about our disobedience that "no legitimate child of GOD', EVER wants to feel... TODAY - let go of ALL THE FEELINGS associated with the "dark night of the soul" that you've encountered recently! Although your cries for relief have seemingly been ignored, HIS FAVOR is about to reign down upon your life in ways that amazes your friends and astounds your critics! REST IN HIS GOODNESS!  GOD cannot fail or lie!  "Morning" isn't "A.M." - Family! (spiritual speaki...


"Believing in yourself" is NOT some existential crisis of YOUR "imbalanced individualism" or "career narcissism"...It's the critical component of "personal identity" that acts as a catalyst for "healthy growth" and development, in every area of your life! Sometimes, Christians tend to be quite imbalanced, by focusing on "the spiritual realm" - ONLY! And, because of this,  there's a great absence of holistic approaches to comprehensive discipleship models, and a vacuum amongst "Christian leaders" - around "building true Christ identity; while healing - personal integrity", so that every person isn't afraid to "BE" who GOD has called them to be!  "Personal Integrity" is alignment of your spirit, soul and body - to HIS voice within you; that never forgets, ignores or rejects the truth about you, revealed by HIM! Hallelujah!!! When it comes to either the "false humility...