Through the years of my intense and joyful study of eschatology, I have learned that most Christians "do NOT have a developed or systematized, end-time chronology."

When you read the Book of Daniel, you can see the obvious intimacy, profundity and apocalyptic genius that GOD allowed this dynamic prophet and statesman to both receive and communicate, which has provided one of the clearest chronological timelines for end-time happenings and human history; from the standpoint of the kingdoms of men versus the kingdom of God...

There are some Christians, who focus or "major" on this particular area of Christianity (eschatological events) for theological, psychological, or denominational reasons; and (bless their hearts), they become mean-spirited, narrow in their interpretations, and "bound by their own denominational traditions"!

These Christians seem to become obsessed with "how it will all end", and somehow miss the urgency of the propagating "the gospel of the kingdom"; NOT their specific bent or opinion as a "divine edict", every time they speak!?!  

Believers can NOT affect God's eschatological (end-time) agenda - because, the times and seasons are in HIS Care;  but we can participate in "the gospel mandate" (cf. Matt. 28:19-20; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8), and THAT should be our ONLY focus!

In light of this fact, our commentary on God's Word, should ONLY attempt to be encouraging/edifying/corrective, and not doggedly definitive; as a sign post and not a road map, as a "what if," not a "thus says the Lord." 

THIS is one of the primary reasons there's been so much "imbalance" with "personal prophecy", etc.  And the BIble says (concerning this imbalance) - "Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet's own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:20, 21 NLT)


I have come face to face with my own inadequacies, biases, and theological opinions, because "we ALL have them".  But, I have also seen those "adamant interpreters", who value their interpretations as "sacred", and that's a GROSS ERROR.  It almost seems that people find whatever they're looking for as they read the Book of Revelation, as an illustration.  

Everything contained in the scripture is in the Bible for a purpose - by design. Like the admonition in the last chapter of Revelation that says, "And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book." (Revelation 22:18, 19 NLT)

Its placement as the concluding "word" is not by accident.  SO, let us join hands, not form camps; let us affirm what is clear and central, not all that "may be", "might be", "could be"- true.  God help us all!

"Most believers" do at least affirm a Second Coming of Christ and an end-time culmination of the promises of God. (LOL!)  The interpretive problems arising from how to understand this temporal culmination, come from several biblical paradoxes, like:

1. the tension between Old Covenant "prophetic models" and New Covenant "apostolic models"
2. the tension between the Bible's monotheism (one God for all) and the election of Israel (a special people)
3. the tension between the conditional aspect of biblical covenants and promises ("if. . .then") and the unconditional faithfulness of God to fallen mankind's redemption
4. the tension between Near Eastern literary genres and modern western literary models
5. the tension between the Kingdom of God as present, yet future.
6. the tension between belief in the imminent return of Christ and the belief that some events must happen first.

In light of these tensions and paradoxical challenges, the delicacy associated with remaining "led by HIS Spirit" in our study and sharing is absolutely critical!

This blog "takes all of this into account", as I use a synopsis of the life of Daniel as a typological picture of what believers should "be like" in these end-times...


I believe that the Prophet & Statesman - Daniel, is a "prototype personality" for the end-time representation that the Body of Christ must re-present to truly emerge as "HIS Bride" in these last and evil days!

Daniel is one of the few well-known biblical characters from whom "nothing negative is written". His life was characterized by faith, prayer, courage, consistency, and lack of compromise. This 'greatly beloved' man (9:23; 10:11, 19) was mentioned three times by his sixth-century B.C. contemporary - the Prophet Ezekiel, as an example of righteousness.

Daniel was able to survive and thrive the three exiles through (3) different ungodly administrations  - Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius the Mede; while remaining  a "key" prophetic voice" and "righteous representation",  until the end of the 70-years of captivity were completed- that the Prophet Jeremiah had proclaimed. (Jer. 29)

The "distinguishable characteristics" that set Daniel apart, include:
- Holy Character
- Divine Vision
- End-Time Enlightened
- Focused on God's Sovereignty 
- A Consecrated Vessel
- Prophetically Engaged with the culture


We can see four elements in the message of Daniel. 

#1 - First, God is all-knowing.  He can predict future events, and he revealed some of those secrets to the prophets. 

#2 - Second, God rules over human affairs. This does not mean that we are not free to act, but it does mean that God works in and through our choices. This gives us confidence to live because ultimately no one can defy God and get away with it. God is still on the throne. 

#3 - Third, evil will ultimately be overcome. Although God's enemies may get the upper hand at times in history, the final chapter has not yet been written. When it is, God will come out the victor, along with those who have chosen to live for him. 

#4 - Finally, God's Messiah, Jesus, is vital in his plan for the world; Daniel had an intimation of that redemptive mystery." 


A. God sovereignly rules in the kingdoms of men.

1. Nebuchadnezzar did not "take" Jerusalem. God gave it to him. (1:2)
2. Amidst the thrones of the world, wherever they may be, there is one throne that reigns supreme over all upon whom sits the King of Kings and Ancient of Days. (2:21; 7:9-10)
a. It is by the will of God that kings are raised or deposed. (2:21; 4:17,25)
b. The destiny of the nations is within his hands. (5:18ff; cf. Acts 17:26)
c. No battle or siege is successful unless God wills it. (1:2a; 5:25-30)
3. God shows that all heathen nations and individuals were still accountable to His moral law. (4:27; 5:22-23, 27)

B. God cares for His own.

1. The Jews of the captivity were tempted to think that God had forgotten them.
2. God's deliverance of the three men from the furnace and Daniel from the lions' den would serve as proof that God still loved and cared for His people—whom the Lord loves He chastens and disciplines. (Hebrews 12:6)

C. The superiority of the kingdom of God to the kingdoms of men.

1. All the world kingdoms would be earthly and devilish while the kingdom of God would be heavenly.
2. The kingdoms of men were destined for destruction while the kingdom of God under the rule of the Messiah was destined for glory. (2:44-45; 7:1-28)

D. Faithfulness under trying circumstances.

1. In contrast to "the worldly", who tend to go with the crowd and follow the path of least resistance, Daniel and his three friends illustrate that we can live righteously in spite of our surroundings. (1:8; 3:13-18; 6:10-17)
2. As God rewarded them for such faithfulness, He will also reward us.

E. Divine protection.

1. God does not leave the faithful to the mercy of their enemies.
2. When Daniel and his friends were faithful, God protected them. (1:18-20; 2:12-13; 3:19-27; 6:10-23)


"As the world turns", and I'm NOT talking about the soap opera on television (smile), the strength of the Body of Christ that should be developing into "the Bride", intimacy, maturity and unity must become our priority!

How? We're all "so different", and so hell-bent (pun intended) on "having it our way"!

The End-Time Bride, enraptured with HIS Love, will have no issue or problem, "agreeing to disagree" - while focusing our energies on what's really important..SELAH!  WS-3

Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario)
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 524-0654 Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"

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