I've had some acquaintance with the religious spirit, since God positioned me on the front-lines to both consult and minister to "religious leaders"! Sadly, many "in the name" of their: "anointing", "ministry assignment", "untamed flesh", and "twisted theologies" - are some of the most angry and foul-mouthed personalities; and, "gentleness" is NOT one of the words that I'd use to describe their "behind the scenes" interaction and communication with the "ministry team"; supposedly "all in the name of excellence" (?!?), but that's simply carnality, pride and undisciplined flesh - and, to set a new generation of leaders on course for a veritable Christ-like representation and witness, "light must expose darkness" - by speaking truth in love! The Bible says, "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:5) Paul used an interest...