

I've had some acquaintance with the religious spirit, since God positioned me on the front-lines to both consult and minister to "religious leaders"! Sadly, many "in the name" of their: "anointing", "ministry assignment", "untamed flesh", and "twisted theologies" - are some of the most angry and foul-mouthed personalities; and, "gentleness" is NOT one of the words that I'd use to describe their "behind the scenes" interaction and communication with the "ministry team"; supposedly "all in the name of excellence" (?!?), but that's simply carnality, pride and undisciplined flesh - and, to set a new generation of leaders on course for a veritable Christ-like representation and witness, "light must expose darkness" - by speaking truth in love! The Bible says, "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:5) Paul used an interest...

#The Law of Intention is Biblical!



One of the real difficulties we all have to face in building relationships and dealing with people, Christian or otherwise, is "maintaining a right heart attitude", when you encounter (AND, it's inevitable) individuals who are: "Faulty" (bogged-down with old hurts in relationships) "Flaky" (make empty promises and often misrepresent their ability and intentions) "Full-of-it" (mean-spirited,  judgmental and ornery)  There's A LOT going on in this season, and the Body of Christ urgently needs to rally and support one another, for the imminent things on the horizon; BUT, "if we can't TRUST each other", some of the unnecessary fallout and struggles will become more prevalent. What we do with pressure REVEALS - "who we really are", and instead of attacking, backbiting, or ignoring the things our circumstances will cause us to confront; we must deepen the roots of our faith and share God's LOVE, to help heal and rest...


I think I've probably irritated (pissed-off) all the people who are going to "unfriend me" on Facebook already (by now) or quit reading my blog, because I KNOW "my mini-sermonette' s" don't sit well with some people - who really don't understand my call, the associated pain and prayer relating to it, and the faith that is required for me "to put myself out there" - to be despised, rejected or disliked; because "I'm called to SPEAK the truth, in love in these last and evil days!" BUT, anyone who KNOWS ME, also knows that - "I'm OVER IT", already (Lol), and "I'd rather OBEY GOD, than man!"... That being said..I'm OFFICIALLY - crying out for The Body of Christ, who are aware, conscious and engaged in the walk of faith with CHRIST - "to STEP UP your game!" SATAN's "advanced strategies" are keeping us divided, because YOU THINK "we need to like each other - to love each o...


"The Center For Kingdom Advancement - Ontario" (TCFKA) is NOT about "big buildings", "slamming - praise teams", or all "the fixings" of traditional church models. God has commanded ME to "bring church to people"! We normally meet at IAP, located at 115 E. "F" Street, Ontario, 91764. TOMORROW, and every Sunday moving forward, we're taking TCFKA to the streets! AND, we conduct meetings (one-on-one and small groups), WHEREVER anyone/someone wants to "have a conversation"! If YOU have friends or family members that "won't step foot in a traditional church building", CONNECT them with TCFKA! I am here to SERVE, LOVE & IMPART the Kingdom of God into every person on topics ranging from "current events", to complicated theological issues. JOIN US tomorrow at "this Starbucks location", from 10am till the group gets hungry! (Smile) WS-3 P.S. - Feel free to call our Mobile Office at 213...




For almost three years now, I've diligently sought a career opportunity in the public or private sector, encountering some very unusual happenings and occurrences (to say the least), while I've faithfully and patiently walked this journey of faith; going wherever God said to go, and doing whatever God said to do! What we "call faith", is NOT really faith at all in many cases, if we're unwilling to deal with: the "tight spots", the "feelings of abandonment", the injustice of giving much - but receiving little (by HIS design), and "looking foolish" for trusting and walking with HIM; during the times that you feel forsaken; although "others", without the same level of desire to follow or serve HIM, seem to prosper!?! I have attempted to forfeit this "crazy call of God" upon my life SO MANY TIMES, and as I awaken today - anticipating "daily bread" and HIS Goodness to be revealed - I am NOT ashamed "to wa...