
Conversation with Walter L. Smith III

#MY RESPONSE TO CINDY'S BLOG..(Read Link Below) Cindy: This is a simple, yet very profound blog that is telling of your character, your intimacy with God, and your courageous humility, to "see light in the midst of the darkness", or "to entertain the grey matter" that too often feels like "soul fog" - as we walk through places where the wrong perspective could send us in to depression, or worse! I want to encourage you to "stay the course", and "COUNT ALL THINGS AS LOSS, for the surpassing knowledge of Christ" that you're obtaining by "being still, and SEEING the salvation of The Lord"! The implication is this - "too see", we must gain perspective, where everyone else calls it QUITS! In the spiritual realm, "new territory" is gained, when we're willing to reinvest or give everything to God, again! Your heart's ponderings about "perceived needs" and "actual needs", wit...


Disclaimer: This is NOT a judgment of the show, I've ONLY seen the trailer, and a brief interview of one of the preacher's sharing his motivation for doing the program. I'm writing this blog to provide sound basis for how to evaluate things done "in Christ's name", NOT as some gossip-column or disparaging outlook upon any of these Men of God. If "Preachers of LA" is more than an exercise in "self-actualization", the "Messiah-Complex", or the "celebrity-syndrome" of those who will be entertained by it, we should actually experience and see "the proper use of this God-given platform" (I pray) - to perpetuate the cause and advancement of Christ's Kingdom; and NOT the parading around of material-possessions, ministerial exploits and sermonic-mastery, which won't necessarily bring HONOR to God! Some would say, these kinds of opportunities "show our humanity", and help us to "build bridges in t...






IF THE WORLD is "awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God", don't you think it's time - TO BE ONE!?!? What do you mean? "Manifesting Sons" (not gender specific) are NOT just "children by right of birth", BUT "those who produce the character, nature and the lifestyle of Christ" - through their own lives, which contagiously and powerfully introduces HIM to the searching souls wanting the authority and influence of true sons to be made manifest! IT'S TIME for us to stop letting "Christian labels" do nothing but define our religious preference... The personality and personhood of CHRIST "in us" is REVOLUTIONARY, if we yield to HIS INFLUENCE and "let HIM live through us"! "Bless-Yo-Ministry" (Lol) if you believe that "the brand of Christianity" is nothing more than a "name-tag"or social identification.. #BE-THE-CHANGE!  WS-3 Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)


"Pastor Walter: What is really the GOAL of the LGBT movement? #1 - PERSONAL ACCEPTANCE #2 - RECOGNITION IN THE MAINSTREAM OF SOCIETY #3 - REFORMATION & RECONSTRUCTION OF "CULTURAL NORMS & BIASES" If you DON'T have the grace or patience to deal with these issues or this community, you should prayerfully consider the specific role you have in Christ's Mandate "to go and make disciples of all nations".. Yes, this is a small percentage of the world's population, but of growing importance, in light of the repercussions that will take place in society in the years to come! WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Be thoroughly acquainted with God's Word, with a developing knowledge and passion for understanding "systematic theology" and "human development.".. WHY? If we don't understand "the fall of man", and the severity and the implications thereof, we can't lead people down the "Redemptive Path" that Christ has mad...

