Disclaimer: This is NOT a judgment of the show, I've ONLY seen the trailer, and a brief interview of one of the preacher's sharing his motivation for doing the program. I'm writing this blog to provide sound basis for how to evaluate things done "in Christ's name", NOT as some gossip-column or disparaging outlook upon any of these Men of God.

If "Preachers of LA" is more than an exercise in "self-actualization", the "Messiah-Complex", or the "celebrity-syndrome" of those who will be entertained by it, we should actually experience and see "the proper use of this God-given platform" (I pray) - to perpetuate the cause and advancement of Christ's Kingdom; and NOT the parading around of material-possessions, ministerial exploits and sermonic-mastery, which won't necessarily bring HONOR to God!

Some would say, these kinds of opportunities "show our humanity", and help us to "build bridges in the world" that questions "whether we're normal or not"?!?

The world we need to reach, KNOWS that we're human and actually thinks that we're hypocrites, because we tend to outwardly reflect our religiosity, while privately nursing our bondage and dysfunction..until some unavoidable circumstance "shows our underwear" (so to speak)...

"Reality Shows" aren't REALLY reality, if there scripted, reflect ONLY upon what the "personality" wants you to know, and is more image-conscious than tastefully transparent! 

Our culture seems to celebrate - deception, delusion, and fantasy; so many won't discern how delicate these men need to be, as they engage in this show..PLEASE PRAY for them!

But, we (the Body of Christ) DO NOT need "to let it all hang out", "air own dirty laundry", or "attempt to fit in", with the predominant culture!  We're CALLED to share our "overcoming testimonies" - THAT's IT!

And, instead of drawing attention to ourselves, we need to walk circumspectly, redeem the time, and make better use of our resources to reach the masses for Jesus Christ!

GOD NEEDS the powers of greed, lust and perversion to be BROKEN over this community in Los Angeles - which is fed and further perpetuated, by this entertainment-driven landscape full of "self-seeking opportunists"; and it starts (the application and judgment of darkness that's influencing God's people) with "the church"; so that the "redemptive purposes" that HE has in mind, are NOT mischaracterized, mismanaged or sabotaged through "fleshly endeavors"!

I respect the men and their ministries, who I'm sure have "prayerfully considered" their participation in this "opportunity" that has come about..

I'm NOTat all "in the spiritual stone ages", as it pertains to or relates to the importance of our culture and society getting a clearer picture or view of "we" - HIS trophies of grace that should be doing NOTHING but pointing the masses to HIM!

But, I'm also sure that those with no care or regard for "the stain of worldliness" that is often associated with many "black preachers" - in particular, will DEFEND their favorite preacher and televangelist, and see nothing wrong with "a reality show for preachers"...

It is MY HOPE and PRAYER that God raises up "a witness that reflects HIM - through and through", which should teach others to only leverage platforms "in the world" to further HIS Cause, and not their own!

Here are some questions to ask ourselves, to see if our "activities in HIS name", passes Christ's muster (standard)...

"Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does; and He will show Him greater works than these, that you may marvel. For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will. For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him."(John 5:19-23 NKJV)

#1 - Does the exaltation or promotion through a given activity or opportunity of ours, ultimately draw people to God or us - as its "chief end"?

#2 - Does the primary beneficiary of the activity we're engaged benefit us personally, or Christ's greater - redemptive purpose?

#3 - Does our involvement or "freedom to do as we please", negatively affect or wrongfully encroach upon any segment of the Body of Christ? (Children, Young Men, or Fathers according to 1 John 2:12-14)

"Tools", "vehicles" and "methods" are all neutral, UNTIL our intentions and motivations become made known - by virtue of both the impact and the results, that should be more than self-benefitting!

TO PREACHERS OF LA: If you want to be a celebrity, you're in the WRONG BUSINESS!  GOD NEEDS "servants, not show-offs", so PLEASE be careful what you represent "in HIS name", from this day forward!


Yes, the scriptures promises that we can have "riches without sorrow", but NOT at the expense of others, or in anyway that is damaging to our "witness to the world"!

Does the involvement of ANY of these preachers point toward a "merchandising spirit" or profit-motive?  NOT NECESSARILY...

But, if this reality show is improperly done, without regard for the things I've mentioned above, even if their intentions are "pure", the impact will do nothing more than provide "entertainment value" - with NO "redemptive value"; but lets hope that's not the case!

#PRAY-4-LA!  WS-3

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