



Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario) 6767 Sunset Blvd. , Ste. 8-407 Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 524-0654 Ministry Office "An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture" This electronic message transmission contains information from Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. (PIHIM) that we consider to be confidential or privileged. The information is intended solely for the recipient and use by any other party is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone at (323) 524-0654, or by electronic mail ( ) Thank you.


The introduction and influence of "the prophetic dimension" - is quite powerful, especially when your "present reality" and circumstances - SCREAM in unbelief, that "you won't make it out of the month of August"! I am a WITNESS that when we "press into the prophetic", by both appreciating and valuing the Mind of the Spirit, "the forecast of hell" looses its power; and its voice is diminished, muzzled, and silenced - "in the presence of Almighty God"! As you "believe God" for the "felt needs" that you have in your own life, DON'T FORGET to press in to God and expect HIS best- while you focus your energies on HIS higher purpose for the future that HE has in mind, for YOU! VISION is "sure proof" that God has NOT changed HIS MIND, about YOU! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywo...


ONE RACE - ONLY... It has been "wisely stated" that there is ONLY "one race, the human race, and I concur with that wholeheartedly! But, the human heart - without God, finds it necessary to distinguish and delineate our distinctions; to either achieve seniority of our ideals over someone else's; to point-out inferiority of others to ourselves; or to pridefully claim superiority over "another race"! Conversations about "race" in this nation, generally don't seem to be productive - UNLESS, we incorporate "God's Perspective" on the matter, which can't be truly understood - by encouraging racial debate; by demeaning one another's unique positive and negative qualities; or by isolating one group from another - like the "KKK" or any other "race-baiting" or "race-hating" organization. DEFINING TERMS IS IMPORTANT.. Before I can go any further, it's important that we all ...


Anytime we think about "public servants, normally the first thought we have is in regards to those who serve a "public office", like a mayor, city councilman, or any other political office that has direct responsibility "to the people".. PREACHERS are also "public servants", but their first accountability and allegiance is to Almighty God; but, right after that - "we" are responsible and accountable to the people that God has "given us too"! One of the many realities that has become such a foundation in my soul is:  - "I can't lead people, where I haven't been!" - "I can't relate with people, who I can not 'see'!" - I can't impact people, when I'm not full of love!" - I can't walk with people, unless I'm living, talking and walking with God!" There is NO GOOD THING in us, accept The Lord has strategically planted it, by HIS Spirit!...

"WE" got this..."

One of my good friends in Texas always operated his business from the "very beginning" with the future in mind, by saying "we" every time he spoke of the work his company was doing. The reason I use to get so tickled (and still do) about hearing him say it, was because "I knew there was NO "we", anywhere in the picture"! Lol.  This morning as I was in my time of devotion,  I came across this powerful passage in the Book of Psalms. "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."(Psalms 118:24 NKJV) Well, was David also "positively projecting" when he penned this passage, or did he have a "revelation" on our covenant with God - that gave him undisturbed confidence to boldly proclaim this aloud? When we develop the "same disposition" that my friend did, in relationship with Christ, we can "say we" with the same confidence and expectation - that "with God, all things are p...

