When YOU are REALLY in a "spiritual battle", because of the divine purpose and biblical promise thatʼs prophetically hanging over your head — especially during "HARVEST SEASON", Satan's job is to exacerbate, frustrate, and intimidate you about “certain” progress (that youʼve directed your faith towards), thatʼs specifically his PRIMARY “arrow of choice" inside the believerʼs mind (womb of their spirit); which is OUR OWN inferiority and insecurity issues internally vexing us thatʼs actually meant to DISPLACE us from the PATH and PURPOSE of ALMIGHTY GOD! LISTEN: When you are ALL ABOUT the "advancement of Christ and HIS kingdom" no matter WHAT (WHO, etc) may come or go — YOU remain CHRISTʼs "bondservant” to move at HIS every whisper or command, the enemy of your soul can do NOTHING; BUT, induce IRRATIONAL FEARS and INTIMIDATION about what YOU or I foolishly allow in our hearts.. FEAR ABOUT WHAT, EXACTLY? - The pressing deadlines of...