
#POISONOUS PEOPLE...Subtitle: "Don't, Judge ME!"

I'VE NOTICED, the more that I interact with "people in general", where I REALLY need to be cautious - is amongst the ultra-religious, the hyper-spiritual, and the uneducated spokesperson's, who has "just enough truth from God's Word - to be DANGEROUS"! I've also noticed that "Biblical Illiteracy" is the primary culprit - lurking behind the pedantic arguments, insults and "peddling" that demonstrates the degree of immaturity and idleness that gives birth to ill-equipped and "poisonous people".. LORD, HELP US... I've seen the gross imbalance of opinions, preferences and "slanted" bible commentary that "drives one-point across", to turnaround and break twenty other passages or principles of Scripture; to prove their misguided and misinformed point of views! SOME FOLKS are "marked" for chaos, confusion, and correction, so attempting to "save them", "heal them...


A "multi-faceted life or calling" requires a "multi-dimensional grace or context" - for application, comprehension and understanding of God's Design & Purpose, for your future! The degree of preparation denotes "the potential" and "the implications" thereof, of what - "yielding to HIM", will mean! Somewhere in our determinations to be "free", we've gotten "out of balance and weird", about being accountable and responsible to others... The "sophisticated consumer" has now created an environment - where people believe "research on the Internet" is "qualification enough", instead of seeking help from an educated professional; like an attorney, doctor, Elder/Pastor, or Tax Attorney... "In the church", we either swing from the pendulum of "strict allegiance to one person", or "no accountability to anyone - BUT GOD"?  Not SO! Our "co...








I've NOTICED something very peculiar about the "ministry mandates" that people believe that they've received from The Lord! I suppose that my curiosity is partly due to the past few years of education in the Holy Ghost, which I believe has focused me in on "my own personal lessons and observations", while God has actually been "training me to reign"! This may also be the reason that "any occurrence" I see, has been SO magnified to me - about the struggle in others! My goal is NOT to subject myself to the diabolical plague that I too often see yoked upon many men and women of God like "Hubris" - or the spirit of haughtiness and pride that mirrors an unhealthily fascination with SELF; "reading your own press releases", or becoming so egotistic and narcissistic about the ministry assignment "that you've called to fulfill" - it actually "stops being about people", and you end up getti...

