#POISONOUS PEOPLE...Subtitle: "Don't, Judge ME!"

I'VE NOTICED, the more that I interact with "people in general", where I REALLY need to be cautious - is amongst the ultra-religious, the hyper-spiritual, and the uneducated spokesperson's, who has "just enough truth from God's Word - to be DANGEROUS"!

I've also noticed that "Biblical Illiteracy" is the primary culprit - lurking behind the pedantic arguments, insults and "peddling" that demonstrates the degree of immaturity and idleness that gives birth to ill-equipped and "poisonous people"..


I've seen the gross imbalance of opinions, preferences and "slanted" bible commentary that "drives one-point across", to turnaround and break twenty other passages or principles of Scripture; to prove their misguided and misinformed point of views!

SOME FOLKS are "marked" for chaos, confusion, and correction, so attempting to "save them", "heal them", or "direct them" - will be like the reaction you'd experience with any abused animal; no matter how gentle your touch of assistance or help may be...


Absolutely, not..BUT, this is what I'm talking about! "Poisonous people" look for ANY REASON to "be offended"!

The "past abuse" is still "so fresh" in their hearts and minds, so it clouds, colors and confuses these people, until ALL that is around them is "birds of the same feather" - who speak from the place of pain, but NOT in a spirit of reconciliation or from a grace-filled or redemptive tone!

Any DIRECT or CHALLENGING words, are received as condemnatory and harsh..

"Just be understanding towards my dysfunction!", they say with their dark attitudes!


YES, we can..But, emotionally-unhealthy and spiritually downcast people, who are "no longer babes" - or shouldn't be, want "special grace" from EVERYONE, for their woundedness and brokenness...?

Earlier, I had the craziest encounter with this "special personality" (Lol!) that parades around biblical opinions to the masses - online, without a CLUE of "the spirit that they operate in"; and as a result "ATTRACTS" the same type of delusional, offended, and wounded people...

For over an hour, I read these spewing accusations and negativity, like a "pack of wolves" demeaning, insulting and judging me for being "EVERYTHING BUT" (Lol!), what I actually said during my response to an online post!

This hurting individual is actually "so very wounded" and percolating with repressed anger, bitterness and unforgiveness from a "past relationship" (which they privately shared), and instead of asking God to excavate it from their soul, their "doing ministry in HIS Name"; without a CLUE of the extent that their unhealed wounds and brokenness is perpetuating similar poison in others!

They call their reckless approach - "FREEDOM", and it bespeaks of the blatant ignorance that has too long gone unchecked "for those who cause divisions in the church", according to the New Testament's "biblical approach" for both lovingly addressing and confronting (as necessary) the misrepresentations (whatever the issue may be) of Jesus Christ in the church-at-large...

Obviously, "having" and "building relationships" is very important, in establishing a rapport for effectively communicating truth, and really getting to hear the heart of the individual; to know how to poignantly minister to their "felt needs".

But, in the coming days, the mounting outcry and "red-hot" social-media buzz of both "disgruntled believers" and "hostile opponents" - who are aggressively parading against the abuses and the manipulation of "the institutional church" and its leaders, along with the current volatile environment in which the humanistic voices of our predominate culture are moving rapidly towards "silencing the voice of Christianity" in the marketplace; is going to become increasingly worse, and SOMEHOW - "the poison in the hearts of "hurting believers", is going to have to be REMOVED"!

We can NOT become "renegades" or "carriers of this poison", and expect to be mightily used of The Lord - or act as a real source of healing and ministry to the "lost world" that we're called to serve!

CHRIST will "heal" HIS people, but it will NOT be independent of 'human agency"!

What did JESUS mean, when HE made reference to "casting pearls before swine"?

Here's the context:

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. (Matthew 7:1-6 NKJV)

JESUS "ain't playing", as HE addresses the subtle disguises of religiosity and super-spirituality that often represents itself "in people", who refuse correction or truth; claiming that their "being judged" - when they don't have the CAPACITY - to receive HIS Word!


This passage is NOT excusing the attitudes that are indifferent towards authority; is NOT saying that the conversations necessary for properly instituting "church discipline" are wrong; and is NOT excusing the arrogance of ANYONE - "seeing themselves better than someone else"; which is NEVER excusable; AT ALL!

The reference to "judgment" here, is made in light of the GRACE of God that we ALL need to "be holy, as HE is holy", and to allow "love to cover a multitude of sins"; which must be a part of our operational and recreational emphasis that is common amongst believers - especially! BUT, more importantly, it's speaking of the attitude of avenging, condemning or damning another person for their faults or mistakes..

NONE OF US have "any right" to clobber other people for their blunders, idiosyncratic issues, or weaknesses, BUT "we must speak truth in love" to one another, no matter how fragile or offended they may become...  

"Don't judge me", doesn't mean - "Don't tell me I was wrong!", "Don't confront me in my sin!", or "Don't worry about what I do!"...THAT'S ERROR, and a disguise for the REBELLION that despises ANY AUTHORITY, "Because, ONLY GOD is their judge?!?"


This is SO COMMON now, that it's being further perpetuated - because of the festering wounds and imbalance that has been SO pervasive and replete in segments of Christ's Church!

My heart is heavy for God's people...BUT, I know that The Lord is "doing a work" that only HE will be able to take credit for!


Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"

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