

It seems now more than ever before, that I'm just unable to easily discount or ignore the chaos in the "every day" local and national news, and I believe that one of the reasons is due to my developing perspective as a Minister of the Gospel - along with the wisdom that "should come" from forty+years of living; which has me "deeply contemplative" and "seriously sober"...Because, I'm much more aware of God's Word and God's Ways in this season of my life, and my desire to be an effective witness for Christ often keeps me reflective, prayerful and watchful; on who I am and what I represent really means to those around me (in my world). When you or I choose to selfishly live for ourselves - with no regard for the "bigger picture" or for the "greater purpose" that our very existence should serve, we're normally very lonely and "spiritually lethargic" or dead; so our understanding of the importance or o...


"KINGDOM KEYS" are apart of "God's Honor System" for every committed disciple that IS properly processing and possessing HIS heart and perspective in all areas of life; as our ongoing renewal and reconditioning occurs in the continuum of our growth and development in Christ.. The LIBERTY and freedom associated with this walk of maturity (perfection), actually attests to the wisdom attained, by continually abiding and residing in the place "sanctified experience" and "spiritual integrity" has truly developed a consciousness of HIS ways and HIS will - on the inside of you! This particular blog is NOT intended for the "complacent christian", at all. It's meant for the deeply committed and contemplative disciple, who REALLY WANTS to please God, honor HIS Word, and "govern themselves" in a way that destroys Satan's ability to use "leisure time", "letting your hair down", or "carnal escapades...

# Covenant Keeping God..






# Unadulterated Speech...


#Our Dispensational Role...

#Our Dispensational Role...WS-3