#"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality" - Part 3, by Pastor Walter L Smith III.
"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality & Building Bridges Between the LGBTQ and Christian Communities" (Part 3) DISCLAIMER : If you've never read my first (2) blogs (SEE LINKS BELOW) on the LGBTQ Community and the issues surrounding it - that I sincerely believe clearly reveals "God's heart"; PLEASE DO! This 3RD BLOG is the MOST IMPORTANT one of them all, and will be sure to release God's power in unprecedented waves of HIS Goodness; if God's people OBEY! WS-3 The Father’s Heart Part 1-3 BLOGS (Original Book Content) https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2011/09/building-bridges-lgbt-christian.html?m=1 https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2013/04/building-bridges-lgbt-christian.html?m=1 https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2015/08/the-fathers-heart-on-homosexuality-part.html?m=1 THIS is the 3rd blog installment of mine on this particular subject area, and it is VERY NECESSARY in light of the continuing drama and intense feuding going on eve...