

"Black folks" in America NEVER RECEIVED "extra rights", and neither should LGBTQ citizens.. The EXCESSIVE NEED to seek these extra rights, is what will cause delays in the progress that progressives and activists in the LGBTQ community are actually seeking! Q. Do you have issue with LGBTQ persons pursuing "Equal Rights"?  A. ABSOLUTELY NOT! BUT, "equal rights" has CONTEXT, and within the framework of true civility and the commonality that must exist within our human society (as a democratic republic), what is normally based upon a "majority consensus" that has always been governed by the long-standing principles of our historic, factual, and evidence-based society; which now seems to be all about the preferences and agenda of one particular group. In fact, BLACK FOLKS never wanted to be treated as anything - but as HUMAN BEINGS; NOT as animals or "slave labor" for a privileged group, in a government and power struct...


There is urgency in the Spirit for a "Mature Bride", and in my unique apostolic and prophetic call (in regards to this burgeoning outcry), and I personally happen to have ZERO TOLERANCE for...: - Hand-holding - Pomp and circumstance - Ego-tripping - Territorial preservation - Religious Spirits, AND - Carnal Christians ...BUT, I also sense that The Lord has dramatically shifted in HIS Agenda, and we ALL must make the adjustment, to both adapt and adopt HIS Sovereign Agenda and HIS Purposeful Mind! My "intolerance" does NOT represent a "lack of love", but a "limitation on the amount of BS (Blundering Stupidity; LOL!) that I can stomach" - without actually going to "my closet", and beginning to violently decree and declare, as many "complacent believers" (which is an oxymoron) block, hinder and oppose "God's Higher Purposes"; by "holding things hostage" through indifference, resistance or stubb...








We ALL know someone, who is "well-meaning, but immature", and although we can SEE "the gift of God in them", we also recognize the unpolished areas and innocent-ignorance that governs much of what people say that are "qualified in their own minds"; but have NOT been properly prepared or become accountable to anyone else, but themselves! "Renegade Spirits", "Rebels with/without a Cause", and "Religious Non-conformists" tend to be the LOUDEST dissenters of anything "organized", or seen as a part of the "institutional church"! As I've stated MANY TIMES BEFORE, everyone is NOT graced to speak to matters pertaining to the Body of Christ, because "by reason of exercise and use", their unqualified! EVERYTHING IN GOD is "graduated development", NOT based upon "anointing's" and "gifts"! Because, if you're NOT "graced", you do MORE HARM, than good! I do NO...

