



There is absolutely nothing wrong with "ethnic pride" and intentional investment/reinvestment in your specific "community" of national origin! The unique contribution of our "global" cultural diversity, is actually a complement to GOD's profound handiwork, even in the midst of this country's growing racial divide and the aggressive posturing that's taking place in many communities, because of both the perceived and the actual injustices that won't get any better without a change. And, a community's defense of "it's own", should NOT be criticized, politicized or railroaded, because some feel uncomfortable at what's being exposed in the system -- and in the blatant prejudice and racial profiling that's being revealed in too many people's hearts! I commend the "healthy and positive influence" of #BLM, in the midst of the ongoing controversy and the tragedies of the innocent that suffer at the ...

#Righteous & Relevant..



A PROPHETIC PEOPLE.. “ A PROPHETIC PEOPLE” As a Minister of the Gospel that has been greatly influenced by Pentecostal and charismatic environments -- I come from an interdenominational, multicultural, multiethnic and trans-generational background, where one of the many invaluable experiences of my walk of faith with Christ, has been during some of the amazing and notable encounters that I've had during my developing relationship with God, through the fullness or baptism of the Holy Spirit in my early adolescence (around 13 y.o.). What I came to genuinely understand (even in my youth) was that the Spirit of God was nothing to "play with", and that there are dimensional realities and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, which are NOT common experiences or casual encounters that nominal believers will ever have, without a passionate hunger and thirst being birthed in their hearts that absolutely overwhelms their soul and attracts them to the ...


I have tried my best to stay clear of the political partisanship and stupidity that is so prevalent all over social media, as MOST PEOPLE seem to take no objective view of political candidates and the competency/qualifications that make them trustworthy for the highest office in the land! In the present reality, the world (system) "growing darker" -- and the people (according to Isaiah 60) means: "the obvious or right thing to do", will seem afar off where common-sense, good judgment, and true patriotism -- in spite of our country's known historical blunders and injustices against Native Americans, African Americans, etc.; from the scourge of slavery to Jim Crow cronyism, the white establishment in this country has been ruinously abusive. When I was reading the commentary from this article by Allen West, I was sickened by all the ignorance and indifference that makes people blindly support corrupt personalities and dead causes, "spiritually speaking", ...


"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Proverbs 29:2 (KJV) The past eight years have NOT been a time of great rejoicing for this nation, but will ANYONE truthfully point-out the ineptness and political correctness of this country's leadership, as the primary reason for our current state of affairs; or will we also make lame excuses for the declining economic conditions and chaos in the world? As a Christian, my worldview definitely is informed by the acceptance of our society completely under the predominant influence and rule of Satan over "the world", generally speaking. But, I also recognize that God's Original Intent for humanity, includes accepting responsibility, walking in authority, and exercising dominion over every contrary force or foe that opposes the advancement of HIS Will on earth as it is in heaven! "Romanticizing evil" - denies reality, avoids penalt...

