I have tried my best to stay clear of the political partisanship and stupidity that is so prevalent all over social media, as MOST PEOPLE seem to take no objective view of political candidates and the competency/qualifications that make them trustworthy for the highest office in the land!
In the present reality, the world (system) "growing darker" -- and the people (according to Isaiah 60) means: "the obvious or right thing to do", will seem afar off where common-sense, good judgment, and true patriotism -- in spite of our country's known historical blunders and injustices against Native Americans, African Americans, etc.; from the scourge of slavery to Jim Crow cronyism, the white establishment in this country has been ruinously abusive.
When I was reading the commentary from this article by Allen West, I was sickened by all the ignorance and indifference that makes people blindly support corrupt personalities and dead causes, "spiritually speaking", and THEN "it" hit me afresh...
"GOD is never more in the driver's seat in the lives of HIS people, than when evil seems to prosper --without correction or remedy!"
MY LIFE and MY FAMILY are NOT completely subject to the corruption and destruction of this world, UNLESS I'm consistently prayerless, politically negligent and uninformed, or ignorantly aggressive about any thing that I partially understand or incessantly pursue, without HIS Mind, HIS Will and HIS Purpose as "my singular focus"!!
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