
The "TRUE" Apostolic Order...


#IT'S ON "YOU"! (James 4:8-10)






#"FREEDOM" is up to YOU!



"Despite the fact that around 4.6 million people have signed this petition, their chances of actually getting their way are very slim. Even if they convince enough electors to turn on Trump, the House of Representatives would choose between Clinton and Trump -- if the Electoral College can't come to a decision. Since the House has a Republican majority, it's obvious that they would choose Trump." WHY are the college students, media pundits, and rioters "still fighting"?   Because their CAUSE is "just"?  NOT, AT ALL! But, they want "THEIR OWN WAY", no matter WHAT the results are; and it's reflective of irrational, misguided and unstable HUMANITY that will have to STAND BEFORE "ALMIGHTY GOD"! One of the reasons the GOD of SCRIPTURE appears so harsh and judgmental in the Old Testament concerning the evil or wicked behavior of people, was that there was NOT yet a "remitting sacrifice for sin"; to ultimate...


When we take time to reflect on all God has done for us, we are moved with gratitude for what he did in the past.   But, we should also be encouraged to trust HIM for what we need in the present and the future.   Our Lord is "the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Anything HE did on Tuesday, HE can ALSO do on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Our culture bases happiness -- on happenings, and confuses success with significance all the time.   But, God knows that "abundant living" is not dependent on anything as fleeting as today's circumstances. HE invites us to enter into HIS gates of worship and provision -- with thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4), knowing that gratitude is the gateway to a life of faith that believes, receives and rests on our Father's best for our lives! What makes Thanksgiving difficult for you today?   What challenges are competing with your gratitude to the ONLY WISE & FAITHFUL GOD? ...