"Despite the fact that around 4.6 million people have signed this petition, their chances of actually getting their way are very slim. Even if they convince enough electors to turn on Trump, the House of Representatives would choose between Clinton and Trump -- if the Electoral College can't come to a decision. Since the House has a Republican majority, it's obvious that they would choose Trump."
WHY are the college students, media pundits, and rioters "still fighting"?
Because their CAUSE is "just"? NOT, AT ALL!
But, they want "THEIR OWN WAY", no matter WHAT the results are; and it's reflective of irrational, misguided and unstable HUMANITY that will have to STAND BEFORE "ALMIGHTY GOD"!
One of the reasons the GOD of SCRIPTURE appears so harsh and judgmental in the Old Testament concerning the evil or wicked behavior of people, was that there was NOT yet a "remitting sacrifice for sin"; to ultimately REMOVE and FINALLY SATISFY the eternal wrath of HIS Judgment against our sins. The ATONEMENT (of the Old Testament) was definitely "beneficial"; but it was obviously NOT "eternal"; or a final act worthy of "once and for all" removing the stain of our sin..
JESUS CHRIST "fully and finally" SATISFIED the wrath of GOD against ALL of humanity's SINS (past, present and future). BUT, "it" only COUNTS (so to speak) for those who ACCEPT, RECEIVE, and "daily" APPROPRIATE the Perfect Substitutionary Sacrifice of Lord & Savior Jesus Christ on our behalf!
DEVILS "never go QUIETLY" means, because they KNOW their judgment is FINAL -- and their end is PAINFUL, even without remedy or relief; they fight tooth and nail to never be brought to ACCOUNTABILITY, but that's a LIE of the devil for real!!
"PEOPLE" who are "under the control" and influence of the "god of this world", operate "the same" as "demons that are held captive" by his lies!
Until their actions bring about consequences that "they cannot squirm out of", they ignorantly refuse to accept their fate or to "take a bow" -- without FIRST receiving "the" severe and FINAL blow, that CHANGES EVERYTHING and SILENCES their voice!
PRAY THIS COMING WEEK, that as things start to shift and be exposed on a greater level, that the response of PEOPLE will NOT be "resistance"; but "repentance", and that they WILL NOT become "casualties" -- so the loss is MINIMIZED, because of how the enemy desires "to bring them into harm's way" through their own "rebellious hearts"!
The CLIMAX of the past few weeks "resistance to the TRUTH" -- and to the results of the election, are REALLY "not" about "DONALD TRUMP"; but what will people do with GOD's WORK "in each of us"..
"2017" is going to be an AMAZING YEAR for "BELIEVERS"; but a PAINFUL YEAR for MANY "unbelievers"! Because, their ONLY SALVATION will be in GOD's INTERVENTION through the "prayers of HIS people", to "destroy their WORKS"; but to in turn -- "save their SOULS"! WS-3
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