Our “testimony” is NOT just telling someone what happened to us, but how we partnered with God through the person of Jesus Christ, AND - "overcame triumphantly", through each and every circumstance; NO MATTER WHAT "happened" to us in the process. God is NOT glorified in a "sad song" or "sob story" that we share through our innocent-ignorance or due to the real-life brokenness, which causes many of us to tell the world about our suffering and challenging circumstances; without resigning it to GOD! The world is acquainted with "suffering", just as much as we are - or more, but - as Christians, because the Bible says “it rains on the just and the unjust”, our witness is strengthened by relating to those who've gone through similar circumstances -- and being a comfort or consolation to them. Suffering is one of the areas of "common ground" we have with all of humanity; as well as being subject to space, time and matter...