Our “testimony” is NOT just telling someone what happened to us, but how we partnered with God through the person of Jesus Christ, AND - "overcame triumphantly", through each and every circumstance; NO MATTER WHAT "happened" to us in the process.

God is NOT glorified in a "sad song" or "sob story" that we share through our innocent-ignorance or  due to the real-life brokenness, which causes many of us to tell the world about our suffering and challenging circumstances; without resigning it to GOD!

The world is acquainted with "suffering", just as much as we are - or more, but - as Christians, because the Bible says “it rains on the just and the unjust”, our witness is strengthened by relating to those who've gone through similar circumstances -- and being a comfort or consolation to them.

Suffering is one of the areas of "common ground" we have with all of humanity; as well as being subject to space, time and matter; including death.  Therefore, all “ministry” done by mature Christians, should be grounded in the foundation of our personal intimacy and communion with the Lord first!

Everything in a believer's life, including the "sermon preparation" for pastors, must take on a different focus; from the pursuing disciple that’s hungry and thirsty for an abiding habitation with the Father; instead of an impressive or revelatory message that magnifies the minors, neglects the practical application for sincere Christian living, and avoids transparency about our own personal development, struggles and growth.

So, a "five-fold ministry calling" does NOT warrant excessive preparation, but sincere devotion to the Lord, weekly preparation of the heart to be open for use, and deliberate study – according to God’s leading; but without succumbing to "the pressures to perform".

The people cannot relate to a leader expressing through his life or message - "spiritual superiority or sinless perfection", which is our attempt "to add to Christ’s finished work" – instead of appropriating His will by His grace, through integris agreement and alignment, with consistent cooperation with the Mind of the Spirit. 

Being an example, or "walking worthy of our calling", is NOT just a mandate to ‘be Christ', but a determination to let Him live His life consistently through us - on purpose.

We must graduate from the space where rampant interpretations and "God leading me", continues to reinforce unnecessary wanderings and delays, till we experience the expansive demonstrations and manifestations of GOD's power, without following the prideful preoccupations of men with "being used"!

"Lord, help us.." WS-3


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