

When I originally wrote "THE REALITIES OF THE SIN NATURE" blog, I was responding to a frustration seeing Christians begrudge over there own discontent and dissatisfaction in their relationship with GOD.. The issue is: Because we have so dumbed-down the work of Holy Spirit, by misrepresenting Jesus Christ through our uncommitted, unsurrendered and half-hearted lives — while also straddling the fence in our devotion and relationship with the Father, we SADLY often act as the "judge" and the "jury" towards "sinners who sin"?!? There is NO MANDATE FROM HEAVEN for "Christians to attack, criticize or judge the world"!  We are called to SHARE THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, and "overcome Satan, by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of our testimony"! Dave Chapelle's quote is profoundly accurate, and I pray becomes the beginning of "judgment beginning in the House of God"; where instead of secr...


"A JOYFUL HEART DOES GOOD!" A joyful heart is good medicine [the Hebrew says, 'causes good healing'], but a broken spirit dries up the bones" (Prov. 15:13, 15; 17:22). I don't think there's anything more delightful for me than a "good laugh" with my beloved family! I mean, I love to laugh until I'm in tears. And, if I'm really stuffed from eating — letting out an occasional "gas bubble" (fart) is also too funny to me, if I'm really on the ropes about "the something" that either my wife or children have said during the course of conversation at dinner; while watching UFC; or when one of us decides to imitate someone we see on television. But, I also know what it's like to have a really hard time believing ANYTHING that I know in my heart of hearts, is straight from God's Word.. What I mean is, I've had my heart broken over and over again, to the point of almost losing my mind — no...


"NO MORE YOKES" - GALATIANS 5:1 Yoke. A well-known implement of husbandry, frequently used metaphorically for subjection , e.g. ( hence an "iron yoke" represents an unusually galling bondage. ( Enslaved by. .) A pair of oxen, so termed as being yoked together.  The Hebrew term is also applied to asses, and mules, and even to a couple of riders. ( Yoked Together ..) The term is also applied to a certain amount of land, equivalent to that which a couple of oxen could plough in a day,(Authorized Version "acre"), corresponding to the Latin jugum. ( Determined boundary / limitation, responsibility / irresponsibility or commitment/complacent ..) Are YOU in a yoke of "sin"? READ "search" scriptures from Bible App.     Genesis 27:40 (Jacob and Esau - heart envy and jealousy is destructive) Exodus 6:6-7 ("Egyptian bondage is a choice") Leviticus 26:13 (God won't humiliate you while...


WHO ARE THE "REAL HEBREWS"? : And, Why Does It Really Matter? Let's START at the END from the BEGINNING, and give you a CLEAR PICTURE of the Kingdom of God "from the onset" in this most important blog! The Bible is clear that God is "no respecter of persons", and that salvation has never been about any particular "race"; but always about grace and faith, which GOD PROVIDES to every one that believes, receives and rest upon the "finished work" of Christ, which was accomplished at Calvary for our sake . "A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God." ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭2:28-29‬ ‭NIV‬‬) Question: "Is Christianity a white man's religion?" Answer: In th...


Has "distance" ever played a trick on you.  When that seemingly "very attractive person" from across the room, arrives in closer proximity for a "better look" — And then, without straining your eyes or breaking out the binoculars (smile), you're able to behold their person with a much clearer view... From a distance, we dazzle at their looks.  Up close, we get to see and hear their hearts. And, all too often, we're deeply impacted and surprised by what we discover in the end. Indeed, what a different picture comes into view, when you and I actually get the opportunity to be up close and personal; to judge more than mere appearances and aesthetic beauty...  At first glance, what appeared to be "heaven on earth" (by their dress and their looks) through further exploration and investigation of their hearts and their personalities, soon paints a vivid and sometimes disappointing picture of their unsettledness, insecurity and wounde...

Conflicting values are generating many of today’s headlines.

Conflicting values are generating many of today's headlines. Our culture is locked in an ongoing conflict between those who value "civil rights" for LGBTQ persons, and those who value "religious rights" for Americans who affirm biblical morality. Pro-choice advocates value the woman's right to choose; pro-life advocates value the unborn child's right to life. What can we do to co-exist? Walter L Smith III (WS-3) Founder, Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. (PIHIM)/The Center For Kingdom Advancement (TCFKA) 1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #7052 Rochester, MN 55901 -9998 1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 (Corporate Office) **Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018! **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator **Member, Rochester Chamber of Commerce (2014) This message is intended only for the use of the address and may contain information that is CONFIDENTIAL. If you are not the intended recipient, yo...

How Can We “Guarantee Change” in 2019?

How can YOU and I "guarantee change" in 2019? Changes don't come by "invisible things" falling out of the sky! Change comes as we: a) renew our minds through God's Word, and b) choose to both believe, receive and confess ALL of God's Promises back to Him! When GOD sees that we're pursuing HIM "with all of our hearts", HE not only gives us the desires "in" our hearts, but also "of" our hearts; which means HE changes "what motivates us" and "what we seek after".. When we're "led by the Spirit" instead of being "controlled by our flesh or feelings", our obedience in following HIM, and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us each day, brings about God's best into our lives -- and then, the change that comes into our individual lives, transforms us from the inside-out! "2019 is...The Year of Unfolding Majesty & Supernatural Identity in Christ"! GET THERE, by shifting a...