A joyful heart is good medicine [the Hebrew says, 'causes good healing'], but a broken spirit dries up the bones" (Prov. 15:13, 15; 17:22).

I don't think there's anything more delightful for me than a "good laugh" with my beloved family!

I mean, I love to laugh until I'm in tears. And, if I'm really stuffed from eating — letting out an occasional "gas bubble" (fart) is also too funny to me, if I'm really on the ropes about "the something" that either my wife or children have said during the course of conversation at dinner; while watching UFC; or when one of us decides to imitate someone we see on television.

But, I also know what it's like to have a really hard time believing ANYTHING that I know in my heart of hearts, is straight from God's Word..

What I mean is, I've had my heart broken over and over again, to the point of almost losing my mind — not realizing at the time, that's exactly what I needed; for the Mind of Christ to occupy and possess the reigns of my heart!

As Proverbs 15 describes the impact of a "broken spirit" that "dries up the bones", I think about the children of Israel's despondency and unbelief in the wilderness.

The strategic question is: Was the wilderness a manifestation of their heart's condition and disposition towards God-processing, or was it simply a process that God ordained to get the "wilderness out of them"?

I believe it is "both, and"; but, the latter being the primary cause — so that Israel would KNOW what's in her own heart!

You couldn't have told me twenty years ago, that my journey would be marked by such fire and trial! Especially, since I felt so equipped and ready for what God called me to do — at least that's the way I felt back then!

Now, looking back retrospectively through the process of time, I realize that the surface understanding that I had was really quite accurate. But, I had no clue that I lacked the weightiness of God's Power and Presence to truly navigate through the process triumphantly and victoriously, with the certainty that God has and will always be "with me", no matter how dark the storms or how silent God may seem in the darkest moments.

Today, as I'm writing this blog, I sense the winds of refreshing from the presence of The Lord, stirring intently — and brooding over me, as I take this time to encourage you!

Let yourself enter into His Rest once and for all!

Reject the idea that you need to account for or explain the unexplainable!

Stop looking for your own personal flaws or weaknesses as the reason for God allowing such a painful process!

Don't any longer see it as "things happening to you"; but God permitting "things to happen for your benefit" — no matter what it looks like, while you're still "in process"!

Some of the things we traverse in this life will only make sense through the lens of eternity!

And, grasping for "deep" revelatory explanations, only tends to drive us into greater despondency and discouragement, when our feelings about the process plays bigger than the benefit of the process on us (in us)!

Let your disappointments breed greater trust in God's timing, so that a fear of stepping out or moving forward, does not become a paralyzing immobility that steals the opportunities God intends to use in a restorative and purposeful way!

Let's all pray for a healthy sense of humor, and the ability to allow the joy of The Lord to be our strength in every way!

The ability to laugh at our own mistakes..

The ability to accept justified criticism—and get over it..

The ability to interject (or at least enjoy) wholesome humor when surrounded by a tense, heated situation..

The ability to control those statements that would be a misrepresentation of His heart —even though they may be funny to us, but at the expense of someone else's pain!

Choose to have a joyful heart right this moment, with a spirit of faith and a heart of gratitude as your only focus!

GOD KNOWS how to bring us through those dark places of the soul, while building up our most holy faith, as we let go of the things we can't control or change!

I thank God today, for the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness!

I thank God today, for working all things together for good, to the called according to purpose!

I thank God today, for letting me count all things as loss, for the surpassing greatness of His Power to all that believe! WS-3

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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