

THOUGHT:  WOW..It just "hit me" in my spirit... Where we labor the longest "for real change and transformation", is the place that we need to be the most grounded and founded in our walk of faith! TRANSLATION:  WHATEVER has taken the longest or come to you the slowest, is "where" you need CHRIST IDENTITY the most! ACTION STEPS:  Part 1 — NOW, stop struggling with "your wait!  YOU are/were SIGNIFICANT before ANYBODY ever acknowledged or applauded YOU! ENTER HIS REST NOW, and enjoy your process in COMPLETE FAITH that GOD is "big enough" to make it happen without YOU "stressing out", "misrepresenting Him cause you're frustrated", or "taking a different path cause you're tired"! PART 2 — NOW, life your hands, lift your voice, and bless His Holy Name! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #7052 Rochester, ...


Family: There’s a GOOD REASON that most of the notable New Testament (NT) characters that play significant roles in the Biblical record, were founded in the “marketplace”.   A few of the dynamics that “plays big” on the importance of this truth: Context and Messaging.. “One dimensional people” CAMP OUT around “revelation”, without truly understanding its significance “in” and “to” the predominant culture — or in the world that “they live”; because they (the world) will NOT discern “spiritual things” with their own intellect!  ANY REVELATION we have too share today, is NOT “continuing revelation”, but progressive understanding that makes us fruitful in our age and dispensation.. Church Leaders: If you don’t believe that a bivocational career path is “God’s will for you”, consider the two most important historical figures of the NT, that are primarily responsible for what we both read and act upon “in faith” as the called-out ones (“living epistles openly read by m...


  BLOG Re-PUBLISHED & EDITED: "Cultural Pride vs. Cultural Appreciation?"   By: Pastor Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)   {Originally Published © August 21, 2007} All you intellectual "microwave thinker"s are absolutely going to despise this blog (Lol)…But, all you "slow-roasting" critical thinkers (Smile),  are going "to send me glowing comments and overwhelming financial support", until "I have to tell you, to stop being so generous to the ministry". AMEN! (in Jesus' name; Lol) Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. is an Apostolic & Prophetic Marketplace Ministry and Mobile-Church Community that focuses on ministering to every level of the dominant culture (nationally and internationally), and church leadership that influences the searching world, complacent Christians, and the Remnant of Christ's Followers, in fully comprehending: God's Original Intention, The Kingdom Cont...


When I originally wrote "THE REALITIES OF THE SIN NATURE" blog, I was responding to a frustration seeing Christians begrudge over there own discontent and dissatisfaction in their relationship with GOD.. The issue is: Because we have so dumbed-down the work of Holy Spirit, by misrepresenting Jesus Christ through our uncommitted, unsurrendered and half-hearted lives — while also straddling the fence in our devotion and relationship with the Father, we SADLY often act as the "judge" and the "jury" towards "sinners who sin"?!? There is NO MANDATE FROM HEAVEN for "Christians to attack, criticize or judge the world"!  We are called to SHARE THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, and "overcome Satan, by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of our testimony"! Dave Chapelle's quote is profoundly accurate, and I pray becomes the beginning of "judgment beginning in the House of God"; where instead of secr...