Family: There’s a GOOD REASON that most of the notable New Testament (NT) characters that play significant roles in the Biblical record, were founded in the “marketplace”.
A few of the dynamics that “plays big” on the importance of this truth: Context and Messaging..
“One dimensional people” CAMP OUT around “revelation”, without truly understanding its significance “in” and “to” the predominant culture — or in the world that “they live”; because they (the world) will NOT discern “spiritual things” with their own intellect! ANY REVELATION we have too share today, is NOT “continuing revelation”, but progressive understanding that makes us fruitful in our age and dispensation..
Church Leaders: If you don’t believe that a bivocational career path is “God’s will for you”, consider the two most important historical figures of the NT, that are primarily responsible for what we both read and act upon “in faith” as the called-out ones (“living epistles openly read by mankind”), and they are: Jesus (the Carpenter) and Paul (the Tentmaker).
Jesus, the Carpenter “builds” and “establishes” (foundational)..
Paul, the Tentmaker “structures” and “strategizes” (occupational)..
Both of their learning was critically influential upon their divinely orchestrated paths! But, most strategic and purposeful for the roles and revelations they deliver to us, which are critical in understanding how we “reach the world” in His Name!
The church being founded upon the “ministry gifts” given in Ephesians 4, is NEVER about one of those “functional offices” having more importance, significance or relevance than another. It’s ALL ABOUT the complementary role they serve “in tandem”, which makes none of them about “deepness” or “personality”, but ALL ABOUT the manifold ways that CHRIST “lives consistently and gloriously” through the lives of yielded vessels that NEVER make “their calling” ABOUT THEM!
If you have to respond to “your critics”, do it IN PRAYER, by reflecting on what’s been said — and aligning more with God’s heart about using your influence in your world, to reach more people “for HIM”! WS-3
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