

The "truth" is NOT what we "say" or "think" that it is based up agreement, confirmation or conviction. "Truth" is a Person, and HE is the "Inexhaustible Treasure"of ALL purported knowledge, philosophy or academic theory - Jesus Christ! Yes, this is ONLY debatable (in my humble opinion) where the lack of experience and exposure exists; but what's most significant is, TRUTH never needs human ingenuity, human strength or human rhetoric to defend its position or progress - it's ETERNAL, and forever settled in the heavens! Consider being on the side of TRUTH, your life will never again be complacent, stagnate or impotent...SELAH! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #7052 Rochester, MN 55901-9998 1-800-973-8533, Ex t. 700 and 701 **Leadership Greater ...


"Real Prophets" don't need cameras or crowds to stand as Christ's devoted ambassadors and spokesman, communicating HIS heart and mind in the earth! More gets done from obedience "behind closed doors" than the pomp and pulpiteering that is often seen as a representation of the authentic, but wreaks of fleshly mixture that parades around for attention with no true substance or "weight" to get things done! "Bandwagon Christians" get excited about "words" and "personal prophecies" that leads to further conformation and bondage. But, the evidence of God speaking is NOT the fanfare that follows the message preached; it's the genuine repentance that manifests in the lives of God's people, conforming them more into HIS likeness and releasing greater dimensions of His love and grace for the world to see! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center F...


"'Rowdy House' contributors are nonpartisan, anonymous musicians contributing musically to elevate national awareness regarding government waste, corruption and excessive regulation. One thing we all agree on: Government waste and corruption should be stopped. Every day, politicians waste our money and create regulations to benefit their special interest friends. We are bleeding billions and no one seems to be paying attention. Politicians believe they can continue to get away with it. They have weakened the voice of the American people by dividing us politically. We need to heighten public awareness and create a united, bipartisan public pressure to stop waste and restore America's financial strength." WOW - This just goes to show you that "Christians" sometimes complicate what is very simple in the scheme of things...And, you don't need a "spiritual guru" or "savior" as a President to advise or lead you to ...


TRUE REPENTANCE is the metamorphic transformation through a "change of mind, a change of attitude, and a change of direction". Are you REALLY going to keep misrepresenting "your season" as some "school" God is taking you through, when you've resisted the people and the circumstances He's used to get your attention! YOUR PROBLEM is: You keep finding people to reinforce the dysfunction and darkness in your soul, and then demonize anyone really used by The Lord to shake you out of the apathy, complacency and slumber that is flooding your soul! STOP running from the confrontations meant to break the strongholds off of your life! If you don't surrender once and for all to God soon you won't be able too! "How long is soon?" 'Wrong question, dear heart!' The right and proper response is "I REPENT!" WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kin...


PEOPLE OF GOD: There will be NO "wealth transfer" without proper accountability, distribution, and stewardship in the House of God! Instead of attempting to raise a big salary for primarily "you" and "your key staff", while constantly asking for monies to build a "big building" to accommodate "the herd" you only see twice a week, at best; decide to stop manipulating people to give to you and your "television ministry" that's really only reaching a handful of people - and can't support or sustain itself...Take your "anointed self", along with your God-given talent into the marketplace; and just "be" salt and light. If you'd just admit that you only engage in ministry one-and-a-half days, preaching or teaching, you'd finally realize that it doesn't really require you to be "full time" to impact people for the Kingdom of God! I'm NOT picking on anybody in particula...

“A Practitioners Perspective On Racial Equity”..

CONSCIOUSLY AWARE.. In my forty-four years of living, I don't think I've ever been as conscious and aware of my own "brown skin", then during the first five years of living in Minnesota.  Personally, I grew up in a military environment, where diversity was common; where I never felt the least bit "different", because of the color of my skin; and where everyone's skin color was simply understood to be an issue of pigmentation.  As we all know now, "skin color" is all about genetics, which is basically the product of both the individual's biological parents' genetic makeup, as well as the individual's exposure to the sun within a particular geographic area. If ONLY these simple yet profound facts, were able to curb the tide of ignorance and indifference of "radical" white or black nationalist groups, whose mission's often polarizes, ostracizes, and bastardizes anyone else whose different.  So, now we k...

“Intercession From Our New Testament Reality In Christ”

Introduction Intercessors are a great gift to the body of Christ.  As an apostolic and prophetic leader, I am thankful for every person who feels a special calling to intercede for me and the work of ministry that I am called to do.   I recognize that intercessors have played a key role in what God has done and is doing.   The place of spiritual warfare in intercession has become a very popular and debated topic in the body of Christ in the last few years.  People are acknowledging that their battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil spiritual powers in heavenly places.  The war against satanic forces has moved from the realm of casting out demons to actual warfare in the heavenly realm through prayer, worship, and prophetic acts.   The concept of intercessory prayer has moved from praying for individuals and circumstances to direct confrontations with demonic powers in the heavenly places. Casualties of War In...