PEOPLE OF GOD: There will be NO "wealth transfer" without proper accountability, distribution, and stewardship in the House of God! Instead of attempting to raise a big salary for primarily "you" and "your key staff", while constantly asking for monies to build a "big building" to accommodate "the herd" you only see twice a week, at best; decide to stop manipulating people to give to you and your "television ministry" that's really only reaching a handful of people - and can't support or sustain itself...Take your "anointed self", along with your God-given talent into the marketplace; and just "be" salt and light. If you'd just admit that you only engage in ministry one-and-a-half days, preaching or teaching, you'd finally realize that it doesn't really require you to be "full time" to impact people for the Kingdom of God!
I'm NOT picking on anybody in particular, I just hear the Spirit of The Lord strongly correcting and directing people to understand "the game has changed"! That's partly the reason billions of dollars annually flood the nonprofit community, and NOT many churches, because "our god is our belly"! We have wrong motives, and have bought into "prosperity doctrines" that never seem to take into account your present stewardship and literacy with money...
I believe in God's people supporting authentic ministry that is really transforming lives! I believe that god's people should be blessed! But, it's time out for all the "playing church" full of men and their ministries - who keep cycling and perpetuating strongholds in weak-willed people that don't really KNOW Christ, and aren't going to change!
Perhaps the reason you're struggling to make it, is because you should be "working instead of waiting" on your "big break" into full-time ministry! SMH!
If God is sincerely leading you in the way of full-time ministry, then all your scrambling and scheming must mean you've "missed a big part of His original instructions to you"; or you've so "framed what it's going to be" that you can't hear the Holy Ghost screaming, "Wake up!"
THIS DAY marks the beginning of "financial support" that was formerly miss-sown and wasted on fleshly pursuits of mixed up men and earth-bound visions - and not to consistently support the orphans, the poor and the widows; to NOW begin to rapidly FLOW and increase into the hands of men and women with heavenly vision and the Father's heartbeat, in Jesus' name! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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