

"WS-3's Opinion":  Sometimes I feel quite disconnected from what is deemed "the larger struggle" by some...Because — its REALLY HARD FOR ME too listen to ANY NATIONAL MEDIA, without FIRST — researching primary sources, reading all sides of the argument, and seeking God about what I've "heard"...  I think I'm being healed of "SMH (shaking my head) syndrome", because it seems to me , even amongst my limited Facebook friends, WE FAINTLY UNDERSTAND the "real narrative"; but, we'll BEAT EACH OTHER DOWN OVER THE "evening news"?!? #ResearchWhoOwnstheNetworks   #StopLettingMediaPunditsCreateYourNarrative #StopBeingSoPoliticalYourBlind #RelateTooPeopleNotParty DISCLAIMER: This message is APPROVED by Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #70...


What you are permitted both "to hear" and "to see", (spiritually speaking) is a definite indicator and identifier of what you carry for Christ & for HIS Kingdom. Sometimes, the "real burden" is being able to see, but feeling powerless or inadequate to change "it" for the better.. Perhaps, because you've been made to feel that you're criticizing or judging in the past.. Even when you - know yourself, there is neither malice in your heart or judgment upon your mind; you're simply "speaking the truth" - as you SEE it! Yes, it is somewhat of a juxtaposition, but we all know when someone's intentions are inflammatory or negative..And, we also know when the truth is cutting to the core of what our so-called "mirrors" somehow don't reveal to us (NOT!); although we just got through looking into them..? My greatest "service" to GOD's people (NOT feats and exploits th...


When YOU are really in a "spiritual battle", because of the divine purpose and promise prophetically hanging over your head, especially during "HARVEST SEASON", Satan's job is to exacerbate, frustrate, and intimidate progress; and HIS primary "arrow of choice" in the believer is our own inferiority and insecurity, which is meant to DISPLACE us ! LISTEN: When you are ALL ABOUT the "advancement of Christ and HIS kingdom", no matter what may come or go — YOU are HIS "bondservant"; and the enemy of your soul can do NOTHING but induce FEAR in your heart! FEAR ABOUT WHAT? — The pressing deadlines of your unpaid bills, unresolved conflicts, and the violent assaults and feelings of unworthiness that come directly from hell. — The overwhelming pressure to bow to hopelessness, inadequacy, and inferiority, for "believing God, again" — when you've repeatedly 'cast a line' with no catch. — The "bullying spirit"...


"Process" is NOT God's arbitrary need to control your life or to involve Himself in the subsequent pathways we all eventually undertake on the journey of faith!  God does "work things" in us to bear a greater measure of fruit through us, but we must become honest about why certain things are happening in our lives; and graciously wait and appreciate His goodness and mercy through the difficult learning curves we call -"process"! Consider this: If you would just "repent", change your mind+attitude+direction about the problem area (sin) in your life, God would "take time out of the equation" and supernaturally do what your perfect performance, humanistic efforts, and "contacts" can't do - without years or tears prolonging the manifestation! Understand God-processing, and be free from being the source of your own demise today!  "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the...


""Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'"  (Matthew 25:37-40 NKJV) If you look at the state of Christendom from an objective point of view (according to God's Word), and in light of Christ's mandate to the Church - the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, the Great Community, and the Great Exchange are as significant now (to God's remnant), as they were prior to Christ's ascension back to the right hand of The Father! What is the "Spiritual Mandate" associated with Christ commissioning to the Church? #1. The Great Commission - GO! - Becaus...


God is NOT asking YOU to accept ANY LIMITATIONS that would encroach upon HIS DIVINE PURPOSE for your life in ANY AREA; no matter what disabilities, weaknesses or failures have occurred! The fact of the matter ”is”, the Eternal Realities that become a part of our “inheritance in Christ on earth”, can NOT fully manifest or materialize if the devil can “convince us” through RAIN, STORMS , and TROUBLE that God has called us to ACCEPT, LIVE WITH and EMBRACE the “earth’s realities” we’re confronted with as our “lot” in life — if it STICKS or ATTACHES ITSELF long enough for us to start to BELIEVE IT, INSTEAD OF GOD’s ETERNAL WORD!!!! OUR GENERATION has experienced extreme LIMITATIONS and RESTRICTIONS when it comes to EXPERIENCING God's Power manifesting on behalf of EVERY BELIEVER; especially because we're generally UNWILLING (Reluctant; Disinclined; Spiritually Complacent) to LAY DOWN OUR LIVES, APPROPRIATE HIS FINISHED WORK, and NEVER SUCCUMB TO defeat or compromise; no matter how l...


The LORD whispered in my heart that HE has chosen to walk me into DIVINE HEALTH in my physical body, through DIVINE REPAIR, DIVINE RECOVERY, DIVINE RESTORATION, AND DIVINE RESTITUTION.  This means that GOD has primarily chosen through "supernatural means" to walk day-by-day with me through the  aches ,  pains ,  regrets , and  shame  that occurs when believers (Christians) neglect to relate to their life assignment and purpose with the highest regard for the BODIES/TEMPLES. Once "we" believers/Christians) recognize that this is a high priority as "Temples of the Holy Spirit",    our thinking about the implications and repercussions of "how" we handle our bodies must become apart of "the believers occupation"  (in the earth — body) / "in the earth" (society/world)  The primary reason that gluttony, obesity and rampant sexual sin is even named amongst "Christians", is because the empha...