"The Great Commission"
Some times I wonder if we (believers) have a hearing problem, or maybe we just don't fully comprehend Christ's mandate for the Ecclesia (called-out ones)?
Today, I had a very sobering contemplation about standing at the Judgment Seat of Christ, giving account for my obedience to His will with the talent, time and treasure that He has granted me stewardship.
As an analyzer and strategist, I thought long and hard about "how" I would respond to certain questions; and as I did - I could sense the Holy Spirit grieved by my lame excuses, selfishness and wandering heart! If any of you asked me last week, whether I was "totally devoted" to Christ and His Cause, I would have "loudly proclaimed" my dedication to Him - along with the number of years that I have been sincerely committed!
But, no matter what people believe or say about what they can "see" of your obedience to Christ, only you know (if you're staying in His face) whethe...