

What you are permitted both "to hear" and "to see", (spiritually speaking) is a definite indicator and identifier of what you carry for Christ & for HIS Kingdom. Sometimes, the "real burden" is being able to see, but feeling powerless or inadequate to change "it" for the better.. Perhaps, because you've been made to feel that you're criticizing or judging in the past.. Even when you — know yourself, there is neither malice in your heart or judgment upon your mind; you're simply "speaking the truth" as you SEE it! Yes, it is somewhat of a juxtaposition, but we all know when someone's intentions are inflammatory or negative..And, we also know when the truth is cutting to the core of what our so-called "mirrors" somehow don't reveal to us (NOT!); although we just got through looking into them..Right?!? My greatest "service" to GOD's people (NOT feats and exploi...

Quote from The Father’s Heart on Homosexuality, By Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)

"The argument that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality in the gospels is misleading and illogical for at least five reasons: The gospels are not more authoritative than those books of the Bible that condemn homosexual behavior. All authors of scripture were inspired by God's Holy Spirit. The gospels are not comprehensive. Some of the Bible's most important teachings—the explanation of spiritual gifts, the priesthood of Christ, the doctrine of humans' old and new nature—appear in other books of the Bible. The gospels do not claim to be a complete account of Jesus's life or teachings. Sections of Jesus's life are not discussed in the gospels, and we cannot be certain that Jesus never spoke about homosexual behavior. Scripture teaches that Jesus kept all the law and affirmed all that the law and the prophets taught. Undoubtedly, this would have included the affirmation of committed, monogamous male-female marriage and an unwavering condemnation of homosex...


"IS GOD PUNISHING US?" THE WOMEN's MARCH:  What's strange about this is, the head organizer is a WOMAN who is Muslim, that actually is seeking to implement SHARIA LAW in the United States.  What an IRONY, for a community that has frequent abuse, degradation and mistreatment to champion a cultural and religious practice in our country that would lead to FURTHER OPPRESSION OF WOMEN?!?   I understand the "pro-choice position", but this further contradicts the PROTECTIONS that women should have, because of the devastating consequences to their physical bodies and mental health in the future.  Studies are showing an increased incidence of "Breast Cancer" for women that have had abortions; although this is NOT broadcast through the MSM, at all! The ECONOMIC and POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS of this link being definitively determined would lead to a crippling effect upon the incidence and epidemic proportions of abortions being p...


Through the years, I've seen some very interesting manifestations of God's Glory revealed in our ministry endeavors throughout the world. As I'm remembering some of those unusual and funny times where peculiarly powerful demonstrations brought us to greater dimensions of obedience and reverence for the Spirit of Grace; one instance comes to mind this morning... I had an assignment on the Eastern Shore of Maryland for a season, in which many of the seeds that we'd sown, are still harvesting in the Delmarva region today. One in particular involved a time of prayer with a well-known local pastor, in which his "surprise visit", had me boldly laying hands on him, in my fun pajamas - with some of the biggest and furriest cartoon-character "blue-slippers, you'd ever seen..LOL! At the conclusion of our time, he happened to look down, then he encountered and BEHELD, the "blessing of The Lord", as he partook of the 'man of ...


"I DIDN'T SOW FOR THIS TO HAPPEN..DID I?" Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM; WS-3 Enterprises & Associates Divine providence is the governance of God by which He, with wisdom and love, cares for and directs all things in the universe. The doctrine of divine providence asserts that God is in complete control of all things. He is sovereign over the universe as a whole ( Psalm 103:19 ), the physical world ( Matthew 5:45 ), the affairs of nations ( Psalm 66:7 ), human destiny ( Galatians 1:15 ), human successes and failures ( Luke 1:52 ), and the protection of His people ( Psalm 4:8 ). This doctrine stands in direct opposition to the idea that the universe is governed by chance or fate . Through divine providence God accomplishes His will. To ensure that His purposes are fulfilled, God governs the affairs of men and works through the natural order of things. The laws of nature are nothing more than Go...


"THE HEART & MOUTH MUST AGREE!" When you do not "value your own words", as much as God's Word, you devalue the weight of influence they have in the world being created around you - even when you speak "with conviction"; because the authority of every man or woman is diminished by "the heart and the mouth" in disagreement! This denotes the primary reason "idle communication" is judged, according to Matthew 12; "by your own words, you will be justified or condemned"... TALK "with purpose and on purpose"! So, when God uses you to speak for HIM (prophesy), even what you share "from your heart", and not as a "Thus Saith The Lord" - will move people towards HIM! WATCH - Your Words..WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180 www.PIHIM...


"BEING PROPHETIC DOESN'T MAKE YOU INERRANT!" When we "prophesy", we do not assume a "mantle of inerrancy, immutability and infinity", like Jesus Christ; people of God! Many prophetic utterances over economies, nations and people's lives, must follow the continuum and process of Revelation , Interpretation and Application; so calling something a "false prophecy", is not basing what was communicated upon the fulfillment of specific details or degrees of accuracy -- although that becomes more and more certain "by reason of exercise and use". For instance, I've fasted and prayed - knowing by counsel, by God's Word, and by other verifiable mature witnesses that God's Mind on a matter was clearly revealed to me.  But, what materialized was the complete opposite! Like what I saw during the recent Presidential elections.. God did NOT elect Jimmy Carter, George Bush, Barack Obama, etc - the "...