

"CHRISTIANESE" vs "CHRISTIANIZE" One of the most RELIGIOUS and IRRITATING ACTIVITIES too me, in relation to CHRISTIANESE and it's self-righteous inferences, is the OVERUSE OF BIBLICAL DESCRIPTIVES — as if you "saying it" is going to MAKE IT A REALITY!! "Prophetic Sunday", "Prophetic Wednesday", "Prophetic Friday" Glory Gathering of Global Prophetic Saints & Friends Title-toting bandits with SELF-PROCLAIMED titles or UNQUALIFIED AGENTS that "God called" in the unique VACUUM related to their "peculiar calling", etc. etc. STOP IT! - Taking a trip or multiple visits overseas may represent "traveling internationally", but it doesn't make you a GLOBAL MINISTRY.. - It's MOCKERY to assume a post that GENERALS poured their blood out for.. -"Googling it" doesn't mean that you KNOW IT, HAVE IT or POSSESS IT.. -Trying to "become" befo...


AND AFTER "THAT", THE JUDGMENT.. REFER TO: GOD's JUDGMENT ON HUMAN INSTITUTIONS DEATH FACTS: DEATH is unavoidable YOU are no exception WE only die once DEATH is the beginning of Eternity Future, somewhere.. DEATH is our way to Destiny's Door based upon "how" we decided to live.. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES "And just as it is appointed for people to die once — and after this, judgment  —  so also Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." Hebrews‬ ‭9‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ ‭CSB‬‬ "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it." Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭25‬ ‭CSB‬‬ "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I ...


REFER TO: GOD's JUDGMENT ON HUMAN INSTITUTIONS and CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVE DOESN'T NEGATE THE TRUTH UNCHECKED POWER IS INTOXICATING, BLURS MORALITY, AND SILENCES OBJECTIVITY — WHEN THERE's NO ONE TO PROVIDE CONSISTENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND BALANCE!!  WS-3 GOD IS NOT PETTY — HE IS PRINCIPLED; and UNTIL YOU ARE HEALED FROM YOUR HURTS, and MADE WHOLE BY HIS POWER, YOU WILL RELATE TO HIS EARNEST CARE AND CONCERN AS HOSTILITY OR HARM INSTEAD OF HELP AND HOPE.. "Controlling the narrative" = to control how people think about you. You don't leave it up to them to form their own opinion. Rather, you interpret the facts for them. Everybody is doing it — governments, businesses, celebrities, and PREACHERS (FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER) - rewriting history - claiming celebrity - showing no humility The reality is: If you've got ENOUGH applause, fanfare, external support, and budget to MAINTAIN A NARRATIVE that never really allows the truth to b...


I've had some acquaintance with the religious spirit, since God positioned me on the front-lines to both consult and minister to religious leaders! Sadly, many "in the name" of their: "anointing", "ministry assignment", "untamed flesh", and "twisted theologies" - are some of the most angry and foul-mouthed personalities; and, "gentleness" is NOT one of the words that I'd use to describe their "behind the scenes" interaction and communication with the "ministry team"; supposedly "all in the name of excellence" (?!?), but that's simply carnality, pride and undisciplined flesh - and, to set a new generation of leaders on course for a veritable Christ-like representation and witness, "light must expose darkness" - by speaking truth in love! The Bible says, "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:5) Paul used an interesting...


CHRISTIANS: Here is what's important about having an efficacious witness in the supernatural for Jesus Christ, in properly REFLECTING, DEMONSTRATING and REPRESENTING the Kingdom of God and The King: 1. Christians are NOT engaged in an "us and them" battlefront. Our "humanity" is our commonality with the world; and, our "human" brokenness, weakness and fragility is WHY we can't EVER point to ourselves as "the standard", in or to the world. It's ALL ABOUT JESUS! 2. Christians must share our OVERCOMING TESTIMONIES "after" we've allowed God "to lead us through and to the other side" of all life's struggles, trials and difficulties. Super-humanity, Super-spirituality, and Christian-charity is NOT the answer or "the hook" that we need to effectively share our witness in our world. All satanic opposition to the Gospel message, to our Christian witness, and to our apologetic or evangelistic effor...


DOESN'T GOD GUARANTEE "MY SUCCESS"..? — YES..Credibility and Substance Over Casualty and Worldly Success! "HE wishes above ALL THING that you prosper and be in health, even as your SOUL PROSPERS" (2 John 3) "Meditate in the Word day and night, then shall You make your way prosperous and have good success.." (Joshua 1:8-9) Is SUCCESS subjective and personal (private), or objective and communal (shared)? We ALL KNOW what it should be? Can you be a success in your own mind, and a failure to everyone else? GOOD SUCCESS vs BAD SUCCESS Foundation Self-Serving Principles Situational Process Subjective Impact Sabotaging Results Seductive I believe that REAL SUCCESS IN GOD "is": Being everything that HE created you to be.. Doing everything that HE created you to do.. Going everywhere that HE created you to go.. Reaching everyone that HE created you to reach...