I've had some acquaintance with the religious spirit, since God positioned me on the front-lines to both consult and minister to religious leaders!

Sadly, many "in the name" of their: "anointing", "ministry assignment", "untamed flesh", and "twisted theologies" - are some of the most angry and foul-mouthed personalities; and, "gentleness" is NOT one of the words that I'd use to describe their "behind the scenes" interaction and communication with the "ministry team"; supposedly "all in the name of excellence" (?!?), but that's simply carnality, pride and undisciplined flesh - and, to set a new generation of leaders on course for a veritable Christ-like representation and witness, "light must expose darkness" - by speaking truth in love!

The Bible says, "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." (Philippians 4:5)

Paul used an interesting ancient Greek word (epieikeia) that is translated "gentleness" here.

Other translations of the Bible translate (epieikeia) as: patience, softness, the patient mind, modesty, forbearance, the forbearing spirit, or magnanimity.

A good example of this spiritual quality in the New Testament, is when Jesus showed gentleness towards "the woman who was taken in adultery". He knew how to show a "holy gentleness to her", despite the egregious sin that both she and the "unnamed man" had committed!

This word "gentleness" describes the heart of a person - who will let the Lord fight his or her battles. They ultimately know "that vengeance is Mine, says the Lord" (Romans 12:19).

It also denotes a person who is really free - "to let go of their anxieties, and all the things that would potentially cause stress"; because they know that the Lord "will take up his cause" - which is the truest representation of "our stewardship of God's purposes; and NOT our own!"

The scope of what "gentleness" means for the believer - is very broad. We show this gentleness "to all men"; meaning, not just to whom we please. When we live with the awareness of Jesus' return, it should make it all the more appropriate "to rejoice in the Lord", and "to show gentleness to all men."

Why? Because, JESUS paid it all!

We know that Jesus will ultimately "settle the score" at His return, and we can trust Him to make all things right in this crazy world, according to HIS will!

If you're encountering a lot of attacks, misunderstandings, and pressure - GO DEEPER, and allow the "Fruit of the Spirit" to be evident, no matter "who" flips-out, suddenly changes, or becomes an opponent instead of a proponent!


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